Live Phil Lollar chat this Saturday!

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Live Phil Lollar chat this Saturday!

Post by Catspaw »

I am pleased to announce that Phil Lollar will be on the ToO chat this Saturday, August 10 at 8 p.m. EST. He will be available to chat about AIO and his upcoming show, entitled Iliad House. Phil Lollar has written and produced many wonderful episodes of AIO, in addition to voicing Dale Jacobs and an assortment of other characters. I hope that many of you will be able to join him in talking about his past and future work.

If you want to read more about Iliad House prior to the chat, click here to go to the ToO thread about the project. Several project-related links are contained within that thread. :D
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Post by E II »

Is that 8 am or pm
I am confused
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Post by snubs »

Eugene the second wrote:Is that 8 am or pm
What Eugene II said.
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Post by Anemone »

That is so cool! I will certainly be there. \:D/
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Post by EK »

I'd assume PM you guys, seeing as at 8 AM EST would mean 5 AM for the PST people.
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Post by snubs »

That is what I was figuring. But you can never be too careful. :-
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Post by Catspaw »

I was thinking of writing p.m. but I didn't. Yes, it is most definitely 8 p.m. ;)
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Post by Dasi »

dang! I won't be able to be there I'll be at church.=[
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Post by snubs »

Be sure to join the chat, guys. It is starting now. =]
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Post by Catspaw »

We had a wonderful time, and Phil Lollar was kind enough to spend close to three hours chatting with all the people who were able to make it for all or part of the evening! :D Thanks to all who were able to join in the fun and ask great questions!
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Here's the transcript of the chat, condensed into a more readable question and answer format. If you'd prefer to read the entire conversation as it happened, click here.
Catspaw: Welcome to the ToO chat, Mr. Phil Lollar!
philollar: It is great to be here!
Shtakji: Hey, it's great to meet you Mr. Lollar, and welcome to the chat! ;)
philollar: Great to meet you!
TinyOwl_CC: Hello, Mr. Lollar. Nice to meet you :)
Sam: Hello, Phil Loller. Welcome to the chat! =)
philollar: Thanks Sam!

philollar: Ask away!

KF: Why did you change the Canadian address? :(
philollar: I didn't change the Canadian address. Focus on the Fmaily may have, though. :-)

Sam: When did you first become a writer?
philollar: I first became a writer when I was a teenager. I was (and still am) an actor, but I realized that an actor just says someone else's words. I wanted to say my own words, or have other actors say my words.

Three: Do you feel that Illiad House has sufficient strong female characters?
philollar: There are two very strong female roles in Iliad House so far. There are more planned for the future.

Gracy: What was your inspiration for Iliad House?
philollar: Back when I was still with AIO, I wanted to do a spin off of the series for older listeners. That never panned out. But I still had the idea in the back of my brain. And though it has changed a lot since then, it is still geared toward older listeners -- and ther families, too, of course!
philollar: Iliad House is not affiliated with either AIO or FOF, though. We are completely independent. Which is why we need everyone's help!

Woodster: Do you happen to know when the 57 download comes out?
philollar: I don't know when Album 57 comes out. Sorry.

Sam: What is your favorite memory of recording in the studio?
philollar: I have many, many favorite memories of recording in the studio. One of my favorites was recording Alan Young as Jack in the episode "A Question about Tasha." That was a sweet moment and a sweet scene.

Caitie: Which of your episodes do you like best?
philollar: It is very difficult for me to come up with a single favorite episode, ot even a group of faves. I like them all -- even the not so good ones. ;-)

TinyOwl_CC: What inspired you to be a writer, When you were a teenager?
philollar: I always liked writing, even before I was a teenager. I enjoyed the process of putting words on paper. There was a mystery about it -- these little squiggly black lines I make can be looked at by other people, and they can know exactly what I was thinking at that moment! My thoughts are in someone else's head! That is amazing!

