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Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:07 am
by Samantha14
Just going through some of the current topics, and I noticed who don't have a single multi-character poll based on who Jason should marry! :x (At least, not that my slow brain caught. :P)

Anywho, that's what this is for. \:D/

Com'on gaize. Take the poll. You know you wanna. \:D/

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:10 am
by Smaug the Dragon
Who's Amy? :noway:


Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:14 pm
by TigerintheShadows
Why, Connie Kendall, of course! :noway:

(No real reason; I just think they have marvelous chemistry and I can't not love them in Evangeline's fics. I wouldn't have fanarted them if I didn't like them. :noway: )

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:15 pm
by Jimmy Barclay Fan
Amy was in an episode called best laid plans way back in fall 2000. She was a single mother with a son named Josh. Jason was driving to speak at the Timothy center and his car broke down and he spent time at their house.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:47 pm
by Samantha14
Amyyyyy. You know, the other one who's not obsessed with a furry blue hedgehog? :noway:

Tiger. Tiger. Tiger. Where have I gone wrong with you? :(

Seriously, though. If Jason had to marry someone, it would be either Monica Stone, or Amy. Or, you know, maybe even Alicia! :shock: I never thought of that. :-k

HOWEVER, I'm a Maxnnie fan. Period. And there's no changing my mind. :noway:

(Yes, thank you, JBF. :) )

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:56 pm
by TigerintheShadows
Samantha14 wrote:Tiger. Tiger. Tiger. Where have I gone wrong with you? :(
You didn't. Evangeline got to me first. The process is irreversible. :(

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:14 pm
by The Old Judge
Actually, I remember listening to Best Laid Plans two years ago, and I really thought it would go somewhere. Alas, 'twas not meant to be.

@Tiger: So why is Jason marrying someone less than half his age a good idea?

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:19 pm
by Samantha14
TigerintheShadows wrote:
Samantha14 wrote:Tiger. Tiger. Tiger. Where have I gone wrong with you? :(
You didn't. Evangeline got to me first. The process is irreversible. :(
*Must go talk some sense into Evangeline* :(

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:02 pm
by godisawesomeness99
I've said it before and I'll say it again.... NO ONE!

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:41 am
by Stop Wooton' Around
If he is to get married, they will have to develop a new character or have a previous one not named Connie become a Christian. Connie and Jason have been developed too much to get married and FotF has already explained the issues with Tasha and Monica (in their current character development).

Now if Tasha, were to get saved I think, they would make a great couple. It would make things interesting to have another couple. It would be like an aggressive and much younger Jack and Joanne.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:41 am
by EvangelineWalker
TigerintheShadows wrote: I just think they have marvelous chemistry and I can't not love them in Evangeline's fics.

Why thank you! (You do mean me, don't you?)

(if not there's someone around here who writes J+C fics I should read.... )

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:45 am
by TigerintheShadows
The Old Judge wrote:@Tiger: So why is Jason marrying someone less than half his age a good idea?
We're never told how old they are; we're just given general age ranges. Trying to define the ages of Odyssey characters is really a moot point, since Jason should be in his fifties or so but acts like he's in his thirties. Whit should be practically senile by now, but he acts and sounds like he's not even sixty-five yet. (This is Odyssey. Everyone is a Time Lord.) I don't think age should really be a factor, especially since both Jason and Connie are adults, and to adults, age gaps matter far less than they do when one is a kid and the other is almost out of college. ;) That aside, I already answered the question as to why I ship them:
TigerintheShadows wrote:No real reason; I just think they have marvelous chemistry
Flimsy, yes...but reasoning all the same. \:D/
EvangelineWalker wrote:Why thank you! (You do mean me, don't you?)
No, the star Evangeline. ;) Yes, I mean you.
Stop Wooton Around wrote:Now if Tasha, were to get saved I think, they would make a great couple.
I don't think Tasha and Jason really work if for no other reason than their different interests in life. Jason loves adventure, certainly, and he thrives on the thrill of his line of work. But he also wants to settle down--he doesn't want to work full time at the agency; he wants a quiet life, too, and if he were to get married I think he'd want to just settle down and start a family. I don't think Tasha is really interested in that, since it would likely mean she'd have to quit her job, and it's clear that she loves her career in the NSA.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:43 pm
by EvangelineWalker
TigerintheShadows wrote:
The Old Judge wrote:@Tiger: So why is Jason marrying someone less than half his age a good idea?
We're never told how old they are; we're just given general age ranges. Trying to define the ages of Odyssey characters is really a moot point, since Jason should be in his fifties or so but acts like he's in his thirties. Whit should be practically senile by now, but he acts and sounds like he's not even sixty-five yet. (This is Odyssey. Everyone is a Time Lord.) I don't think age should really be a factor, especially since both Jason and Connie are adults, and to adults, age gaps matter far less than they do when one is a kid and the other is almost out of college. ;) That aside, I already answered the question as to why I ship them:
TigerintheShadows wrote:No real reason; I just think they have marvelous chemistry
Flimsy, yes...but reasoning all the same. \:D/
EvangelineWalker wrote:Why thank you! (You do mean me, don't you?)
No, the star Evangeline. ;) Yes, I mean you.
So I have converted you? \:D/ ;)

I have been conflicted myself of who Jason should end up with; that's why I wrote a Jason/Connie story to see if I could convince myself that they worked together. And, at least in my imagination, they do!

