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Episode Summaries

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:23 pm
by Bob
I've figured that the best way to acquire good episode summaries would be to simply work on getting my own set. 860+ episodes is a lot to review, though, and not something I can do all at once, especially with my semester about to begin. I've written close to 300 summaries for episodes up through "The Final Conflict" (although there are a few of the better-known episodes that I didn't bother to write summaries for yet, and many that need revision, e.g. to be shorter and more succinct than they are now), but there's still a long way to go.

Therefore, if anyone has some time to spend on writing these, I'd appreciate the help. I particularly need summaries for episodes that are either not ones that the majority of fans might recognize right off ("A Lesson from Mike") or are parts in a multiple-parter, like "The Green Ring Conspiracy", "The Ties That Bind", "Sergeant York", "Passages: Darien's Rise" and other similar ones, especially those with plot details that the existing summaries don't cover (instead presenting the same summary for both episodes). Summaries for better-known episodes are fine too, but these more forgettable or muddleable episodes are the ones that would be most helpful to fans (whereas I think most everyone knows what happened in "Snow Day").

I would reserve the right to edit, expand on or condense summaries presented on the AIOR. All AIOR summaries would become part of the 'public domain', freely available to AIO fans for use on their sites, provided only that they make a reference to where they got them from.

Re: Episode Summaries

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:33 am
by Scientific Guy
Do you mean "Summary" as in "A mystery is solved only after Emily and Matthew's friendship is threatened" or as in "It's been a long dry spell for the Jones and Parker Detective Agency. The two detectives have been moping around town, trying to find a case, but with no luck. Then one day, Emily walks into Morrie Rydell at the library – literally. Their books go flying, and only after the two pick them up does Emily realize..."?
Every episode ever has the first kind of summary, and a simple majority of episodes have the second kind on AIOWiki (Episodes sorted chronologically). The ones on the wiki I believe are already Public Domain, so you might be able to use those.

-- Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:36 am --

It looks like you're talking about the short kind. In that case, I'd suggest the official summaries from and from the wiki for the unreleased, Club, and special episodes.