Woodster: What would happen to Iliad House if you didn't make the Kickstarter goal?
philollar: If we don't make our Kickstarter goal, we'll have to figure out a way to raise the money in some other way. With Kickstarter, it's all or nothing! So please PLEASE keep spreading the word and urge your friends to support us!

Catspaw: Do you find it hard to listen to the episodes that you're in? Or is it easier than for Paul McCusker, since you often were voicing more loveable characters? ;)
philollar: I don't mind listening to the episodes I'm in, depending on the episode. But then, I'm also a voice actor, and Paul McCusker isn't. (Although he did do a great job as Glossman!)

Caitie: Who is your favorite AIO character?
philollar: It is hard for me to pin down a favorite character, for the same reason as it is hard for me to pin down a favorite episode. Of course I like Whit very much, and Connie and Eugene. Bernard is a big favorite, as is the Rathbone Family. But I like them all -- well, almost all.

Three: Is Prof. Portalis intended to be a Byronic character?
philollar: I think it is fair to say that Professor Portalis is quite Byronic, yes!

Gracy: I'm excited to see where Iliad house goes and I hope that I can donate!
philollar: I hope you can, too, Gracy!

Sam: What is a character you dislike? Why?
philollar: I don't want to say which characters I dislike. That wouldn't be kind or productive.
Sam: Understandable.

Woodster: What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
philollar: The best advice I have for aspiring writers is ... it is very important, so pay attention ... are you ready?
philollar: If you want to be a writer ... you have to ...
philollar: WRITE.
philollar: A lot.
philollar: A whole lot.
philollar: Every day. For hours. Whether you want to or not.
Sam: That can be a challenge
philollar: Of course it is. It downright difficult. If it were easy, anyone could do it. The difficult is what makes it great.
philollar: (That was from "A League of Their Own," BTW.)

Three: The interactive narrator in Jungle Jam and Friends the Radio Show is a particularly ingenious narrative method. Do you remember a particular reason for choosing that method over other possible narrative options?
philollar: Three, I'm glad you asked that about the Narrator. It is a wonderful and useful tool for advancing plot and exposition when needed, and if the narration can be written in an engaging and witty way, it's even better. ILIAD HOUSE uses a Narrator.

Caitie: Do you get tired of writing episodes ever?
philollar: Caitie, I get fatigued when writing, just like everyione does. It can be mentally exhausting. And everyone should take breaks, which I certainly do. But I love it. It is what I am, and what I do!

Doll: What do you do/like to do when you're not writing or working?
philollar: Doll, when I'm not working and writing, I like to read. Which is also something that every aspiring writer must do. Read, read, read! I also like watching films and well done TV shows.

Gracy: How many familiar AIO actors are participating in Iliad House?
philollar: Gracy, there will be a few AIO actors in Iliad House, but they'll be doing roles that are different from their AIO ones.
Woodster: Any specific actors you care to tell us about?
philollar: Katie Leigh and Will Ryan are two. Also Aria Curzon, perhaps. And Chris Anthony.

Eugene_2: Do you have a certain time when you write or do you write whenever you get inspiration?
philollar: Eugene_2, I like to write every morning. And evening. And at night. I like to write when I'm inspired, and I make myself write especially when I don't feel like it.

Caitie: How many episodes do you plan on making?
philollar: Caitie, we plan on making as many episodes as we can!

TinyOwl_CC: Do you think you will write anymore books?
philollar: Tiny Owl, I do plan on writing more books. As a matter of fact, I have a new book coming out in October. It is a children's book called "Patches and the Feelings Tree."

Woodster: Would you mind reading and reviewing my book (What's written of it so far)
philollar: Woodster, I'd be happy to read and review your book. It may take me a little while, though. I'm a little busy right now. :-)

Three: The drawing of Iliad House seems to be in a form of Gothic Revival, much like some drawings of Whit's End. Is the architectural similarity intentional or just a by-product of Gothic Revival?
philollar: Three, it's the latter. The Gothic/Victorian style is one that is very appealing to me.

Gracy: Since you like well written TV shows, are you a fan of BBC's Downton Abbey or Sherlock?
philollar: Gracy, I very much like Downton Abby, though I have only seen the first season. They haven't put the subsequent seasons on Netflix yet, to my knowledge.
philollar: I have heard that Sherlock is quite good, though I have not seen it, yet.

KF: What is your opinion on the quality of "Christian" fiction? Does it detract from the quality of the story?
philollar: KF, I'm not sure what you mean by "Christian" fiction. Can you explain it a bit more?
KF: I guess it just seems like most books or movies (Or audio dramas) I have experienced have focused too heavily on the Christian aspect of the plot and have forgone character development. Thus making it a much less enjoyable experience.
philollar: KF, well, that is a problem with a lot of "advocacy" books and films, etc., not just "Christian" ones. I have always adhered to what C.S> Lewis said, "We don't need more Christian books. We need more books written by Christians about everything."
philollar: Christianity is, among other things, a world view, and we believe it is the best world view there is. Every author writes from his/her world view. Christians should focus on being the best artists they can be, and let their world view spring naturally from their art.

Sam: Do you know of any more Dale appearances in Odyssey soon?
philollar: Sam, I would love it if there were more Dale appearances coming up. I don't think that will happen, though, unless i write them. :-)

Three: Is The Butler a genderless character?
philollar: The Butler is genderless, though it will probably have a metallic-ly masculine voice.
Three: (I am now a lot more excited for the character of the Butler). Is the Butler sentient?
philollar: The Butler character is Mr. Spock to Mrs. McEd's (the housekeeper) Bones McCoy.
KF: With the Spock comparison-- Is that including the revamp?
philollar: No.
philollar: I'm old school Star Trek.

KF: Has anyone seen you and said? "Hey I know that actor I think he owes me a lunch . . ."
philollar: No, KF, but I've said that to other actors! ;-)

Gracy: What type of music do you like?
philollar: I like all kinds of music, Gracy, though I'm not all that fond of mariachi music.
Gracy: That's completely understandable :)

Three: Considering the Professor's favourite tea is Earl Grey, will there be any Captain Picard references?
philollar: Three... :-)

Shtakji: I was curious~ have you ever written any music?
philollar: I have written several songs, Shtakji!

Eugene_2: Will there be references to other shows/movies?
philollar: Eugene, there will ALWAYS be references to movies/TV/books, etc., in my work!

KF: Is there any chance of getting a Bernard cameo like Jack's at the very least? Or is he well and truly retired?
philollar: I think Alan Young is well and truly retired. Though he did just do Scrooge McDuck for a video game of Duck Tales, so maybe...
KF: It just seems an inadequate ending for one of the best (And my favorite) characters AIO has ever had
philollar: Oh you were talking about Bernard! That I don't know. I got a birthday email from Dave Madden last week, so I know he's still around!

Three: With the use of time travel comes many tropes and chichés. Are you planning to avoid, use or exploit these tropes and clichés?
Eugene_2: With the time travel will their action in the past influence their present time?
philollar: I'm using time travel in the pilot series in a very specific way.
philollar: So I hope to avoid -- or use in a very good way -- those tropes and cliches. :-)

Gracy: If you had to live in any point of history, besides biblical times, when and where would it be? (I'm working on my college history right now..)
philollar: If I HAD to live in a point in history aside form the one I'm currently living in, it would probably be during the Civil War Era, so long as I could be around Lincoln.

Doll: What are some books/authors that you really enjoy?
philollar: I enjoy mainly books about philosophy, but I also like humor books.
philollar: Sometimes those are the same books!

