Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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Post by Parakeet »


i am freaking out

UPDATE: Just found out we're watching it on Sunday in imax
so im excited.
it officially comes out at midnight tonight!! \:D/
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Post by bookworm »

I'm seeing it today!
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Post by Catspaw »

I saw it today too! \:D/ Woohoo! It was fun. I feel like I need to think about it a bit before I post too many thoughts, but I did enjoy it, and I would like to see it again. It was a bit different than I was expecting, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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Post by Tea Ess »

I saw The Last Jedi on Saturday, and it was absolutely fantastic. Like Catspaw, I did not anticipate how events would unfold at all, but that honestly might be my favorite part about it. Our expectations weren't just toyed with, they were completely destroyed, and it was refreshing. The Force Awakens brought out all the nostalgia, but the plot was fairly predictable, not deviating much from the original trilogy.
The time leading up to Snoke's death and the fight afterwards is probably my favorite scene of the movie. It was totally unexpected, beautifully choreographed, and now I'm really looking forward to seeing how Kylo's character will progress now that there isn't a Super Evil Bad Guy™ pulling the strings. I've been a huge fan of his conflicted nature and emotional outbursts that contrast so well with Darth Vader's character, so hopefully we'll get to see more of that.

Rey's parents being horrible nobodies was another thing I did not at all expect. It's a welcome change from the "Chosen One" trope that Anakin and Luke were both subject to. One common complaint was that this was a letdown after the teasing about her parents in The Force Awakens, which is probably a valid point, but I would need to watch it again to make a decision.

I definitely think that Yoda being the one to burn down the ancient tree (?) was the right decision. Luke carrying it out would just have made the whole thing completely bitter and regretful, while Yoda gave it a lot more legitimacy, and hope that letting go of the past would help foster the rebirth of the Jedi, whatever form it might take. I'm paraphrasing here, but the "That tree does not contain anything Rey does not already have" line was brilliant. I didn't even catch on to it until I read other people's reviews of the movie.
There were a few weak moments, some of which I'm still processing, and I'm not sure yet how I feel about Finn and Rose's plotline, but overall I loved it.
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Post by bookworm »

Called it 100% I saw right through you trailer. 'I need you to train me.' 'No way, after what happened before it's time for the Jedi to end.' 'But I'll be different.' 'Okay I'll train you.' It was so obvious that was where Luke started, not where he went.
Leia flying through space took a minute to accept, not because Leia is using the force now, that's fine we know its strong in their family and in the EU I believe she gets some training, but what put me off for a moment was just that it seemed to be an odd scene at first. But levitation is a canon force ability, so it's fine, we just haven't seen it in the movies before so it briefly caught me off guard

Astral projection on the other hand was a completely new concept to me. I'm good with it though. I could see that being an ability a super strong Force user could do, in a limited capacity and as a very draining experience as we saw it was. I would like clarification on why Luke suddenly up and died right after. I'm assuming it was related, that it took so much energy to do that he used the last of his life force, but it may have been from something else and just coincidental timing.

I didn't really think Yoda would be in any of these new movies, but it also wouldn't surprise me at all if they did do that, so when he showed up I was neither excited nor surprised, I waited to see if his inclusion was worth it or if it was just another nostalgia play. It worked. Though I'm pretty sure I read once that Jedi can't appear as Force ghosts forever, it's just for a limited time after they die, so decades after Empire here that probably shouldn't be a thing anymore technically speaking, unless they've retconned that part. But I guess you could argue that Yoda being the most powerful Jedi could make it last longer maybe.

About Rey's parents being nobody, I'm good with it. I don't think this is any better or worse than if she had been a Skywalker or a Solo or anyone else, I didn't care who she was, it doesn't matter. Because the Force isnt genetic, she doesn't need Skywalker blood to be so strong, she just happens to be a very special individual.

And I loved how Snoke was using the 'icon' of Darth Vader to motivate Kylo. That makes so much sense. Because there's a family connection, so it's something that would immediately resonate with him, but even if not that's something identifiable that one inclinced to the Dark Side would aspire to. Although it is a little weird since Anakin turned back to the light in the end, but maybe he was being like 'You can be the ultimate Vader, all the power while he was on the Dark Side and not turning back.' I also like it because I predicted it before the first movie was even out. :P
I liked it a lot, though I have to say not quite as much as I expected to after seeing all the incredibly favorable early reactions. I don't have anything negative to say about it, but I thought I would come out thinking it was the greatest thing ever and I don't. It was very good though, a solid next installment in this new trilogy. I'm very interested to see how it's going to conclude.

