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Post by Evil Chick »

I cannot believe that it has been 10 years since we all started this adventure! It was so much fun (major understatement) and made up a significant portion of my teenage human interaction. :D I joined the very first day it was open and was a very regular contributor until after I started college. As a missionary kid in Germany, and something of a loner, I was so excited to find friends with whom I could not only share my love for AIO, but also who could make up for my lack of outgoingness and friends in 'real life'. I forged friendships on this board that have lasted past my involvement here, and that I expect to keep forever. I have been very privileged to meet several of them in person, and even to get involved in the missions work of others. The ToO literally changed my life for the better, and I wouldn't change those years for anything.

One of the happiest days of my life was the day JEC won the election! Seriously the highlight of my teenage years. Jonathan is a dear friend and we had such a blast with our term! The whole process of campaigning, working over a great time difference, leading the town, it was so awesome! I still get excited when I think about it! \:D/

So many great memories... I can't even begin to name them all. There is, of course, my name, which changed from happysmiler to Evil Chick when I joined the Bones of Wrath here. (And I now get to explain to everyone why my username/email is evilchick...) I enjoyed a very short but fun time as a writer for the Odyssey Tattler. There was the time that someone thought for sure that Jonathan and I were dating. It was great to meet several ToOers in MN for a weekend! And I was even privileged to have a member of the ToO attend my wedding. It was so special to have that part of my life represented on the most important day of my life! (Even if my love story itself does not involve to ToO like some others... ;)) There were the hilarious conference calls. And the infamous Zarkouni.

Seriously, I'm pretty much tearing up over here. It's so amazing to reminisce with all of you fellow old timers. :D I do think about the old days often and fondly. I'm afraid to start a list of friends because I know I'll forget someone important. Love you guys though! You know who you are! :D Thank you for being such a huge part of my life and allowing me to be a part of your lives, as well. I will cherish my memories of this place for the rest of my life.

Enough of the sappy stuff, though. I totally sound like I'm dying. :anxious:
May Zarkouni Live Forever! :goomba:
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Reading through this thread, with all the old faces and memories.....NOSTALGIA. Oh my, I cannot believe it's been ten years since this place opened. I have been a member all but one day of that ten years, and while the past couple years I have been scarce around these parts, I remember many fun times with fondness.

Remember the Miss ToO competition? Young ToO Hearts Turning, where Catspaw made sure that I was NOT flirting or romantically involved in any way? (Thanks for that, Catspaw. ;)) Mayor for a Day term that all the mods were renamed to Little House characters? (Top made a great Mr. Edwards!) Remember Odyssey Idol? And the Scribbler? Being called the lunatic fringe? (Well, most people weren't called that, that was pretty unique to me and Dr. Watson. :- ) How about the Blackgaard RPGs that I was not really involved with until Watson recruited me to play Catspaw in his EPIC RADIO DRAMA? \:D/

I joined here when I was 18, although EB mistook me for a 12 year old at first. :( How dare he! :x I have enjoyed getting to know a very diverse group of AIO fans, debating with some, just chatting with others. Waiting week by week for each new episode to air and discuss it with all the other avid fans was such fun! I never really knew anybody else who listened to AIO, so it was a blast to "meet" others who followed the show. I won Taq and LizzieG's contest during their term and received a personally signed by the crew copy of Odyssey Live - so exciting. I also roped Nathan Hoobler into doing a live chat with all the ToO fans during my term as CoP, as well as helped with some editing/ideas for the Official Guide. I still get out my copy and gaze at my name in the list in the acknowledgments occasionally. ;)
The ToOHL jump-started my interest in hockey, and has continued to be a fun competition every year. Although I am bummed that this year Catspaw is beating me by almost 300 points. :( SO NOT FAIR.

I remember the second election, I believe it was, that Dr. Watson and Bmuntz were running against Trent and David O. Trent had gotten the backing of many members before the election had even started, so it was an interesting race. I remember the hilarious "war" of support siggies back and forth between EB (Trent supporter) and AIOPsyche (Watson supporter). EB was making ones stating things like "Dr. Watson: 150 malpractice suits" with pictures of a doctor, and AIOP would respond with I don't even remember what - some made up accusation about Trent. I thought it was so funny. Someone wrote to Watson, though, and told him he wasn't being classy. :( Watson also made a radio ad with Helen and Ronald, that made Shadowpaw respond with a :hilarious: smiley - that thrilled me that we actually amused the great Shadowpaw. Ha!

