Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Post by bookworm »

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Post by Parakeet »

Another one!!??

I've seen Jurassic Park and Jurassic World but have not seen JP 2 and 3.
I'll eventually see this movie but most likely not in theaters.
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Post by bookworm »

I'm so looking forward to this. This is one of my all time favorite franchises, I'm so excited we're getting new movies!
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Post by Catspaw »

I have never seen the three original movies and finally saw the first reboot movie this summer on Netflix with my cousin, who had also never watched the first one. I thought about seeing this one in theatres but didn't know if I wanted teeth jumping out at me from a screen that size! :mad: Somebody told me today that they really enjoyed this movie (well, it was a twelve-year-old) ;) so I will eventually give it a try when it's on Netflix and free. :)
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Post by bookworm »

I liked this movie quite a bit. Eventually.

I wasn't sure about it at first, and actually started getting concerned as it was just rehashing Lost World: old guy that started the thing has a dying wish to make things right, wants to send people into an island where dinosaurs overran and are living naturally now, but the old guy's younger associate has ulterior motives for the mission and what they bring back. I was about to get majorly irritated when they had that scene of the housekeeper looking for the girl, I said if she stowed away to the island that's it, we can't do that again, but it turned out she didn't go so kudos there for at least not copying every beat from the previous stories. But the two characters from the first movie that were set up to become a couple split up between movies? Come on, again? JP3 already did that, copy from one of your own movies at a time at least. >_>

But then it turned out the island was just the setup of this story and that's where I really got on board. We spent just enough time there to have some adventures, then came back to the mainland and dove into what has always been the part of the franchise I've found most interesting: the evil rich people. I love the recurring idea that once we make this scientific advancement people keep doing the same greedy things that are terrible ideas that we must know better about by now, but they just can't help themselves. Like one of them said "We can't put it back in the box." Dr. Wu continuing his research and DNA editing and to even more extreme levels he knows isn't something he should be doing, the other guy thinking it's a great idea to auction dinosaurs to private owners who cares whatever they want to do with them, really? You guys have to know you have to resist this stuff! But they don't, or can't, and I like it a lot.

I loved that Dr. Malcolm was like 'just let them go extinct don't go save them.' It would have been easy to use him as an identifiable returning character to be a voice for the 'of course we need to rescue them we put them in this situation' side, but that wouldn't be true to his character. He would say exactly what he said here, look this is nature trying to make them extinct again because we shouldn't have brought them back in the first place. It was so great that they used him that way.

I liked the backstory we saw of Blue, it gave more plausibility to why she changed back to Owen's side eventually in the last movie. I never had a problem with that to begin with, but for people that did this should make it seem more reasonable.

The only part I wasn't completely on board with was the reveal that
the girl was a clone. I was completely against that at first saying 'there it goes, the franchise is ruined, that's just too far.' It seemed too ridiculous, even for something like this. But the more I thought about it it is actually the reasonable progression of the story. The whole point is we keep continually pushing science too far, in a way that is just ridiculous.
I still wish they hadn't gone there, it's just not necessary, but it doesn't bother me as much now as it did immediately.

I really liked the ending, I'm eager to see the next part of the story.
I thought the way it was done was perfect. The dinosaurs had to get out, that's where the story is going next, but if Clare had been the one to release them it would have felt so forced and unbelievable. Yes she's going to be sad to let them die, but with everything she's seen she has to reason it's for the best. So to have her hesitate but eventually do the right thing and leave them there was important; then have the girl be the one to let them out.
I'm genuinely excited about the next movie, I want to see how this setup plays out. We got a brief taste of this idea at the end of Lost World, but this is doing it for real.
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