Three: The description of Iliad house mentions supernatural battles. Are these battle similar to those regarded in the Father Gilbert Mysteries?
philollar: I haven't read the Father Gilbert mysteries, so I can't compare what I have in mind with them.
Catspaw: Father Gilbert Mysteries are part of FOTF's Radio Theatre. Paul McCusker included him in a book or two of his, but the stories all about him are audio.
philollar: I haven't heard them, either. :-)
Gracy: Father Gilbert Mysteries are one of my favorite radio theatre productions :)
Catspaw: Mine too!
Three: If you have the opportunity I highly recommend them. They are easily Paul McCusker's best works.
Catspaw: Other than any AIO episodes he colloborated on with Phil Lollar, of course, Three. ;)
Three: Of course ;)

Catspaw: Do you have a memory that you could share with us from your years with AIO, whether as a writer, actor, director, or all three? Something that stands out to you as a special or funny moment?
philollar: One of my favorite AIO memories didn't have anything to do with the series, actually. About 4 years in, my wife threw me a surprise birthday party. All of my friends were there, but to my great surprise, that included all of the AIO actors -- Hal Smith, Walker Edmiston, Will, Katie, Dave Madden.
philollar: They came all the way across town the freeway just because they considered me to be their friend. I was so touched by that.
Sparrow: Excellent.
Catspaw: Aww, that's very sweet!

KF: Do you think Emily's character improves in the next album?
philollar: I really don't know anything about the next album. So ... I hope so!

KF: Do you have any projects at the moment besides Iliad House?
philollar: KF - As I said, I have a children's book coming out in October. I also am working on a podcast with Will Ryan and Katie Leigh called Fort Blanket Revue that is a combination of conversation and comedy.

Sparrow: Okay, soooo...I have a question that I'm almost positive has been asked, but...what kind of topics do you plan to cover in Iliad House?
philollar: Sparrow, we are planning on dealing with subjects that many shows targeted at Christian young people and their families haven't historicallyliked to deal with -- time travel, fantasy, different dimensions, supernatural battles.
philollar: And our heroes will deal with these all while trying also dealing with the pressures of being adolescents and growing up.
Sparrow: Ah, okay. Do you think you may cover more mature topics than Odyssey typically does?
philollar: Yes.

Whitty: @philollar, is Illiad House a project you've had in mind for a while, or is it something that came to you more recently?
philollar: I always wanted to do a spin off of AIO for older listeners. That never panned out, but I kept the idea in the back of my brain. That idea was Iliad House. It has changed a great deal since those days -- it no longer has anything to do with AIO or FOF, it is not affiliated with wither in any way.

Petrichor: Will any actors from AIO be joining the Iliad House cast?
philollar: Some of them, yes! Katie Leigh, and Will Ryan and Chris Anthony, and perhaps Aria Curzon.
philollar: But they will be playing roles very unlike those on AIO.

KF: If I donated $1.2 Million would you be willing to change the name of the show to "Onions are Evil?"
Sparrow: The depth and hidden meaning in such a title astounds me.
philollar: KF, give me the money, and find out! :-)
KF: I'll have to raise it... It's a very good cause though
philollar: :-)
Catspaw: The title is something that I believe very strongly. I like this idea!

Three: Is Fort Verity fur trade era?
philollar: Fort Verity was was established earlier than the fur trade era.
Three: Um, question mark?
Three: The first forts were established because of the fur trade.
philollar: Not on an island off the east coast they weren't.

Eugene_2: Why did you name it Iliad house?
philollar: Eugene, I like epic Greek poems. :-)

Whitty: Is your ambition for Illiad House to be know as "a spin-off of AiO" or do you want it to be known for what it offers and presents as a whole separate show?
philollar: Whitty, Iliad House is it's own series, independent of AIO or any other series. It is not a spin off from AIO.
philollar: It is a separate show.

Petrichor: Is there a book series or movie or TV show out there that you would compare Iliad House to?
philollar: Petrichor, stylistically, I would compare it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Sparrow: (which brings in a side-question: is Buffy the Vampire Slayer something you would recommend teens watch? I loved Firefly, but have been unsure about Buffy.)
philollar: I would recommend Buffy in a heartbeat, with the caveat that it while it does present values, they are not always Christian values. There is a story arc in the first two seasons of Buffy that I personally think every teen in America should see.
Sparrow: ...I guess I'm gonna start watching Buffy.

