Female Teenage Exorcists Get Their Own Reality TV Show

Yes, I am serious.

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Post by ric »

Steve wrote:
Termite wrote:Yes, it's secular. Good. Give 'em the real stuff instead of "Ghost Hunters" from the Sci-Fi channel. :yes:
Ha ha! I watched that show (or at least a very similar one) with some friends at a youth conference and we could not stop making fun of that show! It was so stupid! \:D/

Other than that, seeing as how I know nothing about Bob Larson, I won't comment much on the show. Though I'm not sure I'd want the job of being the poor sap who has to go around looking for demon possessed people to be on the show.
I wouldn't like to be the poor sap who pretends to be the demon-possessed person on the show!
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Post by Amethystic »

Okay, just to clear things up let me set something straight: when the term 'possessed by a demon' is used in relation to Bob Larson's ministry, it does not mean that the person is mentally unsound--the vast majority of the people that the ministry deals with are perfectly sane, and they come to Bob willingly for help with their spiritual problems. Perhaps the term 'possession' isn't even the right word to describe most cases; but no matter how it causes them to act, if someone's life is being influenced by the demonic then they are in need of spiritual deliverance.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Well if there's anyone who takes demonic power seriously, it's Bob Larson; as I said before, he's performed thousands of exorcisms, and nobody on earth knows more about exorcism than he does.
That's quite a statement to make. Nobody on earth? Perhaps no one as publicly, but the earth is pretty big and has a lot outside of common knowledge. Not to mention...thousands? I think we are putting way too much stock in a mere man here and not enough glory is going to God here.
I guarantee you, nobody alive on earth knows more about this than Bob Larson. And yes, thousands--no exaggeration. He does them multiple times a week, if not on an almost daily basis. And Bob absolutely gives all the glory to God--deliverance is never about our strength, but Jesus' strength, which He has given to us as His followers to use for His glory. In the exorcism business, posers will always crash and burn in the end.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:And though exorcisms do often take a long time, there are far more effective ways to cast out demons than what was just described--did the pastor try to identify the legal right that the demon had to the man? The renunciation of sins and generational curses is usually necessary to get the demon out. If you don't remove the spirit's right to the person, they still have something to cling onto and they won't leave.
Show me where in the Bible it explains this. Show me in the Bible ANYWHERE it describes Bob Larson's techniques and theories. And he says most of the corruption in the world is caused by demons? How 'bout sin? Personal responsibility for faults and needing forgiveness from God? Where does all that come in?
Well as I said before, much of the Gospels (and the book of Acts) deals with the confrontation of the demonic--this and greater we'll do in His name, correct? And Bob (and other ministers who have been trained by him) constantly make reference to God's Word--the Bible is both a mighty sword and a crucial law book. The Bible--the Word, Jesus--is always held up as the ultimate authority.
SoccerLOTR wrote:I decided to do some research on him and his "ministry" and found he lacks credibility, doesn't work according to Biblical standards, charges ridiculous sums for his services, and might have some moral issues himself. I strongly encourage you to read at least the first of these links because it does a good job summarizing the analysis on Bob Larson.

And this article you should also read a few of the comments at the bottom...
http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress ... recession/
I read those links, and honestly, I think those people are totally and completely wrong about him. And even if his ministry was flawed, it would in no way affect my belief in spiritual warfare--it has been tried and tested, and time and time again I've seen Bob's teaching prove itself to be true. The healing of illnesses, the restoration of psychological and spiritual wellness, the complete changing of lives--these are real people, some of them I know personally, who are involved in this ministry on both giving and receiving ends, doing the same things Bob does on a local level, year round and without charge. Sure, I hear the skeptics and the exposés, but when you've seen God's spiritual reality unfold in your life it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence right in front of you. I believe in the power of Christ with all my heart, and I believe that he's powerful enough to enable His people to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, just like it says in the Bible.
odysseyfan1 wrote:Um, OK. It sounds cool. \:D/ But, um, shouldn't reality TV shows be...you know...REAL??? :x
If you don't like watching Bob on TV, see if he's making a local appearance near you. \:D/ And if you don't believe that the person really has a demon, just contact a local ministry group associated with him and ask if they've seen any demonic manifestations lately. :-
Parker Family wrote:Like I said, I don't know that much about Bob Larson so won't really comment on him. However, I do know that most teenagers are still trying to find there place in the world and still are trying not emotional and spiritual ready (myself included). Not trying to brag, but I might know more about this then an average adult Christian; and even then, I know very well that I'm not ready. Demons can attack the exorcist using the exorcist's weakness and therefore, if the exorcist isn't spiritually ready, not only does it keep the demon from leaving, but also hurts the exorcist himself.

About fasting, I think the pastor next door (who moved away last year) fasted every time before he casted out a demon; he would pray and fast the whole day and then he would go do his job.

When filming on this subject, I think it is important to know why the person is filming it. For entertainment? Glory? I'm completely opposed to reasons such as that; especially since the Western Culture is so secular. There is no reason to show it to them. On the contrary, to teach pastors on such topics, then I'm all for it.
I recommend you reading or watching some of his materials sometime, if you can. (Though alas, I haven't seen much of anything about him on Youtube. :( ) If the exorcist is walking with the Lord and using their God-given defenses (one can spiritually 'bind' a demon on the basis of Ecclesiastes 4:12's threefold cord--hey, if it works, it works) then no, the demon can't hurt them. If they're not right with God, however, like the seven sons of Sceva, then those demons won't be inclined to follow their commands, and may lash out. :-

Yes, most Christian teenagers couldn't handle an exorcism; mainly because if they saw a real exorcism they'd be running away with their tail between their legs. ;) Just like anyone who ventures into this arena, young people need to have their heart right with God and follow the boundaries that are in place, but age alone should not be a disqualifier in this arena. If there's a teenager who's at a place where they're spiritually equipped to tackle this area of ministry, then I think they should go for it. (With the proper supervision and permission, of course.)

