Robin Williams Dead at 63

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Robin Williams Dead at 63

Post by AIOCREFan »

Robin Williams died today at his home in California. Early reports say it was a suicide, after a period of severe depression. ... 70050.html
I actually haven't seen hardly any of his movies, but what I saw was hilarious and his death certainly came as a shock. And the sadness of his death is only compounded by the fact that he was not a Christian, going out of his way to make fun of Christianity.

What was your favorite Robin Williams movie or tv show?
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Post by The Top Crusader »

It would certainly be sad if he died suddenly of natural causes, but it being a suicide (apparently) makes it all the more sad. :(

I watched Mork & Mindy all the time as a kid. I've seen tons of his movies and stuff he did voice work in, I don't know that I necessarily have a favorite. I always enjoyed when he was a guest on The Tonight Show and such. :(
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Post by Catspaw »

This is definitely sad news. :( I know that statistically suicides often go up after a high profile case like this one apparently seems to be, so I hope that people are getting help if they need it.

I think Hook was the first Robin Williams movie I ever saw, but I also enjoyed his role in the Night at the Museum movies. He was just generally very likeable.
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Post by godisawesomeness99 »

That's really sad..... he will be missed very much
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Post by Peachey Keen »

I was hoping it was a hoax when I first heard the news. He was an incredibly funny man. The first thing I remember seeing him was Aladdin. The Genie still make me laugh!
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Post by EvangelineWalker »

I think Aladdin was the first movie I 'saw' him in as well. My friend said Robin Williams is in this movie and I had no idea who that was. :) The next one was Hook, and though I never owned that movie, I always looked forward to seeing it when I got the chance. Then we got Jumanji and my sisters and I watched that a lot.
I didn't remember he was in Night at the Museum but now I remember he was President Teddy Roosevelt. Perfect for that role.

I was so sad when I heard the news. More than I probably ever cried at a celebrity's death, perhaps because of how it happened.
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