I have great memories of the ToO meet-ups we have had - not as many as some have, but I was so excited to meet Catspaw and JF in person several years ago, as well as Danadelfos and readywriter a few times.

Thanks for the good times, all. A lot of us have gone our separate ways, but I still remember the fun times we've had. *sigh*
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Post by snubs »

Discovering the ToO was basically me discovering the internet. When I first joined I had no idea what a forum/messaged board was and therefore overlooked this site a few times before signing up (7 years ago).

AIO Live Show..
I can’t say I had as many wonderful memories as the others’ have shared.. heh. For instance, the 2008 AIO Live Show. I did go, and I had a great time and would love to go to another one.. however, I had no idea a ToO convention/get together was happening. >_> Somehow I missed the memo, I guess because I was only about 4 months new in ToO age. =p On the upside though, I did happen to run into Catspaw and spotted Tim. Then while waiting in line to be seated I saw another group of ToO’ers (apparently they are that obvious xD), so I struck up a hello with a girl known as Monday and she introduced me to Jonathan… and another Jonathan (if I recall right), and enlightened me to the night before of the AWESOME ToO PARTY (WITH AIO ACTORS).. THAT I WAS CLEARLY NOT INVITED TO. *dies* Let’s just say I felt very left out and TOTALLY CRUSHED. *ahem*

ToO friends..
I’ve made all the friends I've ever had here.. even one in-person friend (the only in-person friend I had). But unfortunately the few I thought were my friends, turned out to have never been my friends at all (after years of thinking otherwise), or just totally dropped me off for no real reason. But that’s life I guess..? Those failed friendships have taught me a lot though. What once was a negative has now turned into a positive in my life...and has lead me to form and get to know the best friend I've ever had. Some of you might know her as Kaida. =] SHE'S THE REAL DEAL GUYS. We were so destined to be friends before we even knew each other existed. xD All thanks to the ToO chat, I might add.

Speaking of the ToO Chat..
It really is a very close community, where everyone knows everyone (some even in person). I'm speaking for this message board too, it's just that the chat is where I really made all my friends. I've gotten to know people that rarely post here or are even members of this forum.. I still consider them ToO'ers though and a big part of this site. Thanks to the ToO chat, I had the pleasure of meeting DanP740, Tim, Limerick, and Angel at a little ToO get together back in 2013 (?). \:D/ And recently (in the past 6-8 months) I've gotten to know a couple other caring and fun people whom I never would have talked to otherwise. So many great conversations, memories and friendships have formed on our little chatroom. I strongly suggest you guys pop on there every now and then, a lot of wonderful things have happened because of that place.

I didn't choose the snubs life.. the snubs life chose me..
I was one of the older (midbie) members that never really fit in with the oldies (yes, I said oldies and not oldbies), and didn't really feel in the same class as the midbies. For some reason I never had the same history or connection with most of the other 2008’ers. So I found myself always getting along and chilling with the newbies (or rather, late 2009 peoples and beyond). =p Except.. for the oldie, Smaug the Dragon. She’s pretty awesome. =]

It seemed my first few years of being on the ToO I tried really hard and struggled to fit in and be noticed.. I always felt like no one payed attention I even existed. And since I didn't have a place in the "real" world, I decided to try and make my mark in the online one. I guess all my efforts payed off because I now run the most popular shop and Auction House in Crestwood, was elected your Mayor for term 18, \:D/ had the pleasure of serving as moderator for 8 terms, am now an Operator on the ToO chat, and even won a few Boardie Awards.

Only in the past 2.5 years have I finally really felt like a respected member of the Town. And I definitely feel valued by you all. All the things I mentioned above never would have came to be without you guys making it that way. =] I realized, the only way to gain respect and value is to give respect and value to others. The Town of Odyssey means a lot to me and I'm very dedicated to this place. I am willing to serve and help in any way I can (and as much as time allows) to keep this place what is. So if my only service is providing signatures and avatars to the townspeople, that's what I'll do. =p

To those of you who actually took the time to read this lonnggg post! I THANK YOU. heh.
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Post by Stubborn »

It really messes with your mind when your husband walks up to you while you're feeding your baby chicken broccoli surprise (okay, they were peas) and tells you that the ToO is turning 10 years old.

And then you realize that that strange evening on December 14th, 2005 when you stumbled upon your first message board at age 13 and randomly decided to join was one of the most important moments of your existence. That night I received a welcome PM from Cowboy of Texas and 8 years later, to the day, (accidentally, I swear) we got married.

I used to be Lucy, back in the day, but I don't think I posted rational thought enough for anyone to remember me. My memories of watching Catspaw and Jonathan and Laura Ingalls and Dr. Watson and J-Man and Top (to name but a few) try to keep CoT from going off the deep end are fond. Thanks for trying, guys.

The ToO was always a fun pastime for me, during those first years, but the chat room changed my life. I don't even know how you make lasting friendships while typing into a little box while you're filled with teenage angst, but somehow I did. Those friends have continued to shape my life in so many ways and I could never express what they mean to me (but the Petersons are like, the most amazing thing out there. Just sayin).

Shadowpaw, whoever and wherever you are, thank you. I got a stinkin cute baby out of all of this. (My husband's not too bad, either.)
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Post by DanP740 »

Stubborn wrote:while you're feeding your baby chicken broccoli surprise
First I thought you said you're feeding broccoli surprise to your baby chicken.
Stubborn wrote:The ToO was always a fun pastime for me, during those first years, but the chat room changed my life. I don't even know how you make lasting friendships while typing into a little box while you're filled with teenage angst, but somehow I did. Those friends have continued to shape my life in so many ways and I could never express what they mean to me (but the Petersons are like, the most amazing thing out there. Just sayin).
StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
"Every time I start banging rocks together to make a beat, I feel all guilty and I need to repent for my sinful ways. :(" - Jelly
"I actually want to see this happen... the controversy would be legendary. :o" - American Eagle
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Post by StupendousMan »

Oh man, where to begin. Jayaar told me that there was a thread here so I thought I'd come post, ah memories! It's really crazy cause I actually joined the ToO the very first day it was live. I remember having emailed FotF and asking if Eugene was coming back. Someone sent me a cryptic, but nodding reply that he was indeed coming back soon. I got so excited that I had to post somewhere and found a brand new AiO forum and posted my news. I was feeling super pleased until I got a PM then an IM from Shadowpaw saying that that info was actually supposed to be secret and then we played it off in the thread as if I was mistaken, what a way to start right.

From then on it was great times, participating in the ToO Idol with a casting crowns song, meeting my future wife (booya), and getting a bunch of folks together and creating our very own AiO Side Stories episode (link to download it is below, I found it in my archives!). Also, fun fact, I've had the same name and signature from the very beginning, and darn all you people that changed names like some people change socks, it was so hard to keep track of :) Here's to 10 years and great times had!

Here's the link to the ToO AiO episode, let me know if you can't access it. AiO Side Stories
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Post by Jonathan »

My memories of watching Catspaw and Jonathan and Laura Ingalls and Dr. Watson and J-Man and Top (to name but a few) try to keep CoT from going off the deep end are fond. Thanks for trying, guys.
That made me laugh. I actually had to code something special into the board when JEC were admins in order to keep him from ruining a surprise because of his absolutely insane amount of posting.

Actually now that I think about it, there were several people here that were very funny noobs in addition to CoT.
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

It's been a long time, but like the others, there's a certain nostalgia about coming back here. ^_^

This was actually my second forum. I found it after I'd been around the CBH board (back when it existed). I knew a few members here from over there, and so it was an easy decision to just transition to this being my only forum. :P 'Sides, I enjoyed AIO more than the stuff put out by CBH for the most part. The more cherishing memories from this board are the friendships that I formed. The ToO was very much one of my main social outlets, and I could be found on the AIO chat room a loooooooot! Like... so much. I liked posting, too, because somehow I made it onto the Top 10 posters. I was an admin during terms IX and XI with Christina S (aka Kaitlin), and enjoyed the games and contests and such.

Then came the visiting my online friends. I started making up excuses to see people. "Can I go visit my oldest sister? Oh, and btw, one of my online friends lives near her, so... I'll be meeting her, too!" "College visit? Sounds great! Let's visit Liberty!" You know... all kinds of excuses. I've met well over 30 of my online friends and acquaintances, and I had a blast doing it. I met several online friends at Liberty (and while I attended Liberty): Angel, Candy, JF777, Tim Peterson, David O, Red Canadian, Hawkeye, Melissa, LizzieG, Sarai Binghampton, Agent Robert Mitchell, Limerick, snubs, Missy, majorsplendor, Sonuna, movieman, and Kairi. I very much considered all my ToO friends to be my best friends in high school. I was able to make visits to see Kaitlin, Latch, Angel, and Missy and snubs at their respective homes and to be welcomed by them and their families. I hosted Lucy, StupendousMan, LizzieG, Tim Peterson, DanP740, Limerick, Latch, Icarus, and Angel in my home. No, I didn't just think of my ToO friends as friends from afar. They were all a part of my life. We laughed, cried, learned, and grew together. We have met people, fallen in love, gotten married, and some of us even have kids. Several of my friends came to my high school graduation. I attended Liberty at the same time as JF777. Angel was one of my bridesmaids. I married StupendousMan (and yes, he really is stupendous). \:D/ The first time I heard my now husband's voice was when he sang for the Odyssey Idol contest. :P I keep up with a few people from the ToO even today. I literally would not be who I am and where I am today without the ToO.

I know I am not around very much anymore, but I do appreciate the season of life that I was able to spend on here. I loved the excitement of the story arcs (yes, I'm thinking specifically of the Gabriel Dragsack one). I had lots of fun meeting people and getting to live life alongside some of them. Angel and I went on a couple missions trips together, and it was amazing growing in our faith while serving others. I had a fangirl moment when I got to talk with "Jimmy Barclay" on the phone (Darcie's hubby). :thud: I got to talk on the phone with several of the people at the 20th AIO anniversary gathering. I had a short-lived podcast. I just felt like I belonged somewhere, even if I couldn't really find my "space" among people in my actual vicinity. You all helped me to learn to appreciate who I am and to not be scared of just being myself! So thank you all. Thanks for your camaraderie. Thanks for sharing a piece of your lives with me. :yes:

Also, quick shout out to Hope, The Artful Dodger, Itaque (Taq), Hannahjiejie, and everyone else I had the pleasure of meeting in person. Thanks to Catspaw for all of her patience with me during my adminship. And a big thanks to Focus on the Family for creating a show that can bring so many people with crazy different personalities together!
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Post by Amy Funkhouser »

I don't come on the board itself much at all (okay so I've post like 10 times and most of that had to do with TAR >_>) anywho The chatroom is where it's happening (don't ask why I went gangster there for a sec it just happened) I've met tons of people there and have been able to keep in touch with some of my closest friends. I'm so a newbie ≈P I joined in 2013 and didn't even know the board was so old! I joined ToO because of Moose breath to be honest. One day he came on SS chatbox (yeah ss chat is still the best thing that ever happened in my humble opinion) Moose breath was all like I hate Emily and such, he also mentioned a SS vs ToO war of sort going on. So that's how I found ToO I joined but never posted. I mostly stayed on SS because that's where I knew people and this board seemed more mature. Then SS chat broke and my life went heywire and I wasn't even on any AIO site for a full year. (You guys thought I was died :twisted:) But anywho I have come to love all of you guys I've met and some I'll never meet. It's been great! *hold glass up* to another 10 years of THE TOO!!!!! *cheers*

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I am very new here, but to me the ToO is a new hub to met my old friends.
I was active on WhitsEnd a lot before the site became so bla, and I met a lot of really cool people! You know who you are!
Even though a lot of them are not here, many are. It brings back a lot of really good memories. I am never sentimental about anything, it does no good, but something about those memories stirs some rarely felt emotions... Seeing some old friends, and maybe (one can hope) new friends brings quite a bit of joy to me. Yes, even though I feel like an outsider again after all these years, I think the journey of becoming a part of this awesome/crazy-have-a-cookie[and]a-hug community again will be an enjoyable ride.

KTS guys, KTS...
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Post by Sherlock »

So, I guess I feel obliged to post something both nostalgic and significant, but I'm afraid I've been absent for so long that any reference to me on this forum these days are, in fact, directed towards the BBC Series and not the legacy ToO member. Oh how the (not so) mighty have fallen... >_> Anyway, a lot has happened in 10+ years, most notably I got old and forgetful. I also finished school, traveled around a good bit and joined the workforce like a boring plebe, which is where I am today.

Anyhow, I feel it is important to mention that I didn't join the ToO on Day 1 of its inception because I thought that, unlike the noble Town Hall, this whole board was just a lame passing fad cooked up by Shadowpaw that would never last. Clearly I was wrong.

So this is where we find ourselves. Ten years is a lot of time. What remains of my best memories about this place are are of some of the many interactions I have had on this board with both old and new members, mostly in the realm of CCDS. Also, I guess at some point my username was (or wasn't?) Coralfish here. Can't remember. Vague memories of debates with the likes of Hawkeye, Ayn Rand, etc. I think I lost a few chess games to Jared Walczak, which still may be my single greatest life accomplishment to date.

In closing, I feel I should mention that I did not marry anyone from this board, and believe that I should receive some sort of refund for that. Catspaw?? :x
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Post by snubs »

Hey, Sherlock. Nice of you to stop by. \:D/
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Post by Catspaw »

Sherlock wrote: Also, I guess at some point my username was (or wasn't?) Coralfish here. Can't remember.
I am also old and forgetful, but I think you might not have ever been Coralfish here. I feel like when you did join, it took a while to figure out who you were. But I could be totally wrong and you did join under Coralfish and you changed it later.
Sherlock wrote:In closing, I feel I should mention that I did not marry anyone from this board, and believe that I should receive some sort of refund for that. Catspaw?? :x
Don't look at me. :noway: That is obviously Shadowpaw's fault. I demand that he marries one of us immediately! O:)

Also, you technically did not marry anybody from this board yet...you just never know what the future may hold! ;)
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Post by Sherlock »

Catspaw wrote:
Also, you technically did not marry anybody from this board yet...you just never know what the future may hold! ;)
If there's another 15 year long turn-around-time on this deal, I'm afraid I'll die of old age first. :cry:
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Post by Catspaw »

Sherlock wrote:
Catspaw wrote:
Also, you technically did not marry anybody from this board yet...you just never know what the future may hold! ;)
If there's another 15 year long turn-around-time on this deal, I'm afraid I'll die of old age first. :cry:
A ring by the second decade of membership, or your money back! \:D/
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Catspaw wrote:
Sherlock wrote: Also, I guess at some point my username was (or wasn't?) Coralfish here. Can't remember.
I am also old and forgetful, but I think you might not have ever been Coralfish here. I feel like when you did join, it took a while to figure out who you were. But I could be totally wrong and you did join under Coralfish and you changed it later.
She joined under Sherlock, because I remember Dr. Watson saw the name Sherlock under "most recently joined member," and sent a welcome PM all witty like, with him being Watson and all. \:D/
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Post by Arwen »

Psst! Hey everyone...remember me? This seems like the appropriate place for my first post in 4.5 years. :)

I’m going through a semi-nostalgic period (quarter life crises are now a thing?), and I started listening to AIO from the beginning again. Today I searched for something and happened to stumble back into here. I’m super pleasantly surprised to see that this place is still alive and well! I’m so incredibly out of the loop, but I think I’m going to stick around and spend some time rediscovering this place.

What the ToO is/was to me? Well, I joined here at the beginning when the TH closed. I was in the middle of being a teenager, and I was kind of a friendless loser. The ToO gave me community when I didn’t have any, during some of the toughest years of growing up (seriously, you couldn’t pay me to go through ages 13-16 again). My time on here ended when I began to have more “3D” community in college, but this was so perfect for where I was at the time, and for that I am tremendously grateful.

It's ridiculously super awesome to "see" all of you again!
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Post by snubs »

HEY, Arwen! *waves* I vaguely remember you posting around here. Good to have you back. =]
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Post by Baragon »

For those of you who don't know me, I was at one point Continental Admiral and somehow my name was changed to Baragon and it never really got changed back. I wasn't really a fan of the ToO when it first opened... As some of you know, I hated AiO, so when this board came along that was basically all about AiO, I wasn't overly thrilled. But, I signed on. Thankfully, I did! Although I could go back and cringe as I read through my old posts, I'll skip that step and just say we've all changed a lot over the years, but some of those changes might not have happened without this board.

Thankful for the memories and the people I've met. I spent many hours (that I wouldn't mind getting back, haha) chatting and debating with members on here. I may not be on here very often as of late, but I'm thankful that I get to see my 'fave' people show up in my Facebook feed - so I can see what their lives are like... and keep in touch.

Oh, and I guess I should say I'm thankful that someone accidentally got The Top Crusader and myself confused (no idea how that was possible...) and we were forced to meet each other. \:D/ I couldn't imagine going through everything that has happened in the past year without him by my side. He's truly a keeper and for that, I'm in debt to Shadowpaw and this board.

Even though Shadowpaw hates me.
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Post by SirWhit »

Baragon wrote:For those of you who don't know me, I was at one point Continental Admiral and somehow my name was changed to Baragon and it never really got changed back. I wasn't really a fan of the ToO when it first opened... As some of you know, I hated AiO, so when this board came along that was basically all about AiO, I wasn't overly thrilled. But, I signed on. Thankfully, I did! Although I could go back and cringe as I read through my old posts, I'll skip that step and just say we've all changed a lot over the years, but some of those changes might not have happened without this board.
Ehhh...why did you join if you hated AIO? :P
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