And I agree, it would be great if pastors across the country began learning this stuff--except most of them refuse to acknowledge the prevalent reality of the supernatural influence in our day-to-day lives. The modern church of North America has largely rejected this movement of God--much like how other great Christian movements have been rejected by the majority throughout history. But the church got their chance, so now the message is being taken to the people who are open to it: those who have no where else to go and those who are unable to deny that the demonic exists--i.e., churches in less privileged countries and the secular world. Those in places like Latvia and Russia especially won't take any pretty words and hotshot promises--either you show them the power or they won't believe you.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Amethystic wrote:I guarantee you, nobody alive on earth knows more about this than Bob Larson. And yes, thousands--no exaggeration.
How do you guarantee me? Because of his claims? What about some missionaries in Indonesia and the like where this stuff is prevalent?
Amethystic wrote:Well as I said before, much of the Gospels (and the book of Acts) deals with the confrontation of the demonic--this and greater we'll do in His name, correct? And Bob (and other ministers who have been trained by him) constantly make reference to God's Word--the Bible is both a mighty sword and a crucial law book. The Bible--the Word, Jesus--is always held up as the ultimate authority.
I didn't ask you where the Bible spoke of spiritual warfare...I asked where it spoke about the techniques Bob Larson uses and where his lessons about the supernatural come from. I don't remember Jesus ever questioning a demon and having a nice conversation with it before he sent it out of the person. I don't remember Jesus ever saying "I need money from you in order to teach you and continue my ministry here...if you don't donate, I can't spend time teaching you majorly important stuff that you'll need to know." I don't remember Him, or any writer in the New Testament saying anything about demons coming into a person because they were illegitimate...nor do I remember anyone saying that it is the fault of demons that we sin and life would be no sweat without them. That's the stuff I want you/Bob Larson to prove to me scripturally.
Amethystic wrote:And even if his ministry was flawed, it would in no way affect my belief in spiritual warfare--it has been tried and tested, and time and time again I've seen Bob's teaching prove itself to be true. The healing of illnesses, the restoration of psychological and spiritual wellness, the complete changing of lives--these are real people, some of them I know personally, who are involved in this ministry on both giving and receiving ends, doing the same things Bob does on a local level, year round and without charge. Sure, I hear the skeptics and the exposés, but when you've seen God's spiritual reality unfold in your life it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence right in front of you. I believe in the power of Christ with all my heart, and I believe that he's powerful enough to enable His people to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, just like it says in the Bible.
I wasn't questioning or challenging your belief in spiritual warfare or in the supernatural. I completely agree that God's word is true and that we do have the Holy Spirit in us that enables us to do what Jesus' disciples did way back when. I can't argue with that. What I do argue with is the methods that Bob Larson uses, the exorbitant prices he charges, all the advice he gives that only has a mild scriptural basis, and the way it is being turned into a freak show for people to watch on tv, now topped off with young, beautiful girls to make it sexy and appealing. For the few who do take it seriously, what are we going to end up with? A bunch of people who don't actually know anything and aren't strong in their walk with God attempting this? 10 year old kids doing reenactments, or even worse, trying it themselves, not realizing what they are getting themselves into? The long-term implications of this are dangerous.
It was good knowing you StrongNChrist; you taught me a lot. I'll meet you someday for real in God's presence.

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Post by Amethystic »

SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:I guarantee you, nobody alive on earth knows more about this than Bob Larson. And yes, thousands--no exaggeration.
How do you guarantee me? Because of his claims? What about some missionaries in Indonesia and the like where this stuff is prevalent?
Last I check there weren't any missionaries in Indonesia who have been performing highly effective exorcisms for decades and who are also experts on the occult and world religions.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Well as I said before, much of the Gospels (and the book of Acts) deals with the confrontation of the demonic--this and greater we'll do in His name, correct? And Bob (and other ministers who have been trained by him) constantly make reference to God's Word--the Bible is both a mighty sword and a crucial law book. The Bible--the Word, Jesus--is always held up as the ultimate authority.
I didn't ask you where the Bible spoke of spiritual warfare...I asked where it spoke about the techniques Bob Larson uses and where his lessons about the supernatural come from. I don't remember Jesus ever questioning a demon and having a nice conversation with it before he sent it out of the person. I don't remember Jesus ever saying "I need money from you in order to teach you and continue my ministry here...if you don't donate, I can't spend time teaching you majorly important stuff that you'll need to know." I don't remember Him, or any writer in the New Testament saying anything about demons coming into a person because they were illegitimate...nor do I remember anyone saying that it is the fault of demons that we sin and life would be no sweat without them. That's the stuff I want you/Bob Larson to prove to me scripturally.
There are, actually, multiple reference verses that make up Bob's basis for spiritual warfare. I recommend reading his book Demon Proofing Prayers if you want all the scriptural references--that book is jam packed with scriptural references, and it explains all the reasoning behind his teachings. He does a lot better job of explaining it than I could do, obviously. :P And I would like to point out that you don't need to donate to receive help from the ministry. Free Friday night meetings, local ministry teams that do not charge money, online resources--all these things and more are available to those who need it. Money is not a requirement for receiving help. I'm under the impression that what he charges goes towards the ministry, but even if he were to take a profit it's not a sin--and he most certainly does not own an over-sized mansion or a fleet of yachts or anything like that.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:And even if his ministry was flawed, it would in no way affect my belief in spiritual warfare--it has been tried and tested, and time and time again I've seen Bob's teaching prove itself to be true. The healing of illnesses, the restoration of psychological and spiritual wellness, the complete changing of lives--these are real people, some of them I know personally, who are involved in this ministry on both giving and receiving ends, doing the same things Bob does on a local level, year round and without charge. Sure, I hear the skeptics and the exposés, but when you've seen God's spiritual reality unfold in your life it's pretty hard to argue with the evidence right in front of you. I believe in the power of Christ with all my heart, and I believe that he's powerful enough to enable His people to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils, just like it says in the Bible.
I wasn't questioning or challenging your belief in spiritual warfare or in the supernatural. I completely agree that God's word is true and that we do have the Holy Spirit in us that enables us to do what Jesus' disciples did way back when. I can't argue with that. What I do argue with is the methods that Bob Larson uses, the exorbitant prices he charges, all the advice he gives that only has a mild scriptural basis, and the way it is being turned into a freak show for people to watch on tv, now topped off with young, beautiful girls to make it sexy and appealing. For the few who do take it seriously, what are we going to end up with? A bunch of people who don't actually know anything and aren't strong in their walk with God attempting this? 10 year old kids doing reenactments, or even worse, trying it themselves, not realizing what they are getting themselves into? The long-term implications of this are dangerous.
Well if you find a better way of casting out demons, let me know; as it stands now, Bob's version is the only version that has been shown to work.

I'm telling you, if any posers arise because of this show, they aren't going to last. You can't tango with the supernatural and stay on track unless you're following God whole-heartedly. As for it being a freak show, isn't that how it's going to appear to people no matter how you present it? At least until it's normalized, which it should be, I think. The Apostle Paul didn't heal the sick and cast out demons behind shut doors where nobody could be startled by it; he took it to the streets, demonstrating in a dramatic, sometimes frightening manner the power of Jesus Christ. Regarding spiritually weak people and kids seeing this stuff, I doubt they'll get anywhere with it unless they really make an effort to understand this stuff and take it seriously. I'll tell you this, though: I'd rather a ten-year-old see a real, Biblical exorcism on TV than America's Next Top Model or Jersey Shore or any of the other junk out there. They're better off being exposed to God's reality than the world's lies, hands down, and the only way they can know God's reality is if they see and experience it for themselves.
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Post by gunblader3 »

IMHO I don't think exorcism to be real. Many of these people who are supposedly "possessed by evil spirit or demons" can be resolved through psychological help. I personally believe of devils to be symbolism of evil coming from our own hearts. During the old times many people used the term possession when there was a phenomenon that they couldn't explain or was out of the ordinary. So a show about exorcism doesn't scare or concern me. So I guess I know why some people don't consider me to be a true Christian (actual I'm Roman Catholic, just not a very strong one).
Amethystic wrote:
Regarding spiritually weak people and kids seeing this stuff, I doubt they'll get anywhere with it unless they really make an effort to understand this stuff and take it seriously.
So if spiritually weak people will have a hard time with this area of exorcism, couldn't the same be said about people who read books like Harry potter getting into a religion like Wicca? I mean if a kid were to get books about Scrying or Astrology, wouldn't they have to put an effort in order to make it work any of the suppose "magic" to work just like exorcism?

Its just a thought.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Amethystic wrote:Last I check there weren't any missionaries in Indonesia who have been performing highly effective exorcisms for decades and who are also experts on the occult and world religions.
Maybe because they don't make a show out of it.
Amethystic wrote:There are, actually, multiple reference verses that make up Bob's basis for spiritual warfare. I recommend reading his book Demon Proofing Prayers if you want all the scriptural references--that book is jam packed with scriptural references, and it explains all the reasoning behind his teachings. He does a lot better job of explaining it than I could do, obviously. :P And I would like to point out that you don't need to donate to receive help from the ministry. Free Friday night meetings, local ministry teams that do not charge money, online resources--all these things and more are available to those who need it. Money is not a requirement for receiving help. I'm under the impression that what he charges goes towards the ministry, but even if he were to take a profit it's not a sin--and he most certainly does not own an over-sized mansion or a fleet of yachts or anything like that.
{sigh} I'm asking YOU to give me some verses. I have no interest and therefore no time to read one of his books. I'm not asking you to explain the details of his reasoning...just provide the verses that show his techniques.
You don't necessarily need money to receive help...but you do in order to get advice or training on how to do any of it yourself. I can see having people pay for detailed information because you do need money...but the basics should be open to everyone. Post books online, make every effort to get the word out to people on how to stand against demons and help others. Jesus didn't have his disciples pay for their time with Him...Paul didn't have people pay for his letters to be read...why is Bob Larson charging people a ridiculous amount for a tiny fraction of his time? In-depth sessions, fine, charge a moderate amount...but the basics should be open to everyone who wants it, not just the rich.
Amethystic wrote:Well if you find a better way of casting out demons, let me know; as it stands now, Bob's version is the only version that has been shown to work.
Don't think Jesus' way was any worse than Bob's, and I'm certain it worked. I know some people who have done it, and it wasn't described much like what I hear Bob's sessions are like.
Amethystic wrote:I'm telling you, if any posers arise because of this show, they aren't going to last. You can't tango with the supernatural and stay on track unless you're following God whole-heartedly.
I know they won't last...and they'll be in way over their heads and end up in pretty big trouble and farther from God than ever.
Amethystic wrote:As for it being a freak show, isn't that how it's going to appear to people no matter how you present it? At least until it's normalized, which it should be, I think. The Apostle Paul didn't heal the sick and cast out demons behind shut doors where nobody could be startled by it; he took it to the streets, demonstrating in a dramatic, sometimes frightening manner the power of Jesus Christ.
He took to the streets because that's where the people were...he wasn't doing it as a show or purposefully doing it publicly...it was where he found people or where they found him. There wasn't an official audience that gaped and said "oh my gosh, look at them, can't wait for next week"...people should be realizing how sad and tragic this is and how good it is that they are released from bondage...not thinking it's cool or exciting.
Amethystic wrote:I'll tell you this, though: I'd rather a ten-year-old see a real, Biblical exorcism on TV than America's Next Top Model or Jersey Shore or any of the other junk out there. They're better off being exposed to God's reality than the world's lies, hands down, and the only way they can know God's reality is if they see and experience it for themselves.
Perhaps...but only if they are in the context of a Christian family who can explain to the kids the implications and what is going on...and that it IS real unlike some reality show spins, who can encourage their kids the right way, rather than the wrong way in mocking Christians.
It was good knowing you StrongNChrist; you taught me a lot. I'll meet you someday for real in God's presence.

