Female Teenage Exorcists Get Their Own Reality TV Show

Yes, I am serious.

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Post by John Chrysostom »

Amethystic wrote:But we aren't talking about Satanic ritual murders; we're talking about Satanic ritual abuse. And just the other day I was watching a Discovery ID show about kids who got involved with the occult and were murdered because of its influence. It was short of the stereotypical 'ritual', but the victims were killed for sacrificial purposes.
Well I'm skeptical but that's another topic.
But even if Bob Larson shouldn't be charging for sessions, that doesn't discredit all the other people who are ministry members and who do it for nothing.
But as mentioned Bob Larson charges his ministry members to learn from him.
I don't know too much about the details of orthodox exorcism, but somehow the resemblance between New Testament exorcism and that version escapes me. It seems so rigid and inaccessible.
So because it's hard to understand we should just reject Scripture?
And hey, Martin Luther was stepping out on a limb when he opposed the Catholic church. Just because something is risky and goes against tradition doesn't mean it's wrong; in fact, sometimes it's an important change that needs to be made.
Well agree to disagree about the Reformation unless you want to start a new thread. All that to say that argument doesn't convince me.
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Post by jelly »

Amethystic wrote:
Jelly wrote:wait... what? This guy charges by the hour to cast demons out of people? :-s Someone explain.. because I've never heard of Bob Larson, but from reading this thread he sounds more like some novelty performer who's trying to turn spiritual battles into some kind of business.
I really suggest you take a look at some of his recordings or books; his teachings are extremely fascinating, and they challenge one's view on Christianity and the demonic. And no, he's not a money-making novelty performer--if he was, he would've quit years ago when the ministry's finances went down the toilet. I'm familiar with people who both serve and receive help through this ministry, and the only time I've seen bad results was when someone gave up, gave in, or tried to go by their own rules. There's something very real going on in this ministry, and the people who stick with it are coming away with very positive, significant results.
ok sure, so he's good at what he does... but it all still sounds stupid. I'm kinda sick of these 'super ministries' and 'mega pastors'. These huge, luxurious churches and these ministries with all this best-selling material operate like businesses, and it all seems very material. If I had a friend with spiritual problems, why would I take them to someone who charges $500 an hour to 'fix' them? :-s That's so retarded. God didn't give a unique gift of exorcism to random mega pastors. It's God himself who has the power to fix people up, and he can use anyone with a strong, passionate faith.
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Post by Amethystic »