Whitty: If you're influenced by Joss Whedon, can we count on you killing/writing off one of the main character?
philollar: Whitty - no spoliers. I'll just say ... :-)
Whitty: If it doesn't happen... Joss Whedon will be disappointed... ;)

KF: Is there an author that has influenced your writing greatly?
Three: Considering the title will there be frequent references to the classics?
philollar: I am influenced by a lot of authors -- Lewis, Chesterton, Plato, Aristotle, Joss Whedon, David Milch, Rod Serling, Arthur Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells. And yes, you can expect allusions and references to the classics in Iliad House
Three: I meant more so Classical mythology, but those are fun too.

darcie: Was the Iliad House concept similar to the one you had in mind for an AIO spinoff way back when? Or is this a completely new concept other than the idea of appealing to a slightly older audience than Adventures in Odyssey's target?
philollar: Part of the inspiration for Iliad House came from the idea that teens have all of these shows out there in which they face the choices that all teens have faced throughout time -- temptations and dilemmas, etc. Our characters will also face those same temptations, etc., but will do so from the Christian world view.

Shadowpaw: A note for those in Canada - Kickstarter will be able to be used in Canada starting Sep 9th. You can currently start your projects, however have to wait till Sep 9th to fund. How has the Kickstarter system gone for you Phil? Time Needed to Setup?
philollar: Shadow, it has gone well, but we have a long way to go! We still need everyone's support, both financially and in spreading the word about ILIAD HOUSE to everyone you know!!

KF: Who would win a debate between Whit and Nozzles the elephant?
Three: I think Weatherbey would be a better opponent.
philollar: KF, I think Nozzles would win, actually. If the debate were about talking in a bucket or peanuts.
philollar: Weatherby would also be a great debater.

Three: What prompted the creation of the Rasselphlabens (spelling)?
philollar: Three, the Razzleflabbinz was another way for us to express our particular brand of goofiness.

Whitty: @philollar, how would you feel about an AiO and Illiad House crossover? or is that too a spoiler?
philollar: Whitty, I'm not ruling out anything. But there are no plans for any kind of cross over right now.

Shtakji: How many seasons are you hoping to go for with Iliad House?
philollar: Shtakji, we're going to do as many seasons as we can!

Eugene_2: Will you be including a rhinoceros in Iliad house?
philollar: Eugene, there may, indeed, be a rhino in IH.

* BlessedCheesemaker thinks Townsend Coleman should play the uncle character ;)
philollar: Blessed, that would be very interesting!

Shadowpaw: How many scripts, can you say are currently in the can? Any ideas that failed to make the Odyssey world that will make this project?
philollar: Shadow, no episodes have been recorded yet. I have the first four nearly written, and that may expand into five. They will make up our pilot series.
philollar: I don't plan on using any AIO scripts that didn't make it in IH.
philollar: Iliad House will be have some one-off episodes, but it will be more of a multi-episode story arc series.

Gracy: I'm glad that you are finally able to develop the vision you have had for Iliad house, over the past few years I've kind of felt that AIO has been geared for younger and younger audiences and have lost some interest in AIO, but that's just probably me just growing up :(
philollar: Gracy - I hope IH fills that bill for you.

Whitty: @philollar, once you reach your Kickstarter goal, is it the plan to keep crowdfunding as a general way of fundraising?
philollar: Whitty, Kickstarter is a great tool, and we may indeed use it to help fund future projects. I just hope we can fund this one first!

KF: Any chance the AIO episode where the Jacobs family goes to visit their hick relatives ever gets recorded?
philollar: KF, I don't know about about the Jacobs visit their hick relatives script.
KF: Oh, okay. I think I saw it in the guide awhile back
Gracy: It's one of the special features on one of disks in one of the golden audio albums

Sam: Phil: If you could create a Jacobs family reunion AIO episode, what would it consist of?
philollar: A Jacobs family reunion -- well, Robin would be a doctor.
philollar: Melanie would be a lawyer.
philollar: Dale would be a national columnist by now.
philollar: And would appear on all sorts of news shows spouting his opinions about everything, which would get him into all sorts of trouble.

