Going Blind

and Trusting Christ :)

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Going Blind

Post by JesusFreak777 »

Well, I guess it's time to finally let everyone in on what's been going on in my life lately. I'm going blind. Some of you know this already and have been praying for me, and for that I am so thankful. Christ will bless each and ever one of you for that. You have no idea how much your thoughts, prayers, and encouragement mean to me.

Before I do, I should probably give y'all a little background on my eyesight.

For those of you who know my story, you can skip down to the asterisk where it will be more current info.* For those who don't, this is my story and I will answer that burning question that everyone has when they meet me but are too polite to ask - that is, "Sarah, why are your glasses so thick?"

Well, here's the answer: I was born blind. As in, I could see light and dark, but that's it. My parents didn't know until I was 6 months old. when they took me in, it was discovered that I had cataracts (basically just a fancy word for scar tissue) and they were over the lens of my eye. In order to remove the cataracts, they had to remove my lenses as well. After several surgeries, God gave the doctors enough wisdom to remove everything the best way possible. I now have no lenses in my eyes, which is why my glasses are so amazingly thick - pretty cool, eh? (yes, Sam, I did throw that in just for you ;) )

What does this mean exactly? Well, you know when you look through binoculars and you usually have to adjust them so you can see clearly out of them? Well, my eyes are like that, only I can't adjust them - they are stuck at that blurry and somewhat out of focus stage.

When I was three or so, I developed childhood glaucoma thanks to all the surgeries. Glaucoma basically affects the pressure in the eye making it too high or too low. Mine is too high. If it gets too too high, my retinas could detach.

*All that to say, I have grown up knowing that one day, i might lose my vision. Well, it now seems that day has come. Over the last few months/weeks, my vision has deteriorated rapidly. I have gone from have pretty decent peripheral vision all things considered to having none. meaning if you and I were standing right next to each other, I would have no idea you were there. It makes walking around campus quite fun - especially trying to cross the street. My guardian angel has been quite busy lately. ;) So have my dear friends, who have been helping me get from place and making sure I'm doing alright - but more on that later.

On top of my peripheral vision being shot, my central vision is going as well. Sometimes it is crystal clear, sometimes it is so fuzzy I can't tell what is in front of me. This makes reading, and school work and going to classes rather difficult, but I'm trying to manage, an by God's strength, I will be able to.

I have gone to two different doctors so far, and neither of them have been able to tell me anything. This Saturday, I am scheduled for an MRI at Lynchburg general. They want to see if there are any tumors in my brain that might be causing the vision loss.


To be honest, I hope they find something. Knowing what's going on is better than not knowing at all. I'd rather know that I'm dying than not know. I am not afraid of death, nor am I afraid of going blind. God is in control, and I mean that when I say it. It is not a cop out, but absolute truth in my mind.

I KNOW that Christ can heal my vision completely if He choses to do so. I also know that more than I want to see, I want to do His will and bring all the glory and honor to Him.

Honestly, I see myself in a win-win-win situation here. If God choses to heal me, then praise Him for performing a miracle, and once again showing Himself as the Great Healer and Great Physician.

If God allows me to keep the vision I have, then Praise Him still because I can still see and glorify Him with the little sight I have.

And finally, if I go blind, then Praise Him, because the next face I will see is that of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and to Him and Him alone be all praise, honor and glory.

If I go blind, I cannot hate or blame God.. Sight is a gift straight from Him, just like marriage is, and most have it. But what people don't realize is that being blind is also a gift from Him - just like being single. Fewer have that gift, but the rewards are still there, and so is the opportunity to Glorify Christ. Sure it will be done in a much different manner, but how can I be ungrateful with a free gift that my Father has chosen to bestow upon me?

Having said all that, yes I am coming to terms with all of this. Does this mean it's easy to deal with, or that I have it all together? Nope! Does this mean I am not terrified of actually going blind? Absolutely not! but in my fear, I have faith. I know that my Savior will never give me more than I can handle. Does this mean I have given up on God healing me, or that I don't need prayer anymore? Decidedly Not!

This is one thing that has been so amazing through all of this: Seeing Christ work, and shower His love on me and on others in all of this. Every time I have been down, He has been so faithful to bring people to me to encourage me, or pray with me or for me, or take me to the dr.'s, or hug me, or feed me ;) or just remind me that He Himself is here. To all of you who are praying: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means that you care so much. I know that God is hearing your prayers, and that in His time, He will answer them. But know this: I want His will to be done no matter what that means. I have faith that He can heal me, but if He choses not to, I still trust Him.

( heh -I'll be surprised if anyone actually reads all this, but I figured this would be the best way to keep people updated) In the future, my notes should be shorter.)

I love you all so much, and if anyone ever has a prayer request, or needs to talk or be encouraged or needs anything, know that I am here for you, but more than that, your Heavenly Father is too.

In Christ,

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Post by Kait »

Wow Sarah! I am truly touched by your faith in God. That is something that I struggle with in my life.

I must say, you are....wow...it just amazes me how you are taking this. Your post just conveys the total feeling that you are at peace with whatever happens. That is awesome.

(if it were me going blind, I think I'd be running around in circles and totally flipping out :anxious:)

I will be praying for you...and yes...I did read that whole post :p

Much Love,

PS I don't know you personally, but I know that you are a loving, Godly and generally cool person (hey, I voted you over Chris as the better host :noway:)
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Sarah, thank you for updating us all on your life. I had no idea about all of this, but I will be praying for you. And I think that God will use you to touch people's lives no matter what happens, because I can see that you have a love for God and a love for people. :yes: God bless!
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Post by STRYPER »

I'm speechless

Sarah, I will definitely be praying for you. I'm trying not to cry as I read your final section... your heart is in the best place and you are bring so much glory to God in your actions. I would encourage you to continue to read/listen to the book of James, particularly the first chapter.

