
Share your favorite jokes.

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Post by Bmuntz »

Share all your favorite jokes here!

What do you say about two two liberals that are up to there neck in sand? Not enough sand.
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Larry The Pickle
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Post by Larry The Pickle »

Ok, so a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says "hey fella, why the long face?".

Ok, so John Kerry walks into a bar, and the bartender says "hey fella, why the long face?"!


Post by Chandler »

I don't think it's very nice to pick on people's physical features. :^o

I love the idea of this thread! :D I'll have to dig up some great jokes to post here! :lol:
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Post by Catspaw »

Okay, I'm going to pull out my best jokes for you gys! :D Okay, not really, because some jokes just have to be said out loud to work. Here are some really cheesy jokes that I think are at least kind of funny. Some of these I first heard when I was ten or younger, so I apologize in advance.

Q. Why do waiters like gorillas better than flies?
A. Have you ever heard somebody say, "Waiter, there's a gorilla in my soup"?

*everybody groans at the lameness* Hey, when I was eight, that was my all-time favourite joke!

Q. Why do grapes and elephants have in common?
A. They're both purple, except for the elephant, and except is you have green grapes

Q. What's green and has wheels?
A. Grass - I was lying about the wheels.

Q. What do you do with a green dinosaur?
A. Wait for it too ripen!

Q. What time is it when three gorillas are chasing you?
A. Three after one!

Q. What time is it if six gorillas are chasing you and a friend?
A. Six after two!

Q. What time is it if twelve gorillas and an elephant are chasing you?
A. Time to run!

I guess this isn't technically a joke, but for a class presentation a friend and I are supposed to talk about the Homeschool Movement and its impact on Christian education. Everybody else who has done a presentation has done a significant person, not a movement, so we made the first part of our presentation a spoof. We give the pertinent facts about Dr. H.S. Movement, including his degrees and books that he's written and stuff like that. We made the info up from stereotypes about homeschoolers, so Dr. Movement first attended the University of "Socialization is Uncool." ;) The rest of our stuff is like that too. We're doing this on PowerPoint, and then we have a slide saying "The End." :lolsign: It's going to be fun! Then we'll do our real presentation.
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