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New Consoles

Post by EK »

So the Xbox One and PS4 are coming out later this year, and the Wii U has been out for a while. (Has anyone actually played a WiiU?)

I don't really know anyone planning on getting the XBO/PS4 on launch because everyone I know isn't rich. ;) But, my friends and I definitely have speculated which one is worth it... I lean towards the PS4 because it's $100 less for one thing, it lets you play online without a paid membership, and I suspect it'll have some pretty intriguing exclusives like how the PS3 had Heavy Rain and Little Big Planet. I don't want to lose my gamer profile by making the switch, but that's whatever, I've started over before... and plus I'll still get to keep my Xbox.

One issue I have with both is backwards compatibility, I wish I could buy a PS4 and play the entire Playstation family games on it, it's a little ridiculous that I can't. (and vice versa with Xbox)

Anyway, what do you guys think?
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Post by jasonjannajerryjohn »

I wouldn't touch the Xbox One with a thirty nine and a half foot pole after all the stunts they tried to pull. They've since rescinded most of it, but really now. Always online, limits on how many consoles you can use your game, kinect is required and always on. Come on Microsoft, people want less DRM, and this is what you're trying to pull? No way.
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Post by EK »

Yeah, and it's very very disappointing because otherwise the Xbox line, with it's streamlined UI, great online offerings (constant sales on games, plenty of available apps, etc.) and perhaps the best controller ever, totally beats Sony's line IMO and I'm so glad they finally started doing "games with gold", it's sort of like how playstation + gives you free games but you get to keep these games (2 a month for Gold members) FOREVER unlike with PS+ where you keep them as long as you're a member of the service.

Of course I don't own a PS3. I might pick one up soon though depending on how cheap they get... just for the exclusives like Rachet and Clank, Uncharted, God of War, LBP, and Heavy Rain. Plus the blu-ray player makes it worth it alone...

There's so many upsides to both of the last generation consoles but I think the 360 has the edge just on the "feel". I at some point owned all of the last gen consoles (PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox) and I played my PS2 way more than anything.... but with this gen it seems for the past 6 years or however long I've had the thing, the 360 has been all I needed to play everything I want to play (with the exception of some Nintendo exclusives)

Xbox One though, ugh, it seems they're making all the wrong moves.... hopefully they can turn it around.
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Post by jasonjannajerryjohn »

I can't say I ever really got into Rachet and Clank or God of War. I'm definitely not much of a hack and slash kind of person, for sure. I played Devil May Cry for awhile, but didn't really like it all that much. I haven't even gotten into Jak and Daxter. I played the first game and found it very standard for a platformer, not much different from the old Crash and Spyros and Marios and Rare games of yore. I'm more of an action/adventure and/or turn based strategy gamer. I'm more likely to play a platformer than an RPG though.

Also, isn't Heavy Rain just a movie that's one big quick time event? Remind me again why quick time events are even vaguely a good thing?

You're right though, the Xbox line is generally the best, though that said Nintendo has been the best for me for so long. The N64, the Gamecube, and even the Wii have some of the best games. Skyward Sword was a bit less than Zelda's usual standard though. >_> We'll see how well the next Zeldas turn out.
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Post by EK »

Ugh, Devil May Cry was always horrible to me. Capcom should stick to Megaman games, they straight pooped on Resident Evil with RE6 (and to a certain extent 5)

Nah Heavy Rain isn't Dragon's Lair... at least to my knowledge. ;) It's rather interesting actually, it's a 3rd person mystery game with 4 different characters you play through as and every decision you make effects how each story plays out. The gameplay is more like you figure out certain movements with the controller to kind of "flow" the story, as opposed to quicktime events which are do-or-die, your mistakes on the controls don't cause you to die it just changes what happens in the story... I'm not sure how to explain it because I haven't played it. I think the big deal about it is that they made that style of gameplay actually... interesting. I'm definitely gonna check it out.

If you like action adventure I'm sure you'd like Assassin's Creed, the first one is a little repetitive, yet worth it... but 2 & Brotherhood were AMAZING games. Revelations was awesome too, but they didn't add too much besides change the setting. The storylines really draw you in. I haven't played 3 yet, but I can definitely recommend the other 4 of them.

There's also the Arkham games, I'm sure you've played those. Amazing games.

...and then there's my favorite adventure game of the past few years... Red Dead Redemption. That game is beyond awesome. No explanation needed.

Dead Space 1 & 2 (haven't played 3) are good action-horror type games as well. Really good.

Nintendo is awesome. Their first party games are some of the best.... but I just can't warrant buying a console for like 4 or 5 series. That's what it's come to with them. I own a Wii, yeah, but it never gets played unless I have my old lady over and she wants to play Wii Sports Resort (the game that comes with the thing...), or a friend wants to play Mario Kart or Smash Bros... there's just not too much depth to the Wii. Whereas Gamecube had plenty of stuff I could spend hours on... Viewtiful Joe, Sonic Adventure 2, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, Wind Waker, etc

When it comes to platformers it's hard to beat Mario, but there have been some contenders lately, that 2-D sidescroller Rayman Origins that came out like last year or something is AWESOME. Definitely worth the play, forget all Rayman prejudice because of the stupid rabbits. ;)

Also, this is way off-topic and I'm rambling.
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Post by jasonjannajerryjohn »

DMC is a hack and slash and so is GoW. Thus I figured I wouldn't like GoW. Meh.

I haven't played any of these games, unfortunately since I have no 360 and my PC really isn't very powerful. Fable 3 is running well, but it's a bit laggy. Which is fine, it works well enough on lowest graphics. The Assasin's Creed games, GTA4, Arkham, Mass Effect, Bioshock, those are going to be the first things I get on the 360. And probably Fable 2 since it's not on the PC.

I played the first Rayman way back when as a kid on the PS1 and I never beat it. It was really hard.

Yeah, I can't really think of any games specifically on the Wii that I play regularly. I mostly use it for Gamecube games and lego games. My sister really like Xenoblade Chronicles, though.

-- 15 Aug 2013 07:06 am --

I will say that it looks like Microsoft is getting desperate. I do hope there aren't too many idiots out there that will go out and buy the Xbox One just because it says Xbox on the front. ... ne-6412749
Last edited by jasonjannajerryjohn on Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Oh man, I haven't looked in here for a long time. >_>

I pretty much agree with EK... this gen the 360 has really blown everything away as far as my interests. I have a Wii and had a blast with Mario Bros. and Smash Bros... and Donkey Kong. But that's about it. I never got a PS3, and have so many games I still haven't played on 360 that I'm not in a rush, but maybe if the price falls once the PS4 is out I'll get one for Unchartered, God of War, and MGS4.

I still have that... nostalgic spot for Nintendo, but the Wii U is going to need another price drop and preferably NSMBU packin before I get one. Although I never played Wind Waker and I see they have a Wind Waker HD package deal now. Still more than I want to pay for what will end up only being for Mario, Zelda, and Smash Bros. Plus probably a handful of other games.
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