Which Jesus do you follow? If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, why do you look so much like the world?~Todd Agnew

Do not be anxious about anything...~Phil 4:6-7

If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.~Tolkien

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.~J Adams

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.~B Franklin

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Post by Amethystic »

SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Last I check there weren't any missionaries in Indonesia who have been performing highly effective exorcisms for decades and who are also experts on the occult and world religions.
Maybe because they don't make a show out of it.
Which is too bad, because if they did maybe more people would know about it.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:There are, actually, multiple reference verses that make up Bob's basis for spiritual warfare. I recommend reading his book Demon Proofing Prayers if you want all the scriptural references--that book is jam packed with scriptural references, and it explains all the reasoning behind his teachings. He does a lot better job of explaining it than I could do, obviously. :P And I would like to point out that you don't need to donate to receive help from the ministry. Free Friday night meetings, local ministry teams that do not charge money, online resources--all these things and more are available to those who need it. Money is not a requirement for receiving help. I'm under the impression that what he charges goes towards the ministry, but even if he were to take a profit it's not a sin--and he most certainly does not own an over-sized mansion or a fleet of yachts or anything like that.
{sigh} I'm asking YOU to give me some verses. I have no interest and therefore no time to read one of his books. I'm not asking you to explain the details of his reasoning...just provide the verses that show his techniques.
You don't necessarily need money to receive help...but you do in order to get advice or training on how to do any of it yourself. I can see having people pay for detailed information because you do need money...but the basics should be open to everyone. Post books online, make every effort to get the word out to people on how to stand against demons and help others. Jesus didn't have his disciples pay for their time with Him...Paul didn't have people pay for his letters to be read...why is Bob Larson charging people a ridiculous amount for a tiny fraction of his time? In-depth sessions, fine, charge a moderate amount...but the basics should be open to everyone who wants it, not just the rich.
Matthew 11:12, 16:19, 25:41; Mark 1:23-28, 3:14-15, 6:7; Luke 4:33-35, 10:17-20; Acts 16:16-24; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:12... that's probably enough for starters. And the basics are open to everyone--especially by means of the local groups. You don't even necessarily have to have a group nearby; they do work over the phone too. And as I already said, he usually has at least one free meeting open to the public--he also cuts deals and discounts on materials, too, at these meetings. And, if someone really was too poor to afford anything, someone would give them a copy, I'm sure. But hey, the money is going to a good cause. (And I highly recommend at least reading that one book. It's fairly small (I finished it in a couple of nights) and lays out all the basics.)

Bob Larson is a busy guy; his time is valuable. So he allots a certain amount of time to people, makes sure the ministry is receiving funds for the effort (no wonder, either, considering how many people shirk on tithing these days), and then directs them to people who can work with them long-term.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Well if you find a better way of casting out demons, let me know; as it stands now, Bob's version is the only version that has been shown to work.
Don't think Jesus' way was any worse than Bob's, and I'm certain it worked. I know some people who have done it, and it wasn't described much like what I hear Bob's sessions are like.
It's not about Bob's way versus Jesus' way; Bob follows Jesus, so it is Jesus' way. And here, I found one of Bob's TV appearances from Australia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZN0bqk_P38 I highly recommend watching it. It's fascinating and informative.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:I'm telling you, if any posers arise because of this show, they aren't going to last. You can't tango with the supernatural and stay on track unless you're following God whole-heartedly.
I know they won't last...and they'll be in way over their heads and end up in pretty big trouble and farther from God than ever.
Farther from God than ever? Probably not. Most people just lose their nerve and revert to their traditional habits. Besides, we can't not show people the truth for fear of accidentally pushing them away from it.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:As for it being a freak show, isn't that how it's going to appear to people no matter how you present it? At least until it's normalized, which it should be, I think. The Apostle Paul didn't heal the sick and cast out demons behind shut doors where nobody could be startled by it; he took it to the streets, demonstrating in a dramatic, sometimes frightening manner the power of Jesus Christ.
He took to the streets because that's where the people were...he wasn't doing it as a show or purposefully doing it publicly...it was where he found people or where they found him. There wasn't an official audience that gaped and said "oh my gosh, look at them, can't wait for next week"...people should be realizing how sad and tragic this is and how good it is that they are released from bondage...not thinking it's cool or exciting.
Didn't he? He wanted people to see God's power, so he showed them in dramatic fashion. And yes, the devil's attacks are tragic, and it's good when they're released from bondage--shouldn't that be cool and exciting to Christians?
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:I'll tell you this, though: I'd rather a ten-year-old see a real, Biblical exorcism on TV than America's Next Top Model or Jersey Shore or any of the other junk out there. They're better off being exposed to God's reality than the world's lies, hands down, and the only way they can know God's reality is if they see and experience it for themselves.
Perhaps...but only if they are in the context of a Christian family who can explain to the kids the implications and what is going on...and that it IS real unlike some reality show spins, who can encourage their kids the right way, rather than the wrong way in mocking Christians.
And how will the families find out about it? They're not learning it in church. And if there's one thing that retains honesty through the filter of reality TV, it's genuine spiritual deliverance. You can't fake or script this stuff; it's either real or it's not. And of all the TV appearances I've seen of Bob, I've never seen them approach him in a mocking manner--that's including a lot of the big-name television network appearances.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Amethystic wrote:Matthew 11:12, 16:19, 25:41; Mark 1:23-28, 3:14-15, 6:7; Luke 4:33-35, 10:17-20; Acts 16:16-24; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:12... that's probably enough for starters.
Alrighty, I looked up the verses...
Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 25:41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Mark 1:23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil spirit cried out, 24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” 25 “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. 27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.” 28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.

Mark 3:14 He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach 15 and to have authority to drive out demons.

Mark 6:7 Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.

Luke 4:33 In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, 34 “Ha! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” 35 “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him.

Luke 10:18 He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20 However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Acts 16:16 Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” 18 She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. 19 When the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities. 20 They brought them before the magistrates and said, “These men are Jews, and are throwing our city into an uproar 21 by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice.” 22 The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. 23 After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. 24 Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
First of all, I want to say that these verses support everything I said. And very little that Bob Larson does. Yes, many of these verses acknowledge the existence of demons and speak of casting them out, including stating that the Holy Spirit gives Christians power over the forces of evil. I never questioned any of that. But what I'm reading...in the examples given, what do Jesus and Paul do with the demon? Do they question it and sit there patiently while it speaks? Do they give it credibility or respect by allowing it to speak? NO! It is simply a "BE QUIET! COME OUT!" Doesn't sound much like Bob Larson. I also don't see Jesus offering a 12 step program to success or making ANYTHING into this complex mess that Bob Larson turns this into. Jesus gives the disciples authority to cast out and sends them out. The end. There is no "ok, now ask the demon this question first...and you also need to know the history of the person...and bring up all the possible issues with the person before you cast it out". All Bob Larson, or any Christian should be doing is saying "SHUT UP AND GET OUT" then deal with the person directly.
Amethystic wrote:Bob Larson is a busy guy; his time is valuable. So he allots a certain amount of time to people, makes sure the ministry is receiving funds for the effort (no wonder, either, considering how many people shirk on tithing these days), and then directs them to people who can work with them long-term.
Of course time is valuable...But I can take a semester-long college class for the same price he charges for one or two sessions with him. And really? You justify the exorbitant prices he charges by saying "it's ok because people don't tithe enough anyway"?! What ever happened to trusting God to support the ministry and trusting that He will give people nudges to donate in order to provide what the ministry needs to continue? And people are paying to be involved and help others...instead of being paid! So where's the money going?!
Amethystic wrote:Didn't he? He wanted people to see God's power, so he showed them in dramatic fashion. And yes, the devil's attacks are tragic, and it's good when they're released from bondage--shouldn't that be cool and exciting to Christians?
I'm mainly speaking of non-Christians here who are going to be tuning in every week with baited breath to find out what the next story will be and what crazy things the possessed person will do next.
Amethystic wrote:And how will the families find out about it? They're not learning it in church. And if there's one thing that retains honesty through the filter of reality TV, it's genuine spiritual deliverance. You can't fake or script this stuff; it's either real or it's not. And of all the TV appearances I've seen of Bob, I've never seen them approach him in a mocking manner--that's including a lot of the big-name television network appearances.
So because they aren't learning it in church, it's right to teach them through a reality tv show that they may or may not believe? With techniques that aren't Biblical? And think of all the kids watching WITHOUT their family, or with a non-Christian family...What about brand new Christians being told they'd better get right on in the demon-casting business? And yes, you CAN fake and script this stuff.

I'm also irked that he advertises being able to diagnose dissociative identity disorder, as he does not appear to be a psychologist of any sort, and appears to believe it is always demon-possession and not a mental disorder.
It was good knowing you StrongNChrist; you taught me a lot. I'll meet you someday for real in God's presence.

Which Jesus do you follow? If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, why do you look so much like the world?~Todd Agnew

Do not be anxious about anything...~Phil 4:6-7

If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.~Tolkien

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.~J Adams

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.~B Franklin

I died and became a Roman Soldier--It was rather distracting.~Rory (Dr.Who)
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Post by Amethystic »

