Favorite Memories

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Favorite Memories

Post by KnittingFun14 »

What are everyone's favorite memories from here on the ToO? Share some of yours below, and have fun reminiscing and talking about the good ol' days! \:D/ (which of course I wouldn't have any recollection of, but I'll still have fun too ;) )
I normally go by N on the chat, but it's actually short for...
"No, John, I can't marry you. Why? Because my father won't let me. He says you're not good enough for me, John.
Yes you have big muscles and know how to run a farm, but I need a man that can give me the moon.
You are not the sun. I am." -Pengwin
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Post by Bren »

You mean that being picked to serve with The B Team isn't a favorite memory? :cry: 😉

Any time I get to serve this fine town is a special memory for me. I miss the days of the points system and the degrees from back in the day. And the story arcs were always fun. As well as all the different styles we had back in the day.
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Post by Catspaw »

If only I remembered things... ;)

I remember the excitement of wondering what the big April 1 surprise was going to be, half expecting it to be an April Fool's joke from Shadowpaw, and then excitedly joining the ToO from my college dorm room, having no idea that I would still be posting here 17 years later!

I have fond memories of term two, when Bmuntz and I ruled with an iron fist alongside Shadowpaw, a fellow Canadian, which made it more awesome in our opinion!

I remember giving Frank (a wonderful girl who hasn't visited the ToO in a while) silly flirting tips (99% sure JesusFreak777 was part of that conversation) and now she and Trent (her campaign partner way back in term 4) have been happily married for years. I still take a bit of credit for that, whether it's deserved or not. ;)

I remember thoughtful private messages and posts from bookworm about chat room prayer meetings and the history of the ToO.

I remember lots of other good stuff, and I know that I've forgotten tons of other stuff that was meaningful at the time and yet escapes me later on.
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Post by Bren »

Catspaw wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:25 pm If only I remembered things... ;)

I remember thoughtful private messages and posts from bookworm about chat room prayer meetings and the history of the ToO.
They say the mind is the first to go :-

To be serious for a second, your mention of prayer meetings reminded me of ToO Flowers. It was amazing how so may of us came together to order flowers for SNCs funeral.
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Post by Catspaw »

Bren wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:30 pm
Catspaw wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:25 pm If only I remembered things... ;)

I remember thoughtful private messages and posts from bookworm about chat room prayer meetings and the history of the ToO.
They say the mind is the first to go :-

To be serious for a second, your mention of prayer meetings reminded me of ToO Flowers. It was amazing how so may of us came together to order flowers for SNCs funeral.
Mine went years ago. ;)

Yes, that was such a lovely way to show her family that we cared and to come together in collective grief. I believe some money was also donated to a charity in her honour as well - maybe Mercy Ships, or something similar.
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Post by Peachey Keen »

My favorite memory is probably when I first signed up for the ToO. It was around the time Album 50 was airing and I was just getting into the online fandom of AIO. Such a fun time to be a fan then!
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Post by bookworm »

This isn't exactly a 'favorite memory' but it's a distinct memory that I was just recently reminiscing about and wanting to bring up in some appropriate way. This seems like a good time and place.

During the Spring Dance event in 2012, one of the tasks was for the partners to write a poem about the event. Scoring was based on length not necessarily quality, so Termite and I decided we would use this opportunity to cement our lead by unashamedly drawing out our entry to an absurd degree. We did this by actually writing two separate poems, each individually stretching ours as much as we possibly could, then combining them together.

We made no pretense about it being good, unapologetically acknowledging we just wanted to write something ridiculously long. I believed, and in fact stated, that my section was garbage. But rereading it now... is it just me or is this actually honestly not half bad? :anxious: Despite the primary goal being to pad the line count I put genuine effort into the content, giving an accurate recap of how the event setup had played out.

bookworm wrote:Something was taking the forum by storm.
An event that was sure to be in top form.

A dance it was called, the first of its kind.
No other like you ever would find.

For the partners in person never did meet.
Nor the dancers keep time to the beat with their feet.

It was all done online, through the computer.
A participant did not need to be a commuter.

Events there would be and they would number three.
From these they would see who the top team would be.

Signups were taken, to see who would come.
To see who the pairs would all be made from.

An even number was needed of ladies and men,
So the list was held open up until then.

Then the signups were closed and the hosts gathered pith
To see who each guest would be partnered with.

For at first it was said they would pick their own date,
But then they decided that idea should wait.

Some might take it wrong, they thought with dismay.
This was meant to be fun, and not a sad day.

So to avoid trouble they did away with that gist,
And instead paired the couples themselves from the list.

When the matches were made the invitations were sent
And the partners then knew for whom they were meant.

They were told now to wait, the big day was arriving.
With each passing moment the excitement was thriving.

They got to know one another during the delay,
Something that would come in handy one day.

All of them wanted to do their part.
They eagerly waited for when it would start.

As the days passed, time flew by fast.
The event was now starting, finally, at last!

A notice went out of a great proclamation
To be read far and wide to all in the nation.

"Come one and come all to the First Spring Dance.
Take part in the games, please come take a chance.

Couples prance at the dance, not fight with a lance.
They glance, take a stance, and perhaps find romance.

Which pair will be first when all has been done?
Who will rise to the top? Who will be number one?

Will it be Joy and Reynard Muldoon?
It could be perhaps, we'll find out quite soon.

Perhaps Jesus' Princess and JCGJ?
Let's just wait and see. What else could we say?

It could be Aeva and Blessed Cheesemaker.
Perhaps one of them will be a risk taker.

And then there's Termite and her partner bookworm.
Each of those two will most likely stand firm.

Next up is Bren with Danielle Maxwell.
It may be this pair, only time will tell.

There's also Blitz with Graces4You.
Of course both of them will have a chance too.

Peachy Keen and his partner God's Daughter are here.
If they get on a roll then you'd better stay clear.

How about Sunshine and Jehoshaphat?
They could hit a home run when they come to bat.

Sapphire and Monty make up the next pair.
When you look to the lead you may see them there.

Marvin D is here too with Shennifer.
If they rush to the top all you'll see is a blur.

Joanne and Astronomer, don't count them out.
Those two have a shot, don't you have a doubt.

The King's Daughter and American Eagle are last.
Together their wits could be doubly fast.

So, who will win it? There's really no telling.
A tip to all teams, keep an eye on your spelling.

After all the events we'll see who has won.
But whatever the outcome, it will surely be fun."

Now all of the last minute plans would be laid,
And all the final preparations be made.

All of the details were being worked out
To ensure the success of what would come about.

The guests chose their outfits all with great care
Hoping to be the most well dressed pair.

With great anticipation all looked forward now
To when they and their partner would take their first bow.

A new forum was made to hold all the fun,
And to save it away when the party was done.

All was now in order, everything set.
All the requirements needed were met.

The hosts sighed with relief as they surveyed the scene.
They knew exactly what all this would mean.

The guests would be joyful, the games all amusing.
And for good measure, their brains they'd be using.

Not only fun, but educational too.
The best kind of event I would say, wouldn't you?

This would be enjoyable to all involved
And all of the problems they saw had been solved.

It was very well planned and all ready to go.
The pace would not be too fast, but neither too slow.

Enough time would be given for each event
To be sure that some well thought out entries were sent.

No pressure, just fun, that was the goal.
Some lighthearted enjoyment to lift up the soul.

And later they hoped people remember this
As something you definitely don't want to miss.

If this was a hit it may be held again.
The interest in it probably would not wear thin.

Now all that was left to be done was to wait
Until the day got to the opening date.

Everyone wondered what was in store.
Whatever it was, it would not be a bore.

One final wait and then they would see
Just what exactly this event would be.

(Original context, and Termite's subsequent section are found here.)
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Post by Pseudonym »

@bookworm, that single post had more heart, soul, and talent than all my posts combined. ;)

Memories are an interesting concept. I sometimes think of them as a fixed, absolute thing. But as I get older I've realized they are nothing more than thoughts. They don't exist in space or time, they exist in my head. Maybe everything I remember is nothing more than a simulated memory being fed to my consciousness from lines of code, while I lie in cryostasis hibernation in a nuclear fallout shelter. Maybe @The Top Crusader is the manifestation of my father's consciousness desperately trying to get me to awaken from my deep, cold sleep to help him fight off the invading slag mutants that are blowing through the blast doors... sent into this quantum dream realm to send me signs that I am still asleep, and always have been.

But then I come to my senses. There's no way that could be possible, I scoff, I know you all are real people and we have shared memories together! Like that time I met @jelly out in Saskatoon and we went out to dinner and...... wait.. no.

Forgive me, my memories are getting jumbled now that I'm getting older. I was thinking of the time @JesusIsAlive and I went to a Halloween party together and we dressed up as characters from A..I..O..... wait, was I?

Was I thinking of the time @Catspaw, @KODY 105, and I went to that show.... or @American Eagle and I had an argument and he locked me out? Why is it so hard to remember now? Surely I know you all, right? We've shared so many memories?
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
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But don't answer that.
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Post by Bren »

What about that time you infiltrated that camp and exposed those military secrets? @Pseudonym
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Post by Pseudonym »

Yes! I had forgotten my time at Wikileaks where I worked extensively with you as a whistleblower. Thank you for the reminder that I'm indeed not crazy. ;)
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
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Post by Bren »

Pseudonym wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 5:01 pm Yes! I had forgotten my time at Wikileaks where I worked extensively with you as a whistleblower. Thank you for the reminder that I'm indeed not crazy. ;)
Weren't they called IC or something like that? I mean, why would you call yourself a drink?
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Post by Pseudonym »

Yes, yes... it's all so distant now. But I remember the dreaded international terror cell known as the Incontinent Commandos that we successfully dismantled using a... democracy-deliverance-ordinance. USA USA! \:D/
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon.
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Post by Catspaw »

Remember that time @Pseudonym started having nonexistent flashbacks? :mad: Those were good times! ;)

Bookworm, if that's the kind of poem you write when you aren't trying, you should write some when you are trying! :yes:

The poem also reminded me of an old contest (I want to say during Lizzie and Taq's term?) that involved teams coming up with a song, with bonus points for actually recording it, and every now and then I still listen to EK, Trent, and someone (maybe JIA?) singing about the ToO. Sample lyric (from memory): "Come and check the ToO, come and make some money. We're a bunch of introverts but you will find us funny." It's not quite as classic as EK singing about Shadowpaw to the tune of the Spiderman theme song, but still pretty great.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I remember that one time someone wrote really good lyrics to a song about Whit and ham.
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Post by jelly »

Pseudonym wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:15 pm But then I come to my senses. There's no way that could be possible, I scoff, I know you all are real people and we have shared memories together! Like that time I met @jelly out in Saskatoon and we went out to dinner and...... wait.. no.
Okay but this made my heart beat quickly for several moments. O_o How...?...
Fallacy of false continuum. // bookworm
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Post by Pseudonym »

jelly wrote: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:53 am
Pseudonym wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:15 pm But then I come to my senses. There's no way that could be possible, I scoff, I know you all are real people and we have shared memories together! Like that time I met @jelly out in Saskatoon and we went out to dinner and...... wait.. no.
Okay but this made my heart beat quickly for several moments. O_o How...?...

It's very, very good to see you again, old friend! \:D/
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

bookworm wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:39 pm During the Spring Dance event in 2012, one of the tasks was for the partners to write a poem about the event.
I believe I was part of that and turned my partner's poem into a song. I think I made a youtube video somewhere...
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Pseudonym wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:15 pm
Forgive me, my memories are getting jumbled now that I'm getting older. I was thinking of the time @JesusIsAlive and I went to a Halloween party together and we dressed up as characters from A..I..O..... wait, was I?
Oh yeah! You dressed as Henny from that one episode with the creepy chicken! Remember that, @Pseudonym? \:D/ I totally forgot about that. It's almost like it never happened... :anxious:
Catspaw wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:07 pm The poem also reminded me of an old contest (I want to say during Lizzie and Taq's term?) that involved teams coming up with a song, with bonus points for actually recording it, and every now and then I still listen to EK, Trent, and someone (maybe JIA?) singing about the ToO. Sample lyric (from memory): "Come and check the ToO, come and make some money. We're a bunch of introverts but you will find us funny." It's not quite as classic as EK singing about Shadowpaw to the tune of the Spiderman theme song, but still pretty great.
Oh goodness. I do recall something of that sort. I honestly don't remember if I sang that song. I would know if I heard it, though. :p
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Post by Bren »

It's goood to see ya @JesusIsAlive. If memory serves me correctly, my very first PM was from you when you welcomed me to town during your first term.
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Post by jelly »

Pseudonym wrote: Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:17 pm
jelly wrote: Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:53 am
Pseudonym wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:15 pm But then I come to my senses. There's no way that could be possible, I scoff, I know you all are real people and we have shared memories together! Like that time I met @jelly out in Saskatoon and we went out to dinner and...... wait.. no.
Okay but this made my heart beat quickly for several moments. O_o How...?...

It's very, very good to see you again, old friend! \:D/
Staaaahhp. :shock:
Fallacy of false continuum. // bookworm
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