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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:50 pm
by bookworm

Any fans of the first movie surprised/excited it's getting a sequel after so long?

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:59 pm
by Catspaw
I didn't realize there wasn't a thread yet! Just this morning I was listening to the radio and was reminded that today is the release date for Disney + and I want to watch it soon. I was definitely surprised when I saw the news, but pleasantly so. They have the original cast back plus they have a fun premise, and it looks like more magical musical fun to me. :D

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:41 pm
by bookworm
I'll be watching it sometime fairly soon as well. As I said in the other thread, I finally saw the original movie and liked it a lot so I'm up for seeing more to the story. Interesting idea to have Giselle tilt toward the villain side if I'm interpreting the trailer correctly, that seems out of character for her, but then, as much time has passed since the first movie came out in the movie's world as has in the real world so she's not going to be exactly the same character as we saw last. There's definitely something that could be interesting to explore there, as long as it's only temporary as I'm sure it will have a happy ending.

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:43 pm
by Petrichor
I got about twenty minutes into it the other day. So far, it feels like WandaVision 2.0, but overall better than I was expecting. I'll definitely finish it once I have time to sit through the rest of it.

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:03 pm
by bookworm
I liked it okay. It's definitely not as good as the first movie, it wasn't bad though. Did it need to be made? Probably not. But was it worth being made? Sure. I don't think it was just cashing in on a known property for no reason other than doing that, like some other revivals or remakes one could name. There was a genuine continuation of the story to explore here.

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:04 pm
by Pound Foolish
I didn't think I was going to post, I thought I was just making a quick visit. Then I saw this topic. GAH. This movie. I already have quick a rant on it so I'll just find it and post it:

"In Disenchanted, Giselle is saved by her daughter, and Giselle becomes evil... ugh, it's the old fanfiction trope of having your original characters save the day while the hero from the film or book you're writing fanfiction about becomes evil. It can be done well but this just had no originality. I thought the comedy with Giselle's husband was poor. He is clearly not a comedic actor, he made me wonder why on earth they were trying to make this man funny when they had James Marsden as Edward who was the funniest part of the last movie. Also, I know you need to suspend belief in fantasy films but the villain had so many opportunities to use her magic to, eg, to turn them into toads. She has *no reason not to*. It was just a wish-gone-wrong movie, and of course they are saved by...another wish. They literally just wish for everything to be ok and then everything is ok. Well. WOOPIDOOPIDYDOO.The actors and Alan Menken all seemed to be trying but there is no saving a script this bad."

Re: Disenchanted

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:52 pm
by Catspaw
I haven't gotten around to seeing this movie even though I loved Enchanted a lot. Maybe I saw some meh reviews and it dropped on my interest list. Pound Foolish, you're reducing my movie watch list significantly. ;)