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Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:41 am
by Jehoshaphat
The official flag of the Town of Odyssey!
It has been decided by you the people. And the winner, of the Official ToO Flag Making Competition is...
Flag #8! Submitted by our own wonderful snubsy dubsy from snubsville!


She will receive $500!

The color scheme for flag #8 is still undecided, should it stay or should it be something else? Vote in the poll above!

The winner of the Council's choice is...
Flag #4! Submitted by the magnanimous Moontide!


He will also receive $500!

Anyone who submitted a flag should have already received their $50 participant award. Thanks to everyone who participated in this historic events. Bookworm, this will have to be remembered as a great day in ToO history. Thanks again to everyone!

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:16 pm
by Catspaw
Thanks to everybody who submitted flags! There were lots of great options, though of course I have to admit a soft spot for the Paw one. :inlove:

I like the white and blue, though it does make us look a tad like Finland....but who doesn't love Finland, home of amazing hockey players? \:D/

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:37 pm
by snubs
Whoooo, wow, thanks people! =D
Catspaw wrote:I like the white and blue, though it does make us look a tad like Finland.
That is what I was thinking as I made it. =p It also reminds me of Scotland. :lol:

I wouldn't mind a color change (because I wasn't totally set on the blue ..or that particular blue), as long as it isn't the ancient looking purple and orange/yellow. :x :boohoo:

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 4:29 pm
by Connie G.
Maybe the people who vote "Yes" in the above poll should post a color to change it to? Personally I like it, and congrats snubs!!

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:13 am
by Moontide
I suggest this blue: In hex: #0065bd

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:58 am
by bookworm
Are we completely locked into this look then, or can we give layout input along with color? I like the idea of this design, but the super long arm is disconcerting to me, personally. But I think it looks great like this:


Just throwing it out there.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 1:43 pm
by snubs
My original design was similar to what you suggest, bookworm. But I like the long arm/stripe because it gives it more of a "flag" look (in my opinion).

Moontide wrote:I suggest this blue: In hex: #0065bd
Here it is with that color.


Re: Announcing...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:00 pm
by Bren
Well, blue is kind of the theme color for SS, so maybe we should branch out a different direction if we don't want to do the "ancient looking purple and orange/yellow"

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 6:45 pm
by Catspaw
How about blue and yellow, and we could be Sweden instead of Finland! ;) Lots of great hockey players there too. :inlove: (Which is obviously a priority for a flag on a board started by a Canadian.)

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 11:35 am
by bookworm
It has to be orange and purple; those are the only colors that have any inherent significance to us. Having it be anything else would just be being a color, it would have no purpose behind it, just 'Eh, this is what we went with' no?

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 11:56 am
by snubs
bookworm wrote:It has to be orange and purple; those are the only colors that have any inherent significance to us. Having it be anything else would just be being a color, it would have no purpose behind it, just 'Eh, this is what we went with' no?
Orange and purple have no significance for me. Plus, those colors look super dated and putrid.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:21 pm
by bookworm
Perhaps they lack the significance to you as an individual, but they have it to The ToO, the entity, which is what the flag is for. Personal taste doesn't change the fact that those are the ToO colors. They just are. The bison has no particular significance to me as a person; it's still the new national mammal.

I'm not saying those colors would look unbelievably amazing (though I do actually think it looks quite nice, depending on the shade) the point is every element of a flag, not the least of which including the color choices, generally has a meaning to it. If we follow that model, those are the only options we arrive at. It's just how it is.
If we collectively determine it's acceptable to just use arbitrary coloring then it is what it is, but that seems like a really pointless waste of opportunity to me when there is an obvious chance to add the additional symbolism. Just my thinking, others can not care about going so far, but for me if we're bothering to do this we should go all the way.

Which leaves me stuck in how to vote in the poll, because though my opinion is "Yes we should change colors" it is a binary relation to "Change to purple and orange". If we aren't doing that, I say it should stay as it is because blue is neutral. If we're not going to change the colors to have inherent meaning, we likewise shouldn't be changing them to ostentatious shades for no reason.

And this is a bit of a tangent, but you've made that statement multiple times in the past and I've never understood it so may as well go there since it's brought up again: How do they "look dated"? They're colors. Colors don't convey age. (Except maybe black and white :P )

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:41 pm
by snubs
I like purple.. but every time I try to use it on this site, it looks incredibly dated, like 2000 dated. I can't describe "how" it looks dated, it just is. Kaida also agrees.

As for purple and orange being the "ToO's colors," I don't agree. I don't see the ToO having any official colors because everyone uses a different board style that's vastly different (in terms of layout and colors), making everyone have their own opinion as too what the ToO looks like. I use Grayscale, so purple and orange mean nothing to me because that's not the ToO. the color Gray also doesn't fit the either (for me) because, again, I don't see the ToO having any official color(s).

However, if you all must have purple and orange, then it's whatever, I am only one voice of opposition.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 2:22 pm
by Bren
Well, if we're going to be giving The ToO a new look we might as well have a flag with the new colors in my opinion.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 3:32 pm
by snubs
Here it is with purple and orange. As long as it is a darker purple (like below), I'll be okaay with it.


But... it does remind me of old school colors or something. But since the ToO is ancient, maybe the flag should look old too.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:25 pm
by bookworm
I think that looks really good, but as noted I like the color combination so I'm biased aesthetically. But as far as the symbolism, that is definitely the right look in my book.

I might favor lightening the shade of purple ever so slightly. The orange is perfect.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:50 pm
by Jehoshaphat
I agree with bookworm, that looks fabulous.

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 5:01 pm
by Kaida
Those colors look like the colors of a sad old lame basketball team that consists of players that have no clue what basketball even is...

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 5:15 pm
by Moontide
Here is the flag with a Canada/England colour scheme. The symbolism works because red is the colour of AiO, and the Board was started by a Canadian.
(If people like it, if snubs could render a version based on the original file, so that it doesn't have aliasing that would be nice.)

Re: Announcing...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 5:27 pm
by snubs
Here are some color schemes Kaida and I put together, along with the other suggestions. I think we should pick out say, the top 4 and put it to a vote.






