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2018 Congressional Elections Discussion

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:39 pm
by Dredge
Let discussion into 2018's House and Senate races begin!

Republicans face the Democrats in 435 House of Representatives constituencies and 33 states in the Senate, most notably in Texas, West Virginia, and Montana, three states which elected incumbent U.S. president D.J. Trump last November. However, manufactured Russia crises and the ineffectiveness of Republicans in Congress have put Democrats on the fast track to make thunderous gains in the House and to halt a Republican supermajority in the Senate.

In Texas, incumbent Senator Ted Cruz will face Congressman Beto O'Rourke--- Cruz's endless campaigning for President during almost all of his first turn in office have sent his popularity into the gutter and thrown Texas into play.

West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin is being pursued by numerous Repubicans for his seat, most notably conservative Evan Jenkins, who has earned a place on my list of Republicans.