SoccerLOTR wrote:First of all, I want to say that these verses support everything I said. And very little that Bob Larson does. Yes, many of these verses acknowledge the existence of demons and speak of casting them out, including stating that the Holy Spirit gives Christians power over the forces of evil. I never questioned any of that. But what I'm reading...in the examples given, what do Jesus and Paul do with the demon? Do they question it and sit there patiently while it speaks? Do they give it credibility or respect by allowing it to speak? NO! It is simply a "BE QUIET! COME OUT!" Doesn't sound much like Bob Larson. I also don't see Jesus offering a 12 step program to success or making ANYTHING into this complex mess that Bob Larson turns this into. Jesus gives the disciples authority to cast out and sends them out. The end. There is no "ok, now ask the demon this question first...and you also need to know the history of the person...and bring up all the possible issues with the person before you cast it out". All Bob Larson, or any Christian should be doing is saying "SHUT UP AND GET OUT" then deal with the person directly.
Patiently? Credibility and respect? Hah! Bob Larson is brutal with those buggers--he doesn't respect them or take any crud from them, he beats 'em up and beats 'em down and tells them to get out. And I don't see "Be quiet! Come out!" being used in the Gospels; sure, perhaps there were times where Jesus could override the demon's legal rights right off the bat, but a lot of what I see is largely synoptic. It was John, wasn't it, who said there were so many things that Jesus did that he couldn't fit them all into his writings? Exorcisms are long processes, and these Gospels were an overview account, so it makes sense that they wouldn't cram an entire play-by-play into their writings. And again, in practical application the interrogation and renunciation process has been proven to work--if someone comes along and starts performing thirty second exorcisms, maybe we'll look into that, but as it stands now all the effective Christian exorcists I know are sticking to the system they know that works--the one that's based on the absolute authority of Christ.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Bob Larson is a busy guy; his time is valuable. So he allots a certain amount of time to people, makes sure the ministry is receiving funds for the effort (no wonder, either, considering how many people shirk on tithing these days), and then directs them to people who can work with them long-term.
Of course time is valuable...But I can take a semester-long college class for the same price he charges for one or two sessions with him. And really? You justify the exorbitant prices he charges by saying "it's ok because people don't tithe enough anyway"?! What ever happened to trusting God to support the ministry and trusting that He will give people nudges to donate in order to provide what the ministry needs to continue? And people are paying to be involved and help others...instead of being paid! So where's the money going?!
Monetary prosperity isn't synonymous with God blessing and supporting a ministry; churches struggle just like any other establishment when times are tough, and Bob Larson Ministries is no exception--Scottsdale, Arizona, where they are based, was hit especially hard by the recession, and they lost the church building because people stopped giving. Yes, they trust God to keep them open, but they're also trying to be smart and make sure that they can afford to keep operating and keep sending people overseas to minister the the churches over there.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:Didn't he? He wanted people to see God's power, so he showed them in dramatic fashion. And yes, the devil's attacks are tragic, and it's good when they're released from bondage--shouldn't that be cool and exciting to Christians?
I'm mainly speaking of non-Christians here who are going to be tuning in every week with baited breath to find out what the next story will be and what crazy things the possessed person will do next.
Well hey, we can't change people's perceptions of the truth; all we can do is show them what's happening. Better they have some idea what's going on than have them stay in the dark.
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Amethystic wrote:And how will the families find out about it? They're not learning it in church. And if there's one thing that retains honesty through the filter of reality TV, it's genuine spiritual deliverance. You can't fake or script this stuff; it's either real or it's not. And of all the TV appearances I've seen of Bob, I've never seen them approach him in a mocking manner--that's including a lot of the big-name television network appearances.
So because they aren't learning it in church, it's right to teach them through a reality tv show that they may or may not believe? With techniques that aren't Biblical? And think of all the kids watching WITHOUT their family, or with a non-Christian family...What about brand new Christians being told they'd better get right on in the demon-casting business? And yes, you CAN fake and script this stuff.

I'm also irked that he advertises being able to diagnose dissociative identity disorder, as he does not appear to be a psychologist of any sort, and appears to believe it is always demon-possession and not a mental disorder.
It's better than locking this stuff away in a box and letting people pretend it doesn't exist. Lots of people won't get it, but some people will, and those people wouldn't have heard about this stuff otherwise because nobody else is trying to tell them. And the techniques are Biblical--I'm telling you, read Demon Proofing Prayers, watch some of his stuff, then decide whether or not he's a heretic or a nutcase. Even if you don't believe his exorcism methods, his knowledge on the occult and views on the demonic are fascinating and informative.

And he's said multiple times that sometimes people have genuine mental illness and not demonic possession. No, he's not a psychologist--psychologists let you sit around and talk about their problems. Bob takes the bull by the horns and gets those demons out of there already.
Last edited by Amethystic on Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ric »

I'm just curious, where does this 'legal right' stuff come from again? Is there a biblical reference for that?
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Post by John Chrysostom »

Exorcisms are long processes, and these Gospels were an overview account, so it makes sense that they wouldn't cram an entire play-by-play into their writings.
So are you saying that Mr. Larson's methods are extra biblical since the Gospels don't have play-by-play examples of exorcisms?

Also interestingly enough in church today my priest read from Matthew 17 where the Apostles couldn't cast out a demon and when asked why they couldn't Jesus said they didn't have enough faith and that "this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." So how would you reconcile this verse with your earlier statement that exorcism don't require prayer and fasting when Jesus just said they do?
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Post by Amethystic »

ric wrote:I'm just curious, where does this 'legal right' stuff come from again? Is there a biblical reference for that?
Well obviously the term 'legal right' itself was coined at a more recent date, but what's meant by it is that when you sin you give the demon a 'right' to be there; when you repent of that sin, the demon has nothing to hold onto and it can be kicked out. I'll be honest, I'm not nearly as brushed up on the scriptural references regarding this as I should be (I'm making it a priority to do more study on this stuff, since this form of ministry is a path I wish to pursue further), but here's one that gives mention to the general idea: "Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
Ayn Rand wrote:
Exorcisms are long processes, and these Gospels were an overview account, so it makes sense that they wouldn't cram an entire play-by-play into their writings.
So are you saying that Mr. Larson's methods are extra biblical since the Gospels don't have play-by-play examples of exorcisms?

Also interestingly enough in church today my priest read from Matthew 17 where the Apostles couldn't cast out a demon and when asked why they couldn't Jesus said they didn't have enough faith and that "this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." So how would you reconcile this verse with your earlier statement that exorcism don't require prayer and fasting when Jesus just said they do?
No, they are not "extra-biblical"; they are the effective, confrontational utilization of Jesus' authority, which he has given his followers. Scripture is constantly being used, studied, and referenced in this arena, and the results have consistently been where their mouth is, as I've seen. (And by that I mean the restoration of psychological wellness, the healing of blindness, the disappearance of brain tumors, and so on.) and If there is an incongruity between the ministry's practicing and the Bible's preaching, I've yet to see it. And as for that verse (it took me a second to find it, because it's not in all manuscripts) the translation I read stated it as, "this kind of demon does not go out except by prayer and fasting." A specific reference to that type of demon, not demonkind as a whole. Some demons are tougher than others, and sometimes steps for preparation have to be taken.
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Post by John Chrysostom »

Does Mr. Larson's ministry have a play-by-play method that he uses and teaches to others? If so where does he get the specifics of that method?

Also would you mind confirming or denying some specifics from the articles SoccerLOTR posted?

Does Mr. Larson and do you believe that Daycare Centers are fronts for Satanic cults?

Do you believe in the "curse of Melchizedek"?

Why do you believe that Mr. Larson demanding money from people to teach them about the gifts of the Holy Spirit is any different than Simon in Acts 8?

You talked about Mr. Larson's fees making up for people not tithing, do you believe that the $500 an hour Mr. Larson charges is a fair amount to make up for lack of tithing?

When Mr. Larson in his literature says that he "has spent 30 years developing the principles of this program to discover what spiritually hinders you." What does he mean? Why would he need to spend 30 years developing principals for this if they already exist in scripture or why did he not just go to the Church that has been preforming exorcisms for nearly 2,000 years?
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Post by Sherlock »

gunblader3 wrote:IMHO I don't think exorcism to be real. Many of these people who are supposedly "possessed by evil spirit or demons" can be resolved through psychological help. I personally believe of devils to be symbolism of evil coming from our own hearts. During the old times many people used the term possession when there was a phenomenon that they couldn't explain or was out of the ordinary. So a show about exorcism doesn't scare or concern me. So I guess I know why some people don't consider me to be a true Christian (actual I'm Roman Catholic, just not a very strong one).

You might be interested in reading the story behind "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". It's based on a true story, really interesting stuff.

I think that possessions are real because many times (especially decades ago) you would hear accounts of instances where poor people in very rural areas would become possessed and start speaking fluent Latin even though they were basically illiterate in their own language. They say, after all, that Satan only speaks Latin and so many times this is why a Priest was initially brought in because no one knew what the person was saying or what was happening. In the case of Emily Rose (her real name was different, I believe) it was really similar situation because she was a young girl from the country who was a really devout Catholic. According to her writings, she had a vision where she was given a choice between being cured of the possession or dying but if she died, she was told that she would be a witness to the reality of the existence of heck and that many people would be converted as a result of seeing her suffering.

Take it as you will, but it's still an interesting - if seriously creepy - story. She did eventually die and a lot of people (including a prosecuter involved in the trial surrouding her case) converted to Christianity who heard about it and witnessed it.
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Post by ric »

Amethystic wrote:I'll be honest, I'm not nearly as brushed up on the scriptural references regarding this as I should be (I'm making it a priority to do more study on this stuff, since this form of ministry is a path I wish to pursue further), but here's one that gives mention to the general idea: "Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
That verse is a reference to those who are not saved. Everyone who has not been 'released,' as it were, by Christ is captive to the will of the devil, which is what this verse is referring to, not a literal possession by a demon.
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Post by Amethystic »

Ayn Rand wrote:Does Mr. Larson's ministry have a play-by-play method that he uses and teaches to others? If so where does he get the specifics of that method?
Play-by-play implies that it's a straightforward process. It's not; getting a demon out is not an easy process, and the factors vary from person to person. And he's developed his method based on years of Bible study and personal experience.
Ayn Rand wrote:Also would you mind confirming or denying some specifics from the articles SoccerLOTR posted?
Like what?
Ayn Rand wrote:Does Mr. Larson and do you believe that Daycare Centers are fronts for Satanic cults?
To my knowledge he's never said anything along those lines. I, personally, think that's a pretty far-out claim--practically the stuff urban legends are made of--but stranger things have happened, so I couldn't guarantee there isn't an isolated case or two like that. As of now, however, I'm highly skeptical. I think it's safe to say that the majority of childcare workers aren't out there to hurt kids. (On a related note, though, Satanic ritual abuse is far more widespread than one might think; I couldn't put any numbers on it, but it's out there.)
Ayn Rand wrote:Do you believe in the "curse of Melchizedek"?
I don't know enough about it to say either way.
Ayn Rand wrote:Why do you believe that Mr. Larson demanding money from people to teach them about the gifts of the Holy Spirit is any different than Simon in Acts 8?
Why is it any different than any other preacher who charges money for programs and materials? Is every minister who charges money for services or products automatically discredited?
Ayn Rand wrote:You talked about Mr. Larson's fees making up for people not tithing, do you believe that the $500 an hour Mr. Larson charges is a fair amount to make up for lack of tithing?
As much as it'd be great if he could help everyone who needs help and do it for free, he doesn't have the time or the resources. And again, if people aren't tithing then they aren't tithing--there's no money to spare. I know for a fact that in recent years the ministry has struggled to stay afloat, so whatever the costs are I'm sure they're necessary.
Ayn Rand wrote:When Mr. Larson in his literature says that he "has spent 30 years developing the principles of this program to discover what spiritually hinders you." What does he mean? Why would he need to spend 30 years developing principals for this if they already exist in scripture or why did he not just go to the Church that has been preforming exorcisms for nearly 2,000 years?
It means that he's been spending all those years confronting the devil and learning the ins and outs of spiritual deliverance. It's a trial and error process, and it takes time to grow in Christ and learn how the system works. Just as pastors have to learn how to pastor and then practice in the real world to be good at it, exorcists have to learn how to exorcise and practice their skills too--and, seeing as prior to Bob there really was nobody offering exorcism instruction to the common man, it makes sense that learning the ropes and gaining expertise would take decades. And yes, the Catholic church has been practicing exorcism, but their version of exorcism is quite different from Bob's methods; as well, he teaches that all Christians should be involved in spiritual deliverance, not just pastors or priests.
ric wrote:That verse is a reference to those who are not saved. Everyone who has not been 'released,' as it were, by Christ is captive to the will of the devil, which is what this verse is referring to, not a literal possession by a demon.
I won't swear by anything, but I disagree. I think that it talks about spiritual oppression, such as that caused by demons.
Last edited by Amethystic on Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by John Chrysostom »