Ayn Rand wrote:
But even if Bob Larson shouldn't be charging for sessions, that doesn't discredit all the other people who are ministry members and who do it for nothing.
But as mentioned Bob Larson charges his ministry members to learn from him.
If by "charges" you mean that his books and videos cost money, then yes, he charges money, just like any other preacher who writes and records and has costs to cover. I do remember, however, that a while ago he set up his website so you could watch recordings of his sermons in Scottsdale online. I don't know if you still can do that.
Ayn Rand wrote:
I don't know too much about the details of orthodox exorcism, but somehow the resemblance between New Testament exorcism and that version escapes me. It seems so rigid and inaccessible.
So because it's hard to understand we should just reject Scripture?
Quite frankly, I suspect it to be more tradition based than scripture based. You don't have to be a highly-trained priest to perform an exorcism; you just need faith in Christ and the Word of God. (And some how-to knowledge, of course.)
Ayn Rand wrote:
And hey, Martin Luther was stepping out on a limb when he opposed the Catholic church. Just because something is risky and goes against tradition doesn't mean it's wrong; in fact, sometimes it's an important change that needs to be made.
Well agree to disagree about the Reformation unless you want to start a new thread. All that to say that argument doesn't convince me.
Heh, yeah, sorry, but I'm speaking as a Protestant here. :P Over time the church gets stuck in a rut, and so God rises up a new movement to 'shake things up', so to speak. Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, they were all formed by those individual movements, and now another movement is rising up--perhaps the greatest movement yet! People are getting healed and restored, inside and out, and the power of God is being seen like never before.
Jelly wrote:
Amethystic wrote:
Jelly wrote:wait... what? This guy charges by the hour to cast demons out of people? :-s Someone explain.. because I've never heard of Bob Larson, but from reading this thread he sounds more like some novelty performer who's trying to turn spiritual battles into some kind of business.
I really suggest you take a look at some of his recordings or books; his teachings are extremely fascinating, and they challenge one's view on Christianity and the demonic. And no, he's not a money-making novelty performer--if he was, he would've quit years ago when the ministry's finances went down the toilet. I'm familiar with people who both serve and receive help through this ministry, and the only time I've seen bad results was when someone gave up, gave in, or tried to go by their own rules. There's something very real going on in this ministry, and the people who stick with it are coming away with very positive, significant results.
ok sure, so he's good at what he does... but it all still sounds stupid. I'm kinda sick of these 'super ministries' and 'mega pastors'. These huge, luxurious churches and these ministries with all this best-selling material operate like businesses, and it all seems very material. If I had a friend with spiritual problems, why would I take them to someone who charges $500 an hour to 'fix' them? :-s That's so retarded. God didn't give a unique gift of exorcism to random mega pastors. It's God himself who has the power to fix people up, and he can use anyone with a strong, passionate faith.
"Super ministry" and "mega pastor" are terms that imply he's extremely popular and wealthy. He's not. Most churches won't let him in the door because they're in denial about the supernatural, and his church doesn't even have a building. His books are good, but I rather doubt that they're best-selling. And no, you don't have to pay anyone anything--if you need help, seek out one of the local groups. They don't charge anything. Meet them, call them, however you need to get a hold of them. Like you said, God can use anyone, and these groups are made out of people like you and me who have a passion for the things of God. Hey, they'll even teach you how to do it if you have an ear to hear. Even forgetting about Bob Larson for a minute, there are still hundreds of people in North America alone who are performing this kind of ministry just because they want to help people, glorify God, and strengthen their own Christian walk.
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

Guys and gals read this. http://home.earthlink.net/~19ranger57/dontread.htm I think this will add something to the conversation. Bob Larson is rich. Has a very nice home. And is no where near the brink of economic disaster.
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Post by John Chrysostom »

Quite frankly, I suspect it to be more tradition based than scripture based. You don't have to be a highly-trained priest to perform an exorcism; you just need faith in Christ and the Word of God. (And some how-to knowledge, of course.)
So where does one get that how to knowledge?
Heh, yeah, sorry, but I'm speaking as a Protestant here. :P Over time the church gets stuck in a rut, and so God rises up a new movement to 'shake things up', so to speak. Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, they were all formed by those individual movements
Well I don't think the Church did get stuck in a rut. Also Lutherans, Baptists, and Pentecostals have radically different views on what the Church is, how God works, and the very nature of the universe. How could God be leading all of them to those different beliefs?

Excellent point from Knight Fisher by the way; our spiritual leaders shouldn't be buying million dollar vacation homes.
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Post by Amethystic »

Ayn Rand wrote:
Quite frankly, I suspect it to be more tradition based than scripture based. You don't have to be a highly-trained priest to perform an exorcism; you just need faith in Christ and the Word of God. (And some how-to knowledge, of course.)
So where does one get that how to knowledge?
You learn from people who have done it before you--or, sometimes, God sends people your way and you have to figure things out on your own.
Heh, yeah, sorry, but I'm speaking as a Protestant here. :P Over time the church gets stuck in a rut, and so God rises up a new movement to 'shake things up', so to speak. Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, they were all formed by those individual movements
Well I don't think the Church did get stuck in a rut. Also Lutherans, Baptists, and Pentecostals have radically different views on what the Church is, how God works, and the very nature of the universe. How could God be leading all of them to those different beliefs? [/quote] I didn't say they were all completely on the mark, but they each reintroduced important ideas that were lost over time. Now spiritual warfare is making a comeback, and it's coming back in a big way.
Ayn Rand wrote:Excellent point from Knight Fisher by the way; our spiritual leaders shouldn't be buying million dollar vacation homes.
I've seen that page before. Firstly, I'd like to point out how extremely biased it is, and that most of what is stated there is either highly exaggerated or just flat out lies. You can believe it if you like, but I'm not going to pick through it statement by statement with you just to try and prove my point. If you believe what that webpage is saying, then obviously you're not buying into this realm of spiritual deliverance anyways.

