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RFOnline now free to play :O

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:33 pm
by uz

so yeah click on Free to Play and then type in the key generator you will be given serial key. You just have to download afterwards :O

Me and a couple peeps are on Lumen server... :P Cya there

Also we are Bellatos... so yeah choose that if you choose any other race we be at odds against each other D:

Player List:
uz - Mumishi [Specialist]
elf - Ione [Ranger]
Ryan - RynosWrath
Jman - Blackarec
Danadelfos - Danadelfos [Ranger]; danadelfos1 [Spiritualist]

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:43 pm
by Pseudonym
I don't really play MMORPG's, mainly because I get addicted to them and have to go through therapy which usually doesn't work so I get sent to that dreaded place where they strap you to the tables and you don't see computers for months. Scary.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:54 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
I have actually never seen an MMORPG that looks this graphically good. So I just have not played any. It will take me about 30 minutes to download, But can you give me a little background on it? Storyline... anything?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:17 pm
by uz
The game is about these three races fighting over resources on the planet... theres three different races with totally different abilities (Bellatos drivers/ armor riders get to ride giant mechas/robots). Also there's a really neat economy system going on inside the game.
wikipedia wrote:The game's economy can be divided into two parts - production and consumption. Most other MMORPG economies focus on hunting. The mine is a new field where resources are produced as a part of and in support of economic activity. Mining for minerals and processing the products of these produce many kinds of items. These form the basis for conflict within the mines.

Also, just like in the real world, overproduction causes prices to fall. If many players convert their ore into currency, the going price of ore will drop as supply begins to outstrip demand. Every hour, the economy is recomputed taking into account sales of items over the entire server and who currently controls the mines. This system places the economy (mostly) in the hands of the players.

Every twenty-four hours, the amount of currency in the economy is re-calculated, and based on this, a tax rate (inflation rate) is established for each race. The tax rate makes NPC vendor items more expensive. Players can keep the tax rate in check by converting their currency into gold. The cost of gold is based on the tax rate; Higher tax rates mean cheaper gold, while lower tax rates make gold more expensive. In this manner, the tax rate prompts players to convert currency to or from gold based on whether or not the economy suffers from inflation or deflation.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:35 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
So I played it for about 20 minutes the other day.....

I started to go through the tutorial...But....being the lazy "Action Now" "Run and Gun" person I am...I skipped it after like the second sentence about walking and running :p

So I ended up playing, but couldn't (and still can't) Figure out how to use my sword on things. All I found on the lumen server was people on my team, and those kangaroo looking things, so I decided to chop one of them up.

Well.....It killed me.

I got mad.

And quit.

So maybe when I get the time and patience, or a good quick tutorial, then I'll play again.

My account name is Axel_Hax

and my Player name.....


Dun Dun Dun......

RynosWrath. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:45 am
by Danadelfos
If I were to do it, I might just wait until the new server comes out this week. :-k

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:41 pm
by uz
whhhy we are all on lumen server >_>

Ryan wrote:So I played it for about 20 minutes the other day.....

I started to go through the tutorial...But....being the lazy "Action Now" "Run and Gun" person I am...I skipped it after like the second sentence about walking and running :p

So I ended up playing, but couldn't (and still can't) Figure out how to use my sword on things. All I found on the lumen server was people on my team, and those kangaroo looking things, so I decided to chop one of them up.

Well.....It killed me.

I got mad.

And quit.

So maybe when I get the time and patience, or a good quick tutorial, then I'll play again.

My account name is Axel_Hax

and my Player name.....


Dun Dun Dun......

RynosWrath. :D
lol you forgot to hit I and equip your weapons :P

Try not to double post, thanks! -C

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:16 pm
by J-man
I DLed it and am messing around.. It dcs me a lot. 0_o although last time it was quite a bit longer between dcs.. I should prolly restart the computer..

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:25 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
The menu music makes me want to kill something but when I get in I can't figure out how to equip my weapon >_>.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:59 pm
by uz
Ryan wrote:The menu music makes me want to kill something but when I get in I can't figure out how to equip my weapon >_>.

I said hit I for your inventory... you should see a gun or a bow depending on what you chose... click on that and put it in the corresponding yellow box :O

hit A to go into attack mode and then attack those "kangaroos" ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:59 pm
by J-man
I gave up, it dcs me every 5 mins.>_>

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:01 pm
by uz
J-man wrote:I gave up, it dcs me every 5 mins.>_>
er... that shouldn't be happening.... go to setup when its still in the launcher and set everything to "low" and then go from there.... I haven't been dcing >_>

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:06 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
Wooh, I totally went on a Kangaroo killing spree. I shed like 50 of those punks. Got a spear thing...Got killed by a bony spider dealio....went to the shop, sold a lot of stuff to try and buy some 2,000 axe that I wanted, but ended up being short a little cash, so now I'm waiting for more money. But yeah killing the 'roos was awesome.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:18 pm
by Danadelfos
What level is everyone?

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:53 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
I just started so probably level -100 :P

I have no idea.

I have no idea on how to play this game. Man I need like a key map, and a goal, and I'm good but learning all this junk is fruity. I shall try though.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:57 pm
by J-man
lvl 2! ahahaha.. whats you guys names?

EDIT: tryed that, I still lag terribly..

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:23 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
My account is axel_hax

And my players name is RynosWrath.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:39 am
by uz
My name's Mumishi and I'm level 20 specialist :O

(i'm gonna compile a list for player names on my first post so if everyone can give me your names....)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:19 am
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
You got my name. and I'm level 5 as of today.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:21 pm
by J-man
Blackarec, like my MS name. I won't be playing unless I can figure out how to stop lagging and dcing..