Gower's Field Newbie Guide

Now with flashy screenness! - read this BEFORE posting in Gowers Field for the first time.

The place where role players come to play! If you want to start an interactive war, chat with real citizens of the town, or find other uses for your faction, this field can accommodate those desires. As with anything else, please try to keep your role playing appropriate... but you're still welcome to have a little fun!
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Gower's Field Newbie Guide

Post by Oba-rai »

Welcome to Gower's Field Newbie Guide!

Elf looked at the sky as she hurried down the street. Thin wisps of clouds lined the blue canopy, but the sky was completely clear except for those small sheer clouds. Still, it's chilly for May, she thought, just as another gust of wind slammed right into her. Quickening her pace, she headed for the door of a building several feet in from of her. A wooden sign with "Frank's Breakfast Inn" written on it hung on the door. Elf smiled. She opened the door and quickly entered, inhaling the aroma of coffee that wafted through the store.

Sarai was sitting in one of the corner booths. Elf spotted her waving, and made her way toward her through the tables and chairs.

"Hey!" Sarai said.

Elf sat quickly. "I hope I'm not late - have you been waiting long?"

"No, actually I just got in."

Elf nodded. "Let's order drinks and then get started." She looked down at her folder again, and saw to her relief that she hadn't lost anything outside.

"I took the liberty of ordering some...lemonade?" Sarai said hastily. "Sheila should bring them over as soon as possible." She gave quick glances over at the cafe piano, hoping Elf wouldn't run over there and start playing random songs on it. She knew how Elf sometimes got near pianos.

"Lemonade sounds good," Elf replied, twitching and glancing at the piano involuntarily. That thing is really tempting...

Sheila soon arrived with the drinks. Elf paid attention to her drink and tried to dismiss the thought of the piano out of her mind.

"So," Sarai said, "Where were we last time?"

Elf rummaged through the mess of paper in her folder. "Um... we were thinking about ways to promote Gower's Field, and to help people get used to RPing.”

Sarai followed Elf's quick look out the window at the people in Gower's Field. Despite the greyish skies, they were still out there, talking and RP'ing, rain or shine.

"They have a lot of potential," Sarai said absently, "But they need to be trained."

"Yes...they should..." Elf said, looking away from the window again. Her voice took on a distant tone, and Sarai looked at her in alarm.

"Elf. Not the--"

"...piano..." Elf slowly began to stand up and inch toward the piano at the far end of the room.

"Um... Elf..." Sarai gave another look at the piano and stood, "I don't think Sheila will care if we don't finish our lemonade, eh?" Elf didn't seem to hear her.

The piano called, shimmering in all its ivory-and-ebony glory. The crowds sitting at the tables seemed to melt away-- And then something caught her elbow and jerked her back to full consciousness. Sarai stood behind her, and her teeth seemed to be clenched as she spoke in a low voice.

"Come on, Elf..."

"Uh..." Elf looked somewhat jarred back into reality, and she alternated glancing at the piano and Sarai, "What?"

"Let's... go outside."

"Ah...well...okay." Elf shot a regretful glance at the piano and followed Sarai out of the diner. The cool wind immediately started whining at her and yanking her cloak. "Uh... Sarai? Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Yes. Quite sure." They walked into the field, carefully avoiding the crossfire between some players in futuristic jumpsuits.

"Umm...hi!" Someone said, and they turned to see a nervous young newcomer, "I... was wondering, how does this place work?"

"Crash course?" Sarai asked, asking pointedly at Elf. Elf nodded back.

"Crash course."

The newcomer, unfortunately, looked rather disconcerted at the word "crash", (especially since the word seemed to be a good description of what was happening in the field) but followed them to a relatively safe corner of the field, where a large screen stood. Elf walked over to it and activated it. The screen flickered on, and the words "WELCOME TO GOWER'S FIELD" were displayed.


"Now, like the sign outside the entrance to the field said, Gower's Field is where role players come to play." Elf started.

"So what's role playing?" The newcomer lifted an eyebrow.

"First, let's break down the word 'roleplaying'." Sarai said, clicking on an unseen remote. "What two words make up this compound word?"

"Role" and "playing!" Elf said, raising her hand.

"Thanks, but he was supposed to answer." Sarai tried to keep the smile from showing through her frown.

"Ah." Elf slipped him a somewhat apologetic look.

"Now, when you play a role, you literally take on someone's character." Sarai began, “The fun usually starts when you create a character.”

"Oh." The newcomer commented.

Elf grabbed the remote from Sarai, managing to do so without gaining anymore than a baleful glare from Sarai, and pressed another button. "An RPG is, put simply, a story, but it's written by lots of people. Each person creates his or her own character and plays that role. Hence, the term 'role playing.'

"So... when I roleplay, I basically become an actor?"

"In words," Elf clarified, "You have to write out your part."

"But I'm an actor, playing the role of the character I create?"



“So,” The newcomer shifted from foot to foot. “How do you create a character?”

“Well-” Both Sarai and Elf began at the same time, and looked at each other quickly.

“Perhaps I can be of assistance?” The voice surprised them. They turned around and saw a familiar face – it was Xiao, who gave a strange look at Elf’s cloak.

“Uh… sure.” Newcomer tipped his head. “How do you create a character?”

“Ideally,” Xiao said, “There should be a lot of thought put into creating one. I think the basic questions you want to ask yourself before you begin to roleplay through a character are, ‘Who is this person?’ and ‘What is he/she doing here?’. For example, if you wanted to join an RPG (that’s ‘role playing game’) set in the future, you’d create a character that corresponds to it.”

“Oh. So Arwen in the middle of a futuristic …uh… RPG wouldn’t make sense?” The Newcomer asked.

“No.” Sarai and Elf said at the same time.

“There are three basic rules that will help you get along with roleplaying.” Elf said, pressing on the remote again. Sarai looked at the remote jealously.


“The first rule,” Xiao said, pointing to the top line, “Is that the character needs to be believable and original. It’s not exactly the best roleplaying to step into the character of Padme’s long-lost brother, or Arwen’s long-lost sister. It’s just not original.”

“Also,” Sarai grabbed the remote from Elf, who gave her an injured look, “Believability is important. A good rule as far as characters go is that everyone hates perfect characters. We have a name for those kind of characters—”

“—we call them Mary-Sues (or in the case of male perfect characters, Gary Stues – don’t ask why)—” Elf interrupted, pulling the remote away from Sarai.

“—and the problem with so many characters is that the Role Player often puts the best aspects of themselves - or what they'd always want to be - into their character, basically labeling that their brainchild.” Sarai finished, glaring at Elf, and more obviously, the remote.

“Perfect characters,” Xiao broke up the emerging scuffle between Sarai and Elf, grabbing the remote himself triumphantly, “can do anything from walking through walls and being invisible, to always having the last word in a verbal exchange.”

“Please avoid perfection.” Sarai shot over her shoulder as she grabbed for the remote and came up empty handed. “It's not fun for those who have to wade through all this mental stuff about perfect characters.”

“Oh.” The poor newcomer, having been overloaded with this information and the potentially traumatizing fight over the remote, looked somewhat confused. “But how do you put believability in a character?”

“First of all,” Elf stepped away from the continuing grabbing match between Xiao and Sarai, “Think about the character’s physical appearance. I understand if your character perhaps has whiter teeth than most, or longer hair than most, but remember that your character is not superhuman. He or she will not die if he or she isn’t perfect on the outside.”

“This especially to the female role players –” Xiao held the remote high, attempting to dissuade Sarai’s grasping at it. “—a female character with perfectly glossy hair, crystalline blue eyes, thin and strong…ehh…” He gave a somewhat annoyed look that either was directed towards the perfect character on the screen, or Sarai, who glared at him as she grasped for the remote. “It’s all been done before. It’s too typical, and it’s not original.”

“Oh, I see.” Newcomer seemed to attempt to ignore the fight over the remote. “Perfect characters get on people’s nerves because they can do everything and there’s no consequences for their actions.”

“And that’s an invitation to powergaming.” Sarai yanked the remote from Xiao’s hands, pressing a button.


“And what is powergaming?”

“Some people call it powerplaying, or character piloting,” Elf said, “but whatever they call it, it’s when someone does something that A) either steps out of the bounds of their own character’s humanness, or B) controls someone else’s character to a large extent and outside the limits of reasonability.”

“For example,” Sarai scowled at Xiao, who had suddenly regained the remote through unscrupulous means. “If your character suddenly jumped up and flew through the air after being shot or something like that. Unrealistic.”

“Or if,” Elf decided to take it into her own hands to grab the remote from an unsuspecting Xiao. “You wrote that Regis Blackgaard yelled out that he was eating a marshmallow and that it tasted good. Complete unreasonable and unrealistic. Regis would be more likely to keep that bit of information to himself.” She pressed a button.


“Oh.” The Newcomer nodded. “I see.” He refrained from asking how Elf would know that, since to his uninformed mind, Regis was dead.

“Now.” Elf pressed another button. “The second rule is that your roleplaying needs Unity and Coherence.”


“By unity we mean that your posts – your contributions to roleplaying games – need to tie into the RPG’s. Unity is the ability to unify ideas and storylines into one central theme.” Xiao grabbed the remote. “Just like it's boring to have an RPG where nothing gets done and there are no problems, it's also annoying when there are a billion separate sideplots others create for their own characters. Unity is important because a scattered RPG with dozens of people doing their own thing is a dead RPG.”

“Oh. It has to make sense within the RPG storyline?”

“Correct.” Xiao said, “Some RPG’s are more freeflowing, and some are scripted –”

“—meaning, the person who started it has a plot and has the ability to choose who joins when and where—” Elf cut in.

“—but all should have unity. Otherwise you have a whole bunch of people doing so many different things.”

“Coherence,” Sarai demurely yanked the remote from Xiao, “is the ability for anyone to understand your writing.”

“Who likes spelling errors?” Elf put in, eyeing the remote. “But then again - who spells just about everything correctly?”

“No one.” The Newcomer said hesitantly.

“Right. The idea of coherence is that everyone should understand your writing. Not because it’s only two sentences long and five words total. The two things to remember with coherence are, spelling and grammar.”

“But stuff like grammar?” The Newcomer asked, “It’s not as though I’m in