-Although I do agree with everything you said above. I was about to say something similar myself. There's 'Odyssey Time' of course, which can get tricky, so you might as well not try to figure out people's exact ages. ;) And as long as they're adults, it doesn't really matter how far apart they are. I always think of my uncle, who was 32 when he married my aunt, who was 20 (he was 22 when she was only 10! Oh no! ;)). You couldn't find a cuter or more perfect couple! :) They have a happy marriage and some awesome kids so.. there. It can work. :)

I often have a hard time explaining why Connie and Jason should get together (other than reasons why they wouldn't NOT work, and that I like them together), but chemistry is a good reason, I think!

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:31 pm
by The Old Judge
True, the actors have chemistry, and praise God that Odyssey has good actors. But from a real life perspective, if I was walking down the street, and I saw someone who was about to hit the big "4-0" with a girl who's probably 20, I'd be somewhat disturbed.

"Oh, look, one's about to hit a mid-life crisis, and the other's about to take the big exam," is something that would run through my head.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:47 pm
by EvangelineWalker
The Old Judge wrote:True, the actors have chemistry, and praise God that Odyssey has good actors. But from a real life perspective, if I was walking down the street, and I saw someone who was about to hit the big "4-0" with a girl who's probably 20, I'd be somewhat disturbed.

"Oh, look, one's about to hit a mid-life crisis, and the other's about to take the big exam," is something that would run through my head.

Yes, but if Connie is something like 24 (I've heard that said somewhere) and Jason is 36 or so it would a little more believable. Maybe.
I think you're trying to put more years between them than there really are! ;)
Since there's no way to know how old they are (unless it actually says on the show) I choose to believe that they are closer in age than 20 years apart. (although that wouldn't be as bad as all that. Depends on what the couple is like. I think Jason looks young anyway. :) )
And you can choose to believe what you want to--I'm obviously not going to change your mind. :)

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:01 pm
by Stop Wooton' Around
EvangelineWalker wrote:
The Old Judge wrote:True, the actors have chemistry, and praise God that Odyssey has good actors. But from a real life perspective, if I was walking down the street, and I saw someone who was about to hit the big "4-0" with a girl who's probably 20, I'd be somewhat disturbed.

"Oh, look, one's about to hit a mid-life crisis, and the other's about to take the big exam," is something that would run through my head.

Yes, but if Connie is something like 24 (I've heard that said somewhere) and Jason is 36 or so it would a little more believable. Maybe.
I think you're trying to put more years between them than there really are! ;)
Since there's no way to know how old they are (unless it actually says on the show) I choose to believe that they are closer in age than 20 years apart. (although that wouldn't be as bad as all that. Depends on what the couple is like. I think Jason looks young anyway. :) )
And you can choose to believe what you want to--I'm obviously not going to change your mind. :)
Your pushing those age limits to convince yourself that it will work. Connie had a crush on him and that just makes it awkward now especially because the writers have already created a stereotypical Connie that just would feel weird for them to be married. There is no way that relationship works, their characters wouldn't mesh to be committed to each other for life. I mean if Mitch doesn't work (who is actually her age) how does Jason? The only way to make it work is to significantly alter one of the characters (either Jason less wild or Connie significantly more mature) and it would ruin the character behind the name that we have come to love.

I believe this entire Connie-Jason craze stems from the fact that we love both characters, so you want them together but fail to realize that character chemistry, age, occupation, etc. just doesn't gel for a marriage.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:14 pm
by TigerintheShadows
Stop Wooton' Around wrote:either Jason less wild or Connie significantly more mature
Even if it didn't lead to Jason and Connie getting together, I'd be all for Connie gaining the maturity she should have, because I honestly think she's about twenty-four or so (not because of the "relationship", but because I actually think Connie is twenty-four) and she really needs to start acting like it--though I think we can safely blame the writers for keeping her as static (or in some cases, regressed) as she's been.
Stop Wooton' Around wrote:character chemistry, age, occupation, etc.
Age I might consider giving you if the age gap is as wide as you're saying (and I've never gotten the impression that it is). But I think there is a good deal of chemistry between the two. As far as occupation is concerned, Jason did remark to Monica-disguised-as-Paula that at some point he wanted to settle down and not travel so much, and after all he's been through, I don't blame him. I wouldn't be surprised if he were much like Whit--more of a consultant for miscellaneous governmental agencies than actually being on the payroll--but I don't think he's looking to make that a career anymore, especially now that he's returned to Odyssey and has taken over J&J Antiques.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:08 pm
by Stop Wooton' Around
The actors have chemistry but I don't believe the characters do. Do you realize Connie would be marrying her former boss...

Yes, he says he wants to settle down but somehow that has never happened and I have a feeling he never will. Remember when he does "settle" down for awhile he gets "the itch" and never actually does. He thinks he wants to settle down when thinks are hectic but after he sits around for too long he gets antsy.

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:35 pm
by EvangelineWalker
Stop Wooton' Around wrote:The actors have chemistry but I don't believe the characters do. Do you realize Connie would be marrying her former boss...

Yes, he says he wants to settle down but somehow that has never happened and I have a feeling he never will. Remember when he does "settle" down for awhile he gets "the itch" and never actually does. He thinks he wants to settle down when thinks are hectic but after he sits around for too long he gets antsy.
I do think the characters have chemistry and I don't see a problem with marrying a former boss (key word: former).

However, that does seem to be a pattern with Jason; I don't see him settling down for very long. I really don't see him managing an antique shop much either before something else comes along. This could be the biggest obstacle to their getting together--but then again, fiction is driven by conflict, and a long turbulent romance could be fun to follow (as long as it doesn't get too melodramatic...).
And remember, any obstacle can be surmounted by Love (may sound cheesy but no less true :) )

Re: Who should Jason marry?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:52 pm
by Kait
Me. :inlove: