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Love you always, SnC
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To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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Yo, TKD. How you like my signature? Catspaw rules fairly
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To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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Post by Steve »

Where Do We Go From Here?
On July 25th, 2011 by Adam Young
I have a thing about bug zappers because they forever changed the sound of sweet summer evenings filled with frog choruses and cricket refrains to sudden insect electric death. Ironically “glockenspiel” is way more fun to say than to play.

And it was all… just a dream…

She was trying to teach me how to dance and it was really awkward but I didn’t care because she was beautiful and exquisite and endearing and I was so in love with her, I didn’t care about being embarrassed. The walls were painted pitch black, the lights were low and there wasn’t any music playing but there were throngs of people everywhere and a man with a beard kept asking me a lot of questions. He reminded me of Gandalf the Grey and I smiled inwardly because I’m a dork. I sang and played my heart out that night and I just couldn’t contain the sparkling cocktail of wide smiles and bright eyes that poured out of me because things felt so right and pure in that definitive moment.

She surprised me. She was waiting for me. She threw her arms around my neck and I held her close and felt her giggle with happiness, the kind of joy you can’t hold back no matter how hard you try. But why would anyone try?

The street bikes and motorcycles were a bit much but that didn’t really bother me. It was the right place for them, actually, the right kind of setting so I guess that made me sort of the oddball. I remember people yelling at each other over airwaves and cell phones and it was pretty intense for a moment, but you know me, I just tried to stay out of the way. I’ve never liked confrontation. I remember she had a pretty summer dress on and a flower in her hair and I remember the way her perfume made my insides freeze and spiderweb crack like dry ice before bursting into a million tiny crystal shards that clawed the rungs of my ribs and burned butterfly prints on the inside of my chest. I loved her and I couldn’t wait to see her because it had been so long since I’d held her in my arms. She was the last thing I expected to happen to me, but there she was and it made me believe that pure and sudden bliss was not a rare anomaly. Moving on is simple, it’s what you leave behind that makes things difficult.

Then the lights clicked off as the last box was loaded into the truck and I said a handful of warm goodbyes to people I’d never met before. A nice pair of parents were there with a car and I remember driving home, exhausted, drained, dog-tired, but quite content and exhilarated. It was dark outside and the hum of interior cab noise made me sleepy as the moon followed outside my window. I remember holding hands with her in the dark.

Now there’s something sharp in my wrist and I think it’s the same thing inside my mouth. There’s a sharp coiled cable running from the light to the wall and a soft place to put things nearby but I never really use it. I’m always afraid I’m going to forget something important when it’s time to leave, and there are few things worse than realizing you’ve lost something for good, whatever it may be. I’ve never been fond of leaving, except for perhaps leaving bittersweet the warehouse after a long day or the dentist’s chair after a tortuous hour. Those kinds of departures are enjoyable and I always tend to drive faster and sing louder post-appointment, but I feel like there are many kinds of “leaving” and most of them tend to be tiresome.

Sometimes I purposefully forget to turn the lights out when I leave so that when I return home, it feels like someone is expecting me. Sometimes it’s nice to feel expected, the same as it’s nice to feel unreachable from time to time. We always talked about doing so many things, going so many places, seeing and feeling and tasting so many flavors of emotion and scenario, some of them we did in fact experience, others we just never got around to. It feels distant and hazy and pretty miserable at times, but all the more reason to cling tight to what is true and real and sustaining. Missing someone is like a bad dream you can’t wake yourself up from.

But the glass shatters in a cool way and I love imagining what it would be like to repel off the side of skyscrapers in Hong Kong or fight crime in Gotham City or spend all my weekends as two different people. Laura is buying clothes somewhere in LA right now and I need to figure out how to enjoy the atmosphere because it would be silly to wake up anxious. There are so many places to hide out here, so many pieces of driftwood and bits of palm trees that cleverly conceal the most beautiful fish. It’s easy to think they might go largely unnoticed but I’m sure this is not the case. I just do my own thing and try not to bother anybody.

It’s funny how time can manipulate and stretch itself like a contortionist. I feel like yesterday was this afternoon. Now I’m lying on a deep royal purple and there are eyes everywhere but it’s a thrilling feeling. Meetings float like battleships on the near horizon and I have to take sleeping pills at night or else I’ll miss everything. I like these quiet secret moments unless of course I must fly somewhere or wake up early. I took the tour and it seemed like a lovely place, full of good people and great ideas but I always catch myself thinking about what lies just beneath the surface. Sometimes I prefer not to know.


A billion emotions are buzzing in and around my mind like a psychiatric beehive institution, a crawling traffic jam of bedlam and chaos. Except these thoughts aren’t cute fuzzy little bumblebees with wooly mittens and happy faces, these are awkward, disoriented hornets that aren’t sure where to go or how to get there. It’s an unsettling feeling and sometimes I’m just a lightheaded worker bee who can’t find a place to land. Everything is spinning and my heart beats twice as fast as it should, making tonight an emotional triathlon of which I’m underprepared and totally undertrained for. I’m not entirely sure what’s happening and I don’t believe I could stop this race if I wanted to. My two-stroke heart is pumping double-time and I’m running faster than my legs can carry me, but the scary thing is that I’m not sure where the finish line lies, or if I’m even pointed in the right direction.

The color grey was charming and the blue was intoxicating but I didn’t care; both were so unbelievably gorgeous, I just sat there stunned, staggered, debilitated.

What do I do? Where do we go from here? Everything is split down the middle and I need more wisdom than I thought.

It was a sweatshirt-weather kind of night in California and I remember the way those big green and blue letters stood out like bright neon monoliths in the deepening midnight. She had a red convertible waiting for us in the parking lot and the top was down… actually I don’t think the top even worked at all because I remember us talking and laughing about what we would do if it started raining on us. It was the most natural thing in the world, yet I might be a liar if you asked me now. I remember the stars were quiet and faint because of the layer cake of light pollution above us but still, everything about that night was stunning, by every and all definitions of the word. I could feel the glow of the dash on my face, the flutter of the music in my ears and the swift whip of the sea air in my hair. We put our hands up to see how long we could hold them out before they became ice cubes and I loved feeling wind-tossed because it felt like horizontal sky diving. We raced along the coast in the darkness and wound up on a secret beach somewhere with apple cider and a blanket. I still can’t believe what happened was real because everything about that night was too eloquent for words. I don’t recall speaking or listening, I just remember feeling, processing, sensing, experiencing, living deeply, breathing it all in.

How I wish I could return to that night sometimes. Just for fun, just for a few minutes, just now and again.

Still, that scarf had a charm of its own and that makes me feel a bit better about things.

he/him | a little stinker.
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Gaius wrote:We didn't miss you at'all Lee :x

Hope you have more free time, JP! \:D/

And welcome, Blessed Cheesmaker! You'll have a good time here. Well, when we don't bite. I'm not a vampire. Shadowfax is though :yes:
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java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar
To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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Different emotions such as (")(-_-)("), are expressed by changing the character representing the eyes, for example ' T ' can be used to express crying or sadness (T_T). The emphasis on the eyes is reflected in the common usage of emoticons that use only the eyes, e.g. ^^. Looks of stress are represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a generic emoticon for nervousness, the semicolon indicating sweat that occurs during anxiety. Repeating the /// mark (///) can indicate embarrassment by symbolizing blushing. Characters like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; the period is often used for a smaller, "cuter" mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (^.^). Alternatively, the mouth/nose can be left out entirely, e.g. (^^). The parentheses also can often be replaced with braces, e.g. {^_^}. Many times, the parentheses are left out completely, e.g. ^^, >.<, o_O, O.O, <.<;. o-o,e_e,e.e and/or owo. A quotation mark ", apostrophe ', or semicolon ; can be added to the emoticon to imply apprehension or embarrassment, in the same way that a sweat drop is used in popular and common asian animation.
"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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Don’t collect people like pokémon cards. Connect with ones that have meaning to you. Follow the people you want to learn from. Engage with the people you admire. Geek out. Ask questions. Have fun. Say hello. Be yourself.
*insert provocative quote here*
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"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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Connie Kendall: Can I have another tissue?
June Kendall: Here.
Connie Kendall: Whit do you need a tissue?
John Whittaker: No, uh, more like a bucket.
June Kendall: It didn't make you want to open your heart and share your soul?
John Whittaker: It made me want to hit my head on something hard and then erase the memory of my life for the last two hours.
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A holding cell for the craziest of crazy threads. Anything goes here as long as nobody gets hurt!
To LGBT ToOers: The world is so much wider than your family and church. There are accepting people out there.
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The Painting - 16 points (-1)
Always - 20 points
Rights, Wrongs, and Reasons - 9 points
Strange Boy in a Strange Land - 28 points (+1)
The Tangled web - 8 points
Hymn Writers - 16 points
The Y.A.K. Problem - 3 points
"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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Post by odysseyfan1 »

Peter, James, and John - This is the best song on the album (with “Lord of Life” coming in second probably) and is the perfect selection for radio single. It has a nice country flavor, and the group really shines. The only criticism I can see would be the ending, It seems there should be more to it. It doesn’t follow the chorus endings for the rest of the song. It has different words and leaves you wishing for more.

I Get Down - The last song was excellent, this one is just the opposite. Tim Riley leads the song. It doesn’t do much for me.

Footprints on the Water - Don’t be surprised if you hear similarities to the last song, “I Get Down,” especially in the intro. It’s a jazzy number, kind of fun, a little obnoxious with the electric guitars.

It Won’t Be Long - A note to Gold City: tone down! Also, the music is a bit annoying with the loud percussion and electric guitars. Some lyrics that stood out to me:

There’s no need standing up for the right, unless you’re gonna stand up against the wrong.


You’d better make haste to meet your maker before you have to meet with the undertaker.

Good theology. :)

Showers of Blessings: This song doesn’t sound much to me like Gold City. The vocals sound like they’re sung by a different group (not one that I know, but a different group nonetheless) The group had the perfect opportunity to at least sneak part of the old hymn into this track, but they missed their opportunity. Nevertheless, “Showers of Blessings” is kind of a fun song.

Lord of Life - To me, this song would win second place on the album. The first ballad, it starts out with fairly light music, and then kicks into high gear at the first chorus. If you want a small sampling of the album, buy this song track, and “Peter, James, and John” on iTunes.

Somebody’s Coming - You’re sitting at an interminably long red light, bored out of your skull. Suddenly, a sleek, red corvette pulls up next to you, rock music blasting from the radio. The driver thinks he’s a “cool dude” complete with tattoos, muscle shirt, and tattoos. You feel like opening your window and playing something from your car. But, suddenly, you hear that the song he’s listening to is by Gold City! And it’s called “Somebody’s Coming”!

OK, obviously, this will likely never happen. But I’m telling you, minus the Christian words, this song would be absolutely perfect on a rock-n-roll or country station. Well, if you like that kind of music, this song isn’t half bad, although it is very rocky.

Leave That Burden - This is ballad two of three. It’s slightly slower than some down-tempo songs, but it’s certainly slower than most of the others on Somebody’s Coming. I don’t think that the chorus is extremely well written. It seems that there’s too many words stuffed into a small space. The song is kind of country-flavored. This seems to be the genre that most of the songs on the album would fit into.

I Have an Anchor - Sometimes it takes a few listens before I start to like a CD or song. Second time through this one, and it’s improving, at least in my mind. The group could have sang part of the song “Will Your Anchor Hold” (or perhaps called “We Have an Anchor”) in the old Praise and Worship hymnal that my church uses, but alas they didn’t. So many old songs like this, that are in my hymnbook, never get sung by Southern Gospel groups. Sometimes I can’t say that it would be a good idea to record some of those old songs though. Not all of them are exactly well written.

Never Too Broken to Belong - Imagine piano and strings, because that’s what this song is. It’s pretty (as in to a fairly large, noticeable, or reasonable extent) pretty. :)

Album Art: The cover is a work of art. I really like it. I’d like to say that the actual cover art is a bit different than the JPEG image above, mainly in and around the font.

I have to say that most of the songs are not as good as some of the songs on Gold City’s last major release Moment of Truth, such as “What Children Believe,” and “By Your Grace, For Your Glory.” There are a couple 4.5-5 star songs, and the rest range from 1.5-4 stars. I can’t recommend paying $15 for the entire album, but I would recommend getting some of the songs on a digital download site, such as iTunes.

This album was very country influenced, with almost all of the songs, having at least a little bit, that country flavor. I generally love country style Southern Gospel music, but I can’t say that about this album. A lot of the songs are too loud for me.

Most likely, you’ll have a different view of the album than me. Daniel J. Mount gave it a very favorable review. If you liked Moment of Truth, then you’ll most likely like Somebody’s Coming. If you didn’t like Moment of Truth, then don’t get Somebody’s Coming.

CD Rating: 2.5 stars
Favorite Songs: “Peter, James, and John,” “Lord of Life,” “Somebody’s Coming”

Review copy provided by New Haven Records

This is fun! :)
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"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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