You can't put any numbers out there but they exist? Did you know the FBI has never actually found any instances of Satanic murders? Yet Mr. Larson has several "testimonies" on his The Real Exorcist website of people claiming they've murdered people in Satanic rituals.

I think that ministers who charge money to rescue people from demon possession should be automatically discredited. I have no problem with Mr. Larson selling books or being supported financially by his church.
It's a trial and error process, and it takes time to grow in Christ and learn how the system works
It's really not a trial and error process and you can be told how the system works because Christ told His Apostles how it worked. My church, the Eastern Orthodox Church has also been practicing exorcisms with the instructions handed down to it by the Apostles. It seems a bit like reinventing the wheel at this point and it seems to me that a trial and error process sounds like an extremely risky way to deal with demonic forces.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

As I've said, I love Bob Larson, but yeah, he probably believes all the awesome things that came out of the 1980's... Mike Warnke detailing his life as a Satanic high priest, Rebecca Brown, MD battling all sorts of supernatural powers while she was trying to save Satan's former wife, Lauren Stratford's exciting adventures in Satanism detailed in "Satan's Underground", etc.... all these things (Warnke was even frequently used by the FBI if I'm not mistaken) pretty much told us everything we "know" about Satanism. They literally wrote the book on it. But then people decided to actually look into their stories and discovered all they did was lie and make up crazy Satanic plots. Larson may still be using those "facts" that came to light back then when he had a popular radio show and some big books published when it comes to child care facilities, etc.
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Post by jelly »

wait... what? This guy charges by the hour to cast demons out of people? :-s Someone explain.. because I've never heard of Bob Larson, but from reading this thread he sounds more like some novelty performer who's trying to turn spiritual battles into some kind of business.
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Post by Amethystic »

Ayn Rand wrote:You can't put any numbers out there but they exist? Did you know the FBI has never actually found any instances of Satanic murders? Yet Mr. Larson has several "testimonies" on his The Real Exorcist website of people claiming they've murdered people in Satanic rituals.
But we aren't talking about Satanic ritual murders; we're talking about Satanic ritual abuse. And just the other day I was watching a Discovery ID show about kids who got involved with the occult and were murdered because of its influence. It was short of the stereotypical 'ritual', but the victims were killed for sacrificial purposes.
Ayn Rand wrote:I think that ministers who charge money to rescue people from demon possession should be automatically discredited. I have no problem with Mr. Larson selling books or being supported financially by his church.
Well, I shall have to ask about that. But even if Bob Larson shouldn't be charging for sessions, that doesn't discredit all the other people who are ministry members and who do it for nothing. There are always free options, so while Bob may be putting a price on his time, he's not putting a price on access to help. (EDIT: Not to mention he offers his time and services to many of the free seminars he holds.)
Ayn Rand wrote:
It's a trial and error process, and it takes time to grow in Christ and learn how the system works
It's really not a trial and error process and you can be told how the system works because Christ told His Apostles how it worked. My church, the Eastern Orthodox Church has also been practicing exorcisms with the instructions handed down to it by the Apostles. It seems a bit like reinventing the wheel at this point and it seems to me that a trial and error process sounds like an extremely risky way to deal with demonic forces.
I don't know too much about the details of orthodox exorcism, but somehow the resemblance between New Testament exorcism and that version escapes me. It seems so rigid and inaccessible. And hey, Martin Luther was stepping out on a limb when he opposed the Catholic church. Just because something is risky and goes against tradition doesn't mean it's wrong; in fact, sometimes it's an important change that needs to be made.
Jelly wrote:wait... what? This guy charges by the hour to cast demons out of people? :-s Someone explain.. because I've never heard of Bob Larson, but from reading this thread he sounds more like some novelty performer who's trying to turn spiritual battles into some kind of business.
I really suggest you take a look at some of his recordings or books; his teachings are extremely fascinating, and they challenge one's view on Christianity and the demonic. And no, he's not a money-making novelty performer--if he was, he would've quit years ago when the ministry's finances went down the toilet. I'm familiar with people who both serve and receive help through this ministry, and the only time I've seen bad results was when someone gave up, gave in, or tried to go by their own rules. There's something very real going on in this ministry, and the people who stick with it are coming away with very positive, significant results.
Last edited by Amethystic on Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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