Shtakji: Will IH be airing on some of the same radio stations as AiO?
philollar: We have no plans to put IH on radio right now. But that may change rapidly. We have had some interest from several radio stations in the project.

Gracy: What is your favorite color?
philollar: Blue. But the blue of Luke Skywalker's light sabre in Star Wars Episode 4 before it was digitally remastered.

BlessedCheesemaker: @philoller Can you tell us who Katie Leigh is playing?
philollar: Blessed, sorry, but I can't. Yet.
BlessedCheesemaker: :(
philollar: Soon, though.

Whitty: most important question ever asked: domino's pizza or papa john's?
philollar: I can't eat pizza.
Whitty: shame.
philollar: I know!!
darcie: Gluten or dairy?
philollar: Darcie, Dairy.

Gracy: @philollar have you seen the Hobbit?
philollar: Gracy, yes, I did. It was fun!

Dan_in_Trank_Tank: what kind of car do you have?
philollar: Dan, a Mazda CX7.

Gracy: Favorite Musical?
philollar: Into the Woods.

Three: Which is your favourite Star Trek series?
philollar: I like ST:TOS the best, although I do love ST:TNG as well.

BlessedCheesemaker: Can I ask this off-topic question? If you were writing Star Wars Episode 7, how would you do it?
philollar: Blessed Cheesemaker, for SW episode 7, I would write the adventures of young Yoda.
Dan_in_Trank_Tank: so it would be like Star Wars Episode 0?
philollar: Dan - Sure!
philollar: I would also make it so that the Star Wars universe came across a ragtag group of travelers who are being chased across the galaxy by half-human/half machines that they created centuries before.
philollar: And they are all periodically visited by a gent who pops into and out of their world in what looks like a phone booth.

philollar: Well, as exciting and wonderful as this has been, I really do have to go. My wife just brought dinner home, and I need to get back to work on Iliad House. Thank you all so much for talking with me, and for your support of AIO, and of IH -- and please keep spreading the word! God bless you all!
KF: Thanks for doing this!
BlessedCheesemaker: Bye, Thanks for chatting with us!
philollar: Good night all!
* Dan_in_Trank_Tank waves
Jimmy_Barclay: Thanks for taking thee time! Do it again if you have a chance!
Shtakji: Goodbye, it was great meeting you! Enjoy your supper :)
Shadowpaw: Thanks so much.
Bren: I'll catch you later Phil
Doll: Farewell Mr. Lollar!
Catspaw: Thanks so much for taking so much time for us and our crazy questions! I really appreciate it.
Anemone: Thank you so much Mr. Lollar!
philollar: Bye!
Three: Won't you join us again WoOhOh?
Tea_Ess: Farewell!
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Post by snubs »

Cool. Thanks, Tim! =]
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Shadowpaw was there!?!?!?! O_o
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Post by Catspaw »

"Shadowpaw" was there! :inlove:

Thanks so much for taking the time to make the Q and A part of the chat so easy to read, Tim!

EDIT: I am pleased to officially offer a $100 prize to the first person who truthfully steps forward to accept their Shadowpaw Impersonation Award! This is a prestigious award that can only be awarded to a top, most excellent candidate who a) is familiar with Shadowpaw's interests, b) has been around long enough or has done enough research to be familiar with the AIOSF and it's past, and, most importantly, c) is able to withstand the strong temptation to gloat about how long they were able to maintain their excellent Shadowpaw imitation. To claim your prize, please either post here or PM me!
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Someone's poked the sleeping giant.
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It was totally me. Give me my $1,000. \:D/
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You must provide irrefutable proof of this before you are eligible for your $10,000 prize! :noway:
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I made the Shadowpaw theme song. That's proof enough. :noway: Give me my million! :x
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Post by Woody »

I have the proof, so I can claim my $100,000 prize! \:D/
I have been robbed of my rightful secret moderator powers! Vote here to help me get them back!
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