Secondly, Bob Larson himself just went through financial hardship because of Arizona's economic downturn. Yes, he used to have a good amount of money, but that's because of his own personal investments--he doesn't make his money from the ministry. And again, if he was in this for the money from the start, why on earth would he stick with this ministry to the brink of bankruptcy?
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Post by John Chrysostom »

See I disagree, I think God has given us a way to do it and trying to figure it out on our own to me is just inviting disaster.

Well like I said I disagree that they were lost but that's another thread.
why on earth would he stick with this ministry to the brink of bankruptcy?
Our point is that his ministry has never been on the brink of bankruptcy.
If you believe what that webpage is saying, then obviously you're not buying into this realm of spiritual deliverance anyways.
What do you mean by this? I believe in exorcism of demons, I just believe that we need to question Larson's motives when he is getting a quarter of a million dollars a year from his ministry.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go down the page and refute each point. So just refute our main point that he makes nearly half a million dollars a year, half of that from his ministry. http://home.earthlink.net/~19ranger57/blies1.htm
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Post by jelly »

man I dunno.. that website is super sketchy looking and it hurts my eyes. :(
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Yeah I have a hard time trusting a site that looks like its a Geocity from 1997. >_>

Obviously that has nothing to do with the actual content, but I think I stumbled across that site before and it has lots of bad info. Could be right here, though. \:D/
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Post by John Chrysostom »

I agree the site does look sketchy, so here's some collaborating evidence from World Magazine. http://www.worldmag.com/articles/11970
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Post by Amethystic »

I am... highly suspicious of that information, to say the least. While it raises some questions, I have to say that the evidence I've seen in favor of his validity is far stronger than the evidence against him. As well, and I realize this sounds a bit petty, but if you were the demons, wouldn't you try to make Bob look as bad as possible?

Whatever the case, those articles can't explain away all the miracles that have taken place within the ministry, all the lives that have been drastically changed--changes that I've been seeing up close my entire life.

Also, just out of curiosity, are there any other, more recent articles about this? That stuff was rather dated, and I haven't seen anything like that from any recent complaints.
Ayn Rand wrote:See I disagree, I think God has given us a way to do it and trying to figure it out on our own to me is just inviting disaster.
Well I disagree that this is a way other than the way God has given us, but fine.
Ayn Rand wrote:
why on earth would he stick with this ministry to the brink of bankruptcy?
Our point is that his ministry has never been on the brink of bankruptcy.
Yes, it has been. Quite recently, actually. (Namely, more recent than those articles, I believe.)
Ayn Rand wrote:
If you believe what that webpage is saying, then obviously you're not buying into this realm of spiritual deliverance anyways.
What do you mean by this? I believe in exorcism of demons, I just believe that we need to question Larson's motives when he is getting a quarter of a million dollars a year from his ministry.
What I mean is that if you believe the things that the site is saying, then your mind is made up about this ministry and there's little point in arguing back and forth about Bob Larson's integrity anymore because we'll only go around in circles.
Last edited by Amethystic on Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by John Chrysostom »

You're right most of us have made up our minds about his ministry. And yes it is rather dated but unless Bob Larson has repented of his actions back then and changed his ways these still discredit his ministry.
but if you were the demons, wouldn't you try to make Bob look as bad as possible?
And if Bob was doing these things would demons really need to do anything? Are you saying that demons influenced the writers at World?

Any way as I said, yes I've made up my mind so no there isn't much point in continuing.
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Post by Amethystic »

Well as I was not around back then I could not say what's going on, nor could I say whether or not World's allegations are genuine or the result of spiritual agitation, but as it stands now I've seen enough to convince me that this realm of exorcism is genuine, with Bob Larson or without him. Currently, though, I still say he's reliable. So yes, let's call this done for the time being.
Last edited by Amethystic on Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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