Coffee Drinkers

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How do you like your coffee?

Straight black
With sugar
With creamer
With creamer and sugar
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Coffee Drinkers

Post by Bren »

When was the first time you had coffee? Are you one of those who needs it in pumped into your system 24/7? I like mine with sugar. I might do a creamer once in a while but sugar is the only must.
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Post by Old Brad »

Ooohh, I first had coffee in my early teens I believe, I begged for it and basically got a bit of coffee with a bunch of creamer and sugar in it. I didn't like it much then.. Now I drink it when I can (usually on Sundays). How I drink it normally depends on timing, I typically drink it straight black, but if I'm in a hurry I put cream and sugar in it.
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Post by Catspaw »

I remember having one sip of my Grandma's coffee as a kid and feeling all grown up. My parents don't drink coffee. None of us three kids drink coffee. People are consistently either shocked ("You don't drink coffee?!?!") or condescending ("Oh, just wait until you get into the work force" was popular back when I was in university...while working a part-time job) or assuming ("Oh, so you're a tea drinker." Actually, no). I don't mind having a sugary drink with a minimal amount of coffee now and then, but even then only a small amount.

Coffee does smell good sometimes, though, I'll give it that!
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Post by Kaida »

I remember having coffee as a kid... My mom was okay with giving us a little bit. Didn't see anything bad with it. =p It was not a lot. She didnt give us coffee every day. But there were times I'd grab her mug and drink what was left. I've always liked the taste of coffee.

I drink coffee now every morning. Well.. Half a cup every morning. There was a time I didn't drink any and can probably do that again. But I like the taste. I usually don't have any on the weekends though. I like creamer and a little sugar. I'm putting less and less sugar each time.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I distinctly remember drinking a cup of coffee at my brother's wedding reception when I was 12. That may have been the first time, my records don't go back any farther than that. :(

I have to have something in it, though. If I've got flavored creamer around then I don't bother with sugar, but if it's just bland cream or cream flavored powder (sounds appetizing!) with no real extra taste or sweetness, I'll add sugar.

I don't really drink it on a daily basis, probably average around a couple times a week, as far as making a pot of hot coffee at home. I prefer iced coffee over hot, I usually just get caramel flavoring in that and maybe some cream.
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Post by GJ »

I had my first cup of coffee a few years ago, my grandfather was brewing a pot on the stove and he let me drink some. :shame:
It was hot, crisp to the tongue, savoury and deep. It took me a couple sips of the black liquid to enjoy the taste. Since then, I've been drinking it at home using a Mr Coffee home brewer, I take it straight black, and have enough experience know to distinguish the roast.
My favourite is probably Columbian. On occasion though, I'll drink something sugary from Dutch Bros :inlove: .
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Post by Catspaw »

The last few weeks has found me consuming several caramel french vanilla cappuccinos from Tim Hortons, if that counts as coffee. ;) There's lots of delicious sugar and very little coffee taste, which is the only way I can consume coffee!
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Post by Anna><> »

I just drink black coffee from Tim Hortons. Sometimes with milk. The first time I had coffee was when I was 12 in Argentina when we had cafe con leche. So half milk, half coffee. It was good.

I drank a lot more coffee when I was working because it was free.
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