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Re: Ignorant Christians

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:17 pm
by gunblader3
TigerintheShadows wrote:The Christian vs. Atheist video was interesting.
I thought it was horrible. Which is sad because I usually tend to enjoy these type of atheist videos since most of them do bring up good points. This video however relies on cheap shots and weak arguments from the other side. I mean who the heck brings up "sex" when talking about books like Harry Potter? And I was really ashamed when they defined miracles as "he says something and then something mysteriously happens", which is definitely not how we see miracles being defined at all.

I really wish they would tackle some actual arguments the other side uses such as the book promoting "witchcraft" and how Wiccans are "devil worshipers". Overall I was deeply disappointed about the video.
TigerintheShadows wrote: I think it's really a vocal minority who rants and raves illogically about how horrible it is.
Oh you'll be surprise with your fellow TTO'ers about this statement.
ique wrote:I think I started getting especially suspicious several years ago when I started hearing the same nice little Christian "talking points" (I guess that's what you hip kids are calling them) from other people.
What exactly are these "Christian talking points" you guys keep bringing up? Are they just statements Christians use to answer questions or what?

Re: Ignorant Christians

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:48 am
by ique
gunblader3 wrote:What exactly are these "Christian talking points" you guys keep bringing up? Are they just statements Christians use to answer questions or what?
They're Christian catchphrases widely repeated. The wording can vary but they're always recognisable as the same thing. The original authors of these statements might have been clever and had good points, but they probably then went on to expand upon their arguments, in perhaps a paper or book. Unfortunately, because of how catchy the words are, someone somewhere heard them once and they've spread like a wildfire, bereft of all original contextual and rhetorical support. They've become a replacement for actual thought and are simply recited over and over. I haven't bothered looking up their sources, but here are a couple I know I've heard more than once:

"it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God"
"the consequences are far greater to have not believed and been wrong, than to have believed and been wrong"

That's all I can think of right now, but hopefully that gives you an idea of what we're referring to ( and hopefully I am indeed talking about the same things as the others who have brought up "talking points" and not off in my own world :-s )

Re: Ignorant Christians

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:04 am
by John Chrysostom
Yes that's what I meant by talking points. An example that's been brought up on this forum is the professor and the Christian

Re: Ignorant Christians

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:36 pm
by gunblader3
Ah Thank you ique. That was extremely helpful. I asked because a couple of times when I try to have a friendly discussion with some extremist I know of, many of them would say the same thing like "You can't neither prove nor disprove the existence of God" or my favorite "There's no point in living if their is no God." Actually I only heard this phrased like twice on my trip to Connecticut once.
Ayn Rand wrote:Yes that's what I meant by talking points. An example that's been brought up on this forum is the professor and the Christian
I'm pretty sure I saw a similar excerpt, except with Albert Einstein name stamped on it.

Send this to an atheist and they'll have the time of their life dissecting and refuting the students argument. Plus what kind of atheist professor would act like a Disney Villain like that? And I never knew an atheist that believes in absolute morality?