And it didn't feel its length to me at all, which surprised but pleased me.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

There were things I liked about it, and nice call backs like Force Ghost Yoda and the R2D2 recording of Leia from A New Hope, and some great moments like all the AT-AT's shooting at holo-Luke, lol.

But man, the flying Leia was just really dumb. I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT! :x

Also knew it wouldn't happen because it would've leaked, but was hoping Lando was the gambling guy they were looking for.

If Carrie Fisher was alive I'd be happy to have Leia live on, but I kind of feel like they had the chance to reshoot the ending there and have Leia sacrifice herself by hyperdriving into the First Order ship, to get her nicely written out instead of, "LOL she's in the bathroom now!" whenever she's brought up in IX. Maybe they saved back some deleted scenes to give her a good exit, though.
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Post by Catspaw »

Tea Ess wrote:
I definitely think that Yoda being the one to burn down the ancient tree (?) was the right decision. Luke carrying it out would just have made the whole thing completely bitter and regretful, while Yoda gave it a lot more legitimacy, and hope that letting go of the past would help foster the rebirth of the Jedi, whatever form it might take. I'm paraphrasing here, but the "That tree does not contain anything Rey does not already have" line was brilliant. I didn't even catch on to it until I read other people's reviews of the movie.
Can you elaborate on this, or provide a link? I feel like I'm missing out on something, unless I'm just overlooking something obvious. :anxious:

I saw the movie with my dad and my brother, which was fun, but I want to talk to a female friend who has seen the movie to see if I was the only one who laughed out loud (and I think I may have been the only one in the theatre to do so...) when
Kylo Ren appears shirtless and Rey tells him to cover up with a towel or something (to paraphrase). Chick flick time much? ;) Part of the reason I want to know about Rey's parents (more definitively) is to know how I should feel about their obvious but odd connection. It gives off more of a sibling/relative vibe, but really, it seems like multiple people should have said something by this point if their daughter or niece was kidnapped twenty years ago and now Rey shows up. ;) That's part of what I like about the idea that Rey's parents really were nobodies - otherwise, there's a lot of explaining to do about why nobody ever went back for her or found her etc.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

Here's my two cents:
The overall feeling I got from this episode was "It's gotta be over after this scene." There were so many climaxes it was hard to keep track. But taken in perspective, all of the climaxes were fine.

BB-8 seems like a suitable replacement for R2, as R2's a bit outdated by this time anyway. Sure, we love R2, but as a friend of mine said, these new movies are ushering in "A New Era, Parts 1-3" (sorry couldn't resist) of Star Wars, and a new generation of Star Wars fans.

I totally did not see that coming with Leia! It is likely due to my lack of Star Wars knowledge, but I guess this confirms that she is also a Jedi, or at least possessing of the Force. Also, why was Finn in a leaking bag? I assume it's because he's recovering from the end of VII.

Another thing; I missed how the pseudo-codebreaker struck a deal with the First Order if he had just been captured. Or maybe he was working for them all along. If so, why was he in jail?

I did not like Poe's character in this episode. His actor was great, but Poe himself was way too headstrong. His character in the first place made me not trust Vice Admiral Holdo, and that's unfortunate because I really liked her when she was first introduced. And I really liked her at the end; I mean, who else has sacrificed herself that way? (Jesse Davidson in Iliad House, but that's another story.) Take Poe out of the story after scene 1 and I'm content.

I want a pet Porg. That's all I have to say. Speaking of which, the line "Blow that piece of junk out of the sky!" (in regards to the Millennium Falcon) made me laugh.

Two scenes I remember the most clearly: Ben Solo holding out his hand to Rey after the battle, with charred ashes falling around them; and the Resistance ship shattering the First Order ship at hyperspeed.

I would have liked to see Luke there in person at the end, surviving being mauled because we know how awesome he is anyway, and because I think the Force would have protected him. It was a bit of a letdown that he disappeared, instead of just letting him live alone on his island for longer. And the Force / Jedi was a religion? I didn't pick up on that.

Rating: 8.5 / 10
Sad news, guys. Jar Jar Binks is no more. He has been killed by Kylo Ren.
EDIT: I never even saw the first trailer! HOW'S THAT!!
Last edited by Scientific Guy on Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Knight Fisher »

I utterly adored it. Being able to avoid everything after the first trailer set the tone and it's exactly what I wanted in a Star Wars movie. At the end of the day everything else is fluff next to that feeling of when you first picked up a lightsaber as a kid. And they captured that perfectly.
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Post by bookworm »

Catspaw wrote:
Tea Ess wrote:I definitely think that Yoda being the one to burn down the ancient tree (?) was the right decision. Luke carrying it out would just have made the whole thing completely bitter and regretful, while Yoda gave it a lot more legitimacy, and hope that letting go of the past would help foster the rebirth of the Jedi, whatever form it might take. I'm paraphrasing here, but the "That tree does not contain anything Rey does not already have" line was brilliant. I didn't even catch on to it until I read other people's reviews of the movie.
Can you elaborate on this, or provide a link? I feel like I'm missing out on something, unless I'm just overlooking something obvious. :anxious:
That confused me also, because doesn't Rey have the books on the Falcon at the end?
Tea Ess wrote:Our expectations weren't just toyed with, they were completely destroyed
Just about every review I've seen says this, but I didn't find that to be the case at all. :anxious:
Kylo killing Snoke was predictable because that's the way of the Sith, when you're strong enough you kill your master and the chain moves along a link. He's an undisciplined, impulsive guy so he decided it was time already and took this opportunity. When I noticed from their explanations of the visions that they can't see what actually happens, only a generic description, I saw it coming. "This is not going to go the way you think" because you're filling in the gaps the way that make sense to you, or the way you hope it goes, but that's not the only possible outcome. Yeah Snoke, you have him bring Rey to you and he strikes down his enemy, but the enemy is you right now because you've shown him who can be his apprentice so its time for him to become the master and take you out.

And because this was how I was thinking about that first scene, the later 'double turn' of him still being a bad guy didn't surprise me. He wasn't helping you escape Rey, he was using you to stage a coup. He wants you to join him.

But I'm not dissappointed that I saw these things coming, I'm excited! We've never seen this part of the Dark Side, the actual journey down the Dark Path, we've only seen people that were already there. You get a sense of how these things go from KOTOR when the way of the Sith is explained, but it's new to actually see it and it's a great new angle to explore in the movies to follow the evolution of the other side. In Force Awakens we saw him struggling to resist the call of the Light Side which was a great twist to put on things, now we see the next step after he resovled to embrace the darkness by killing his father in deciding to sieze power by killing his master, assuming the military command, and attempting to take his own apprentice. I'm very intrigued to see if there is any coming back from this, if the writers plan to redeem him in the end or if this is going to be our first on screen tragedy of the lure of the Dark Side.

Also, when Rey gives Luke the lightsaber at the beginning and he's holding it and looking at it, I was thinking to myself 'He should go 'no thanks' and throw it away, that would be unexpected' and I was just leaning over to my brother to say that when he did that! :P
Tea Ess wrote:
Rey's parents being horrible nobodies was another thing I did not at all expect. It's a welcome change from the "Chosen One" trope that Anakin and Luke were both subject to.
Rey is clearly still a Chosen One, it just doesn't come from the Skywalker family this time.
Scientific Guy wrote:
I totally did not see that coming with Leia! It is likely due to my lack of Star Wars knowledge, but I guess this confirms that she is also a Jedi, or at least possessing of the Force.
Yes, remember Luke says "The Force is strong in my family. My sister has it." In the EU, which is no longer canon, she does become a Jedi. In the movies she hasn't gone that far, but has certainly recieved training since Return of the Jedi.
Scientific Guy wrote:And the Force / Jedi was a religion? I didn't pick up on that.
It's been lightly referenced a few times (To Luke: "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster." To Vader: "Your sad devotion to that ancient religion.") but not really explored before unless you go outside the movies.

The Force is an energy that some people can sense is definitely there, some believe in it even though they can't sense it, and some don't believe it exists. Jedi and Sith are two religions that teach how a believer should understand and think about the Force. There are others, but those are the two most well known. Jedi believe it has its own will that you should bring yours in balance with, Sith believe it is a tool to be used for enacting your will.
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Post by Woody »

I'm still figuring out how I feel about this one. I have a couple of questions, though.

Does this mean no classic characters in Episode IX? They killed Han and Luke, and Carrie Fisher is gone. I mean, we still have Chewy, C-3PO, and R2-D2, but no classic humans? I suppose we could have Luke's Force Ghost, but still...

And wasn't the entire point of Luke not actually being there for him to not die? It seems rather hollow for him to sacrifice the chance to see his sister in person if he still dies.

Also, I was really disappointed Kylo didn't turn. It seems wrong not to have a Solo on the team. :(
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Post by bookworm »

Ghost Luke will undoubtedly be in the next one. I'm sure they planned to have him already, but they have to for sure now with no Leia. He'll probably have to take over whatever role they had planned her to play.
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Post by Mariogeek »

Great movie, in my opinion. I liked it better each time I saw it, my gut reaction was not that it was amazing, but that it was a good movie. Then my opinion went to that it was a great movie.
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Mariogeek gut reaction was not that it was amazing....
Isn't that your gut reaction about pretty much everything (except maybe "Friend or Foe")?
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Post by Calhoun07 »

I know it seems this movie divided a lot of fans, which puzzles me.

Is it just me or is there more and more either you hate it or love it when it comes to different forms of media on social media platforms? It's like fans can no longer just view something with grey seems social media, especially the people I see commenting on Facebook...take things to such extremes one way or another. And people are either saying this is the BEST MOVIE or the WORST MOVIE. Really??? No middle ground? At all?

I enjoyed the movie. A lot. I bought it on Blu-Ray this week and still enjoyed a lot about it. wasn't the best movie. But I will say I went in blind. I didn't read any articles about it, no speculation, I didn't watch any trailer...I avoided every thing about this movie going in and walked out entertained. And it was far from the worst movie. Personally, I would still put this above Return of the Jedi but still below Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One.

I didn't even have an issue with how they handled Luke. Isn't that kind of the way Jedi went in the past? To be alone and kind of hermits? And Luke, realizing the cycle would just keep on repeating, said it's time for the Jedi to end. He realized it was a flawed system. It was a horrible system. They failed. Maybe Rey can build it up to be something else, but I hope the old Jedi are truly gone. It's time for the franchise to move on.

The flaws I have with it are nitpicky things, though, but then again, I can find things to nitpick in any of them. The gravity bombs? How did those work in zero g. Why was Kylo content with just pursuing the Resistance as they ran out fuel instead of amping up the attack in their moment of weakness? And the the casino sequence was a bit too prequel George Lucasy.

I think what the new movies really needs is a designer on the level of Ralph McQuarrie who can reimagine the universe and breathe new life into characters and designs and such, too. That feeling comes in part from the casino scene...why did it have to feel like 1920s Earth? There needs to be a designer who can take us to truly new worlds.

The future of the Star Wars needs work, a lot of work. I know some have said Kathleen Kennedy may need to be replaced, and they may not be wrong. I will wait to see how the Solo movie and Episode 9 turn out before I decide how I feel about that.
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Post by bookworm »

No, there really isn't middle ground on movies for most people anymore and it's very unfortunate.

The issues that I've seen most people who are interested in actually discussing the movie rather than the black and white childishness raise are primarily about how it pretty much took everything The Force Awakens seemed to be setting up as significant or building to some conclusion or pay off and just threw them out. Not just in a let's not worry about that right now way, but in a way that seemed to be an intentional affront to the fans who were waiting for those pay offs.

Every single thing people thought was a set up for something turned out to be not important at all.
The first movie ends with that striking visual and story moment of handing over the lightsaber, it's going to pick up from there with a moving sequence propelling the franchise into a new phase, oh no actually he's going to just toss that revered relic over his shoulder and pout. Who are Rey's parents, oh absolutely no one and shame on you for trying to speculate like it mattered. Well why was Luke's lightsaber calling to her then there has to be some reason she's special whether it's because of her family or something else, no there's no reason, she's just the main character that's all there is too it. What's the story of Snoke he's clearly a significant figure who has a long history of how he became in charge, no he's completely irrelevant and we're not only not explaining one second of his backstory we're killing him off already so we won't have him in the picture at all any more.
They felt like it was an intentional action by Rian Johnson to purposefully upend everything in a take that to fan expectations. That's why their reactions were so strong, it truly got personal for them.

And they're not all wrong in thinking that. I don't know if Johnson's choices really had that conscious take it to the fans attitude behind them, but we do know they were intended to shake things up because he wasn't interested in continuing the story he was handed. JJ had set all these things up and I'm certain originally intended the story to go a different way, but Johnson wanted to do his own thing and they let him. Disney apparently approved of what he did because they gave him his own trilogy before Last Jedi was even out, but once it was obviously audience reaction was not as aligned with theirs as they likely anticipated. And now JJ is coming back to finish things off.

I think it would have been a much better move for Disney to have let JJ do this whole trilogy because now everyone is in a bad situation. He had everything pointing where he wanted after the first movie, Johnson wasn't interested in those paths and completely tore down everything and put us in a new place, and now JJ comes back to something he now isn't interested in because it's not at all what was originally intended. It's like they were in a contest to see who could back the other into a more inescapable corner. JJ has to either undo as much as possible from this movie to get back on the original track which isn't going to be easy, things like Snoke are what they are now but he could say Kylo was just lying about Rey's parents to mess with her, or go ahead with what Johnson left him but no one knows where that leads.

We're really seeing the outcome some had feared when learning that this trilogy really didn't have a story mapped out and they were just developing things as it went along. There was concern it may lead to something like this and unfortunately I don't know if there's a way they can get out of this situation now without issues on one side or the other.
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Post by Scientific Guy »

Quick question: what's the protocol for spoilers? Shouldn't the two above posts have them?
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Post by bookworm »

Personally I think we're past the spoiler tag timeframe for this movie, but I still would have used them if posting something incredibly significant. I didn't think either of these posts did though.


I added a tag to the part of my post that could possibly still be considered spoilers. I think Calhoun's is fine.
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Post by Calhoun07 »

If somebody is reading a Last Jedi thread at this point (the movie has already been on home video for a couple weeks now) I think it's safe to leave spoiler tags out. If somebody is going this deep into a thread on a movie they haven't seen...well...that's kind of on them, sorry.

"The first movie ends with that striking visual and story moment of handing over the lightsaber, it's going to pick up from there with a moving sequence propelling the franchise into a new phase, oh no actually he's going to just toss that revered relic over his shoulder and pout. Who are Rey's parents, oh absolutely no one and shame on you for trying to speculate like it mattered. Well why was Luke's lightsaber calling to her then there has to be some reason she's special whether it's because of her family or something else, no there's no reason, she's just the main character that's all there is too it. What's the story of Snoke he's clearly a significant figure who has a long history of how he became in charge, no he's completely irrelevant and we're not only not explaining one second of his backstory we're killing him off already so we won't have him in the picture at all any more."

I realize these are the talking points that bothered a lot of people, and they are the exact same talking points that didn't bother me in the slightest.

In fact, some of it made me awfully excited.

And I can explain, of course:

The saber was calling out to Rey because she's force sensitive. Period. Nothing more. She sensed the kyber crystal because she is force sensitive. Thousands of Jedi, maybe more, came and went before the Skwywalkers lived. To think that from Luke onward the only people with the force would be Skywalkers is a little ridiculous. It's a trope from the expanded universe books that needed to die.

The Force is a religion, sorry midichlorans. And that doesn't need a family line to inherit it.

She was drawn to Luke to learn how to use the Force. Maybe Luke wasn't in tune with her calling and fought it at first. And rightfully so. After having the history of Jedi and Sith and master and padawan that seemed to fail time and time again, when he saw that his padawan was about to turn to the dark side, he knew the cycle would never be broken unless he broke it. Like he said, it was time for the Jedi to end.

And I think they should. Can Rey use the force and train other force sensitive people in the galaxy without using the pattern of the Jedi Knights? Sure. She could. And should. And I hope she does. Because the trope of good Jedi turns bad and is redeemed by another good Jedi fighting turning bad will get old if it just keeps repeating trilogy after trilogy.

And Disney is laying down ground work for several more movies, not just producing one trilogy. Like with the Marvel Universe, they are trying to change things and make things fresh and different going forward.

And for that reason I am delighted Rey is not a Skywalker. In fact, that was one of the most satisfying moments in the movie for me. Tying everything in with them is tired and old. Shoot, there's even an anthology book out that ties every alien in the Catina scene into the back history of Han or Luke. Really? That one moment in time EVERY alien in the bar had some connection with the two main characters? The expanded universe became THAT convoluted. It has to change.

And who cares about the story of Snoke? I don't recall anybody complaining they didn't know the full story of the Emperor and he got very little screen time or back story at all in the OT. And what back story we got in the prequels was completely unnecessary. We really don't need a back story for him, at least not wasted on film.

And after all this time the most significant character in Star Wars who had the least amount of screen time has never had a back story or explanation and I never see anybody complaining about that: Grand Moff Tarkin.

Think about it: Only Tarkin could tell Vader to jump and Vader jumped. How did that happen? What kind of history did he have with Vader and the Emperor where he can just command Vader to do anything and Vader MUST listen? No explanation. No back story. Nothing on how that he rose to such a high power that he was at least equal, if not higher, than the Emperor. Vader was completely his lap dog and nobody batted an eye or demanded a back story. Shoot, he didn't even come into play in the prequels until the very end. And that explained nothing.

But do we REALLY need a Tarkin back story? I honestly don't think we do. And we really don't need one for Snoke. And killing Tarkin off in Episode 4 with no back story and killing the Emperor off in Episode 6 with no back story (at the time) did not make their characters insignificant. Not by any means. Snoke dying in Last Jedi only makes him insignificant if you allow it.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I cancelled my pre-order for the Last Jedi bluray a long time ago, but Best Buy sent it anyway without charging me. \:D/
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