569: "The Invisible Dog"


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569: "The Invisible Dog"

Post by Chandler »

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Post by Evil Chick »

Good show! I loved the fact that Eugene was a teacher. He should have done that years ago! And how he went on and on about things that were really useless for the middle schoolers was very funny! I also thought it was good to hear from Lester again. Nice to know that he's ok. The whole thing with the invisible dog was interesting. Trent seemed a little more intelligent in this ep that he normally was. But, I really didn't like the way he just took the situation into his own hands, and told Lester that Ralf didn't exist. I think he should have talked to Whit about it, and let him handle it.

All in all, it was a good ep, though! It's still so wonderful to hear from Eugene! 4/5 stars
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Post by Christian Cowgirl »

This was the best one I've heard in a while. It really touched me personaly, something Odyssey has only done once or twice. I can simathize with Trent, I also watched my puppy get hit by a car and was helpless. I can hear the car screeching and the dull thud as she was hit, much like Trent did. I think that was awsome they had those background noises in, it made it come alive. The music was great, very moving.

I type this with tears in my eyes, thank you Odyssey for such a great ep.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

I thought this was a very good, solid episode. I, too, liked seeing Eugene teach--it was rather humorous. It was also good to see the lesson on compassion and Trent's change of attitude toward Lester.

However, the show could have added more Scriptural emphasis and less pop psychology. I believe "God" was mentioned only once in the show. I mean, why do we have to wait until the end of the show to hear the Scriptural application from Chris when Whit can just as easily say it in the program?

That's my only small complaint with the episode. Otherwise, it was very nicely done.

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Post by Trent DeWhite »

4 stars. =D>

"The Invisible Dog" saw the return of one of my favorite character . . . none other than the real Trent DeWhite himself! Heh. I knew I picked a good guy to impersonate. Apparently, he was the only one to pass the exam. Ha. I will continue to imagine him as a younger version of Eugene. Definitely akin to myself. :noway:
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Post by J-man »

I gave it 3 stars. While I liked this episode, I didn't like it at the same time. The Eugene teacher part was hilarious, but I didn't really like the lester part. Don't get me wring, I liked that they included Lester in this Episode, it's just that I didn't particularly like how they included him and what he said.
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Post by Ferder »

This was a good, nice episode except for one little thing. When Whit made his "There must be more this this invisible dog. I'll look into it" line it seemed more like he was back in the Novacom story trying to solve conspirisies. I was thinking "Whit, lighten up. It's not that odd that someone like Lester would have an invisible dog". I have a feeling it was one of those lines that seemed better on paper.
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Post by Jonathan »

I am continuing to be absolutely flabergasted at how much Eugene's return to the show has improved things. This season is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

This episode followed another tried-and-true method: A/B story- follow the two plots, tie them together at the end, and throw in a spiritual application at the end.

Is this 2005? (Yes, I know I asked that last week, but I have to ask it again b/c I still don't believe it).

As for the actual story, I like it. It was nice to hear from Lester again. He's one of those characters that, if used sparsely, can bring something to the show. And the Eugene bit was good too. I wasn't surprised that he, at first, stayed at a level far above those he was teaching, and later had to face up to the fact that that wouldn't work. It reminds me of Do, For a Change.

I also agree with Christian Cowgirl-the sound effects during Trent's flashback were marvelous.

I'm usually really hesitant to say that we've made a return to 'classic' Odyssey after hearing an episode I really liked, b/c the next few might not be so great. But this is the third episode after the 'something big' episodes that I've absolutely loved, and I'm getting close to saying it-'classic Odyssey' is back.

4/5 stars Keep up the terrific work Odyssey!

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Post by JesusFreak777 »

I loved hearing Eugene as a sub. That was great. I agree with Jonathan about this being more like a classic. I loved hearing from Lester again too.

I did have one concern. THe proof that Trent used on Lester's dog bothered me. You see it's almost word for word what many of my classmates and friends have used to disprove the existance of God. I'm kinda surprised Trent didn't realize it when he said it, but also very glad. Maybe i only noticed it because I've heard it so much.

Anyway, other than that one little thing I absolutely loved this ep. It reminded me of my 3rd period class. (I TA for a geometry class) So I actually understood Eugene's remblings for once. :D

Great job Odyssey.

Post by Chandler »

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Post by Dr. Watson »

Jonathan wrote:I am continuing to be absolutely flabergasted at how much Eugene's return to the show has improved things.
I agree. The episodes are, as you said, more like "classic" Odyssey. Eugene's return makes Odyssey much more enjoyable.
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Post by Bmuntz »

I am so happy! Me and Trent both have Beagles. Mine is not named Bingo but does have an sorta Odyssey name. Wellington. I am now very worried he will get hit by an car. :anxious:

The scene with Trent and Lester was great in an sad way. The sounds made it come to life. I could see the dog getting hit in the road.

Eugene as a teacher was great! but I thought that Trent was older then grade 7. :-s

This show also added an problem to the Odyssey map. But thats just so out of whack all ready it dosen't really matter. He said he was at the park so McCalister Park and his house was across the street. So another person the lives right by Whitsend and the Dewhites are supposed to live on another street.
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Post by Master Kenobi »

After last week's are negative review, I was really hoping for a good episode. I'm happy to announce that my wishes came true. There were very few things that I disliked about this show; the story was good, there were several humorous lines, and it was something that most people can relate to, which is a great quality. In fact, I can't think of anything I didn't like about this episode. I loved the scene with Eugene grading papers, and the scene with Lester crying in the alley was very touching. I'm very happy to give this episode a four out of five star rating. :)
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Post by Me »

Jonathan wrote:I am continuing to be absolutely flabergasted at how much Eugene's return to the show has improved things.
Like others, I must totally concur. Eugene seems to be one of those people, whithout whom, Odyssey would cease to be Odyssey.

As for the episode, it was excellent. The dialogue was good, Eugene was using large words, humor was present, and the ep had a good point. The only thing of which I'm not sure is how Eugene got the teaching job. Other than that, he made a great sub. One I will definitely listen to many times in the future. 4 stars.

Post by Chandler »

Me wrote:
Jonathan wrote:I am continuing to be absolutely flabergasted at how much Eugene's return to the show has improved things.
Like others, I must totally concur. Eugene seems to be one of those people, whithout whom, Odyssey would cease to be Odyssey..
I'm amazed as well at this discovery. Sure I missed Eugene like everyone else did but it's truly amazing how much better the show seems with him around town. I'm also impressed with the way they've used him so far considering I don't really expect him back working at Whit's End. Way to go AIO! =D>
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Post by Alleycat »

I loved it. i used to have an invisible dog. :D
I also really loved the part where Eugene was teaching the class. It totally fit. :D
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Post by free_born »

I gave the ep. 4 stars. It was refreshing to have someone 'unusual' in the show. I don't mean by that, someone weird, but someone not usually used. ;)
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Post by Paul B »

Trent and lester were back in this show.wonder if lester will be a new part of the show?
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Post by Me »

My guess is that Lester will be one of those people who occasionally appear, like Emma Douglass, or Agnes Riley.
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Post by HarlowRoxMySox »

My brother walked out at the Trent/Lester scene. You see, we just put my dog down last Friday. :mecry: but the episode was a good one, and I loved Eugene as the substitute teacher. 4/5 stars!
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