The Amazing Race

Season 25 is airing now!

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The Amazing Race

Post by Catspaw »

Is anybody else watching the current season of the Amazing Race? Only two episodes have aired so far, so it's still early. I was somewhat surprised and interested to see that Bethany Hamilton (better known as the Soul Surfer lady) and her husband are one of the teams. They're looking good through the first two legs! There have been a ton of mistakes made by quite a few different teams over the first two legs, so as a whole things aren't looking great for some teams, but there are always plenty of surprises along the way! The last episode was in London, and one of the tasks was to do a changing of the guard thing correctly, and the guy telling them they did it wrong was my favourite part of the episode. He was long as you aren't the one he's using violently expressive terms to explain the consequences of getting it wrong again. ;)

The Amazing Race always aired Sunday evenings, but it was moved to Friday evenings. Since you can always watch online (through CBS for Americans or CTV for Canadians like me) it isn't a big deal, but I did like Sunday better than Friday. Other thoughts?
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Post by E II »

I can't watch it on Fridays so I ha've to go online and I can't very often.
I am confused
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I saw a couple C-list pro wrestlers are in it, so I'm stoked! \:D/
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Post by Woody »

Okay, finally getting around to posting here.
I have been watching, and quite enjoying it. This is my first season watching the show(though I'm also catching up on Seasons 1-24 now. Big undertaking, I know. I'm currently halfway through Season 1(Bill and Joe are so annoying >_>.).)

Anyways, am I the only one who was super happy those bratty realtors got eliminated in the first leg?

I wasn't incredibly disappointed by the elimination of Dennis and Isabelle(not one of my favorites, those would be Bethany and Adam, Scott and Michael, and Shelley and Nici(Though Shelley and Nici are quickly losing favorite status.).)

Episode 3 made me sad. I was so hoping for Team Gay Guys(yeah, not calling them College Sweethearts.) to be eliminated, but, alas and alack, I am now down to two favorites.

As for the most recent episode, the dentists definitely needed a slice of humble pie. I'm glad they got a dose of reality, here's to hoping it makes them a better team.
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Post by Catspaw »

The Top Crusader wrote:I saw a couple C-list pro wrestlers are in it, so I'm stoked! \:D/
Yeah, I have no idea who they are, but they make for decent TV.
Woody wrote:Okay, finally getting around to posting here.
I have been watching, and quite enjoying it. This is my first season watching the show(though I'm also catching up on Seasons 1-24 now. Big undertaking, I know. I'm currently halfway through Season 1(Bill and Joe are so annoying >_>.).)

Anyways, am I the only one who was super happy those bratty realtors got eliminated in the first leg?

I wasn't incredibly disappointed by the elimination of Dennis and Isabelle(not one of my favorites, those would be Bethany and Adam, Scott and Michael, and Shelley and Nici(Though Shelley and Nici are quickly losing favorite status.).)

Episode 3 made me sad. I was so hoping for Team Gay Guys(yeah, not calling them College Sweethearts.) to be eliminated, but, alas and alack, I am now down to two favorites.

As for the most recent episode, the dentists definitely needed a slice of humble pie. I'm glad they got a dose of reality, here's to hoping it makes them a better team.
I've never seen the early seasons - how are you watching? I wouldn't mind watching some of the older seasons that I haven't seen.
I definitely wasn't sad to see the realtors go, though you never know how things might have turned out if they hadn't been eliminated. It has happened in the past that a team has grown on me throughout the season. Not often, but a few times.

The dentists were so great the first few episodes that this was a bit of a surprise, but I would be surprised if it holds them back much overall. They're smart and strong, and they still have the save. I would expect them to be even more determined now, and they were already pretty determined to win. ;)
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Post by Woody »

I just searched for "watch the amazing race season 1 online free" or something like that, and found a site with the first 23 seasons. Its probably slightly illegal, but :p If you do watch it, be warned: Lenny and Karyn and Bill and Joe will annoy you to no end.
Yeah, the dentists are definitely a strong team, and I'm sure they'll come back from this and do well
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Post by Catspaw »

I prefer to stick to watching stuff legally, so I'll skip that, but I think it would be fun if they put old seasons up on Netflix. Maybe one day!
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Post by Woody »

I believe its the finale tonight. Here's to hoping the Surfers win the million! \:D/

Though honestly, I don't care who wins at this point. They're all great. :p
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Post by Catspaw »

I watched the finale tonight and enjoyed it a lot! Out of the four remaining teams, there was only one that I would have been unhappy to see win, and that team did not win, so that worked out well. ;)
The surfers would have been my first choice to win, but it was still great to see them run a great race! I'm hoping that they might be back in the future for an All-Stars edition in the next couple of years. Amy and Maya were always so positive and supportive and always trying hard, and I was happy to see them win, though I never ever expected it to happen back when the race started!
Thoughts on the preview for the next season? I'm not a big fan of the idea of them doing a "blind date"-style season, with the teammates just meeting as the race starts, but maybe it will be better than I think.
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Post by Woody »

Well, that was certainly a surprising, suspenseful final leg! It was a close race the whole way(Well, except for you-know-who)
Bethany and Adam were my first choice as well, but it was great to see that they really had the right attitude, a lot of teams who lose go straight to blaming, and if-onlys. They're probably the team that actually won the most ;)

Amy and Maya really surprised me. I never anticipated their win. It's amazing(pun intended) how this race can change. They never won one leg, and then the go and win the final :p I never would have expected it. Jim was definitely wrong about them. ;)

Brooke and Robbie, although I didn't want them to win, were still great comic relief. I loved their stupidity and how they just stumbled their way into the final leg. I laughed every single time they bragged about how they were gonna win. :p

Jim and Misti, meh, they won enough free vacations xD
Overall a great race.

I'm halfway on the blind-date race idea. On the one hand, it'll certainly be an interesting first date, but on the other, I foresee a lot of relationship problems, and many, many arguments. Whiny couples annoy me to no end. :p
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, I feel like relationships play such a huge part of the race in the sense that you quickly see which teams will snipe at each other no matter what and which teams are suportive and positive through it all, and that sometimes makes a big difference as one team sits and fights while another team works together to get stuff done. This season, both Adam and Bethany and Amy and Maya were great examples of teams that were always kind and supportive, even if they were behind or a teammate was struggling. I think it will be extra hard for people do that with a person they just met, since you don't have that same shared history and you don't know what the best ways are to respond to somebody you hardly know. Like Woody, I find whiny/yelling/blaming couples super annoying, so there is a chance that there could be more annoying drama. However, some people are consistenyly nice, and even with the stress, I have to think/hope that there should still be lots of people that will respond appropriately to their partner, even if they don't know them well. We'll have to wait and see.
Like Woody, I didn't love Brooke and Robbie. The "we're wrestlers" thing wore off early for me, and the lying and attitude didn't work for me at all. I totally understand not helping somebody, because it is a race, but to lie to somebody, and then act surprised about it later and lie again, and enjoy the whole process, really turns me off from teams. I know it doesn't bother some people as much, but really, they took it too far. They had some moments were they were good, but other times, like the finale, where they just did ridiculous things, like get horribly lost when nobody else had that much trouble, seemed to pop up too much.
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Post by bookworm »

I'm seeing commercials for the next season, I guess it starts soon. Even though I have no opinions on the show as I don't watch it, I am opposed to the blind date idea. It's my understanding that the point of the competition is to see how well the teams work together to get by the challenges; racing with someone you have never met before would be a disaster.
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Post by Woody »

The new season premieres February 25th. I have to agree with bookworm that the blind date thing gives those teams a disadvantage, but one must remember that the singles signed up to be matched with a team member in full knowledge of the disadvantage. It will certainly be an interesting season, and I'll watch at least the first few episodes, though I may end up bowing out if the bickering gets to be too much. ;)
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, I wasn't instantly sold on the "blind date" idea. I found out a few weeks ago that some of the teams will be matched that way and other teams will be normal teams that know each other already, which I didn't realize previously. I really like the show in general and I assume that they've selected teams in such a way as to provide good entertainment, the same as other seasons. There have been teams who have known each other forever that bicker all the time and teams that haven't known each other that long that have gotten along just fine. Sometimes it comes down to the individuals. The Amazing Race qualifies as a more real reality show than most, but there is still a candidate selection process that must have ratings influencing it. I'm hoping that this season is all the fun of past seasons without too much drama forced on it by the blind date idea.
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Post by bookworm »

They're not all blind date teams? That makes it even more of a bad idea! Why would someone sign up for that kind of extreme disadvantage?
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Post by Catspaw »

I have to assume that people don't think that it will be a huge disadvantage. Casting makes a big difference. I'm curious to see how it all plays out, but I would be surprised if all the blind date teams go out first and only the "normal" teams are left. There are a lot of factors in the race, and while I see strong, mature relationships and knowing each other well to be an advantage, not all teams have that in any season, with other factors contributing, like problem-solving and fitness etc.
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Post by Woody »

This actually is going really, really well. In fact, my favorite team(The Lawyers) are a blind date. :shock:
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Post by Catspaw »

I was hoping that somebody else would post in this thread so we could talk about the season so far! \:D/ Yes, the blind date couples have been doing fairly well overall, though tonight's preview shows a little drama coming up. Nothing shocking, I'm sure. Teams of all stripes have fought on the Race over the years, so it's not like people who know each other for years are always in perfect agreement. ;)

I don't know if I really have a favourite team at this point. I usually develop a few favourites by now, but while there are some teams I like a bit more, there isn't a team that I could lista s a favourite. On the flip side, there also isn't the one team that I spend every episode hoping that it's their turn to go yet, either. ;) There are some I wouldn't really miss, but nobody is too annoying.
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