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Post by Tim Peterson »

Tears came to my eyes as I read that, but I find that I can't feel too bothered about your troubles because they're overshadowed by the amazing faith you display. Your joy amid the situation is infectious. :)
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Post by Abigail »

Wow, Sarah, I had no clue.

I'm speachless.

Your words really touched me, for someone i your situation to be able to handle things so calmly. I know if it were me in your shoes, I would be going insane. But I am glad that you have such strong faith in God, I wish there were more people today like you, the world could sure use that kind of faith and trust.
I want you to know that I will be praying for you, that God will continue to work in your life and help you through no matter what comes your way, and that you will continue to have such faith, trust and love that you have right now.
I am like Christina, I don't really know you, but I know- I could feel this as I read your post- that your an all for God person, and you love him with all your mind soul and body. I want to tell you that your a very special and amazing person.


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Post by Angel »


I don't know you, but I have heard one of your podcasts before.

Your post was truly inspirational. I didn't know this was happening, but you are taking it really well.

Like most of the people here, if I were in your position, I would not be taking it quite so well.

I can see that you really do trust God with all your heart, and I think that is a wonderful thing.

I will be praying for you.

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Post by Ruthie »

Sarah. :hug:

Thank- you for posting this, it really touched me- and it made me smile. It made me smile because of your love for God, and your complete trust in God- no matter what happens to you. I cannot image what would happen if I were to lose my sight. I know God will use your life as a living testimony whatever happens.


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Post by Azariah Ben Yaakov »

Wow. I have always had the fear of going blind myself...

But I will definitely Pray for you Sarah, And I hope that even if things dont work out physically best for you, I know they will Spiritually.

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Post by servant*girl »

I'm so sorry to hear this, dear one.
I heard an incredible speaker last month. Her name is Jennifer Rothschild. If I remember correctly, at the age of 15, she lost her sight. She has used this whole experience to draw closer to God and to bring others into His presence. It's truly amazing. You have probably already heard of her, but just in case.....her website is:
May God bless you and continue to give you the strength that you need each day.
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Post by Evil Chick »


I'm praying for you! I have always admired your amazing faith! God has certainly shown you his grace and comfort in your life, and he will continue to do so! I love you, friend, and I wish I could be there to give you a hug and pray with you in person.

Heidi Marie

Dear God,
Please be with my friend Sarah right now. I thank you so much for the amazing amount of faith and grace and comfort that you've already given her. Thank you for keeping her close to you! I pray that you'd continue to bless her and give her friends to help her along this path that you've chosen for her. Thank you for your amazing goodness and that you know exactly what you're doing at all times!
In Jesus' name,
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Post by Candy »

I read the whole thing, and I was shocked. Tears sprang to my eyes. And having met you only once and not really knowing you, although we do live very closely. I will say, I am Praying for you. And I will continue to do so.

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Post by Homeward bound »

*reads first part* Wow... *reads rest* Wow.

Aww... Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear about this. As many have said already though, I'm so touched by your faith through this. I don't know if I could have such faith if God took my sight because I'm not sure what I'd do without it. I don't know you very well at all, but I still remember you were one of the first people to welcome me when I first came here (well, besides CoT, but I think he was first for almost everyone who joined around when I did ;) ). You may not remember it, but I do, and it shaped my thinking of you right away as someone who was friendly and I could talk to and ask questions if I needed to. God has blessed you with this awesome personality and your strong faith, and I know He will use your going blind to glorify Him and bless others, just as He has been using you to bless so many people already.

I pray that God uses this this time to glorify Him through you, and that you can continue to be a blessing to others through this time in your life. I pray He grants you peace through it.

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Post by PJ »

I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much. Yes, I'll be praying for you and God's will. Your faith is very inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for opening your heart to share your awesome testimony! God is using you already. Keep shining for Jesus to the fullest!
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Post by Lucy Pevensie »

I'm praying for you. And yes, I did read the whole thing ;) haha. I'm thankful you're trusting God through all this . . . it is amazing, like Christina said, I bet I would be going nuts if that happened to me! Go to Him always and we're praying!!
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Post by hubcap »

I would say that I am sorry to hear this...but I don't think that is what you want to hear. (I could be wrong, though.) Your faith is very encouraging, thank you. May God bless you!
your sister in Christ,
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Post by Katrina »

:hug: :hug: Sarah I read your hole post and you have extrondinary faith in God. Wow you are a very good example and infulince on the people who read your post. I wont ever stop praying for you. That post almost made tears come down. I keep :pray: that you will keep trusting in God no matter what happens. I wish I could be there to be your friend and to give you a :hug: and to help you and to let you know how much I care about you, and that God cares about you to.You are a very strong Christian, and your a very nice, loving, caring, kind, and thaughtfull girl. I really think if I knew you you would be someone I could really talk to for a long time and you would listen. I think you would be a great friend and I think you would be like a big sister not just a sister in Christ but like a real sister.
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Post by DrummerChick »

I AM PRAYING FOR U GIRL I have always have had glasses so i know some of what you are going through.
Always there if you need to talk
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Post by the_newfie_haystack »

I can't find the words, but I'll try anyway.

Sarah, I'm so glad that God has given you the courage to deal with this. I'm praying for you and my family's praying for you. :pray: Whatever happens, trust in God, and he will keep your path straight.

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Post by Alisha Richardson Wolfe »

Sarah, I'm praying for you. I know how tough and overwhelming life can get. My best friend died of cancer when she was 17 and I was 16. Watching her go through that was painful, almost as painful as her actually dying. Being blind isn't the end of everything and God will use your blindness (or the miracle that saves your sight) for the greater good. Hang in there and know that lots of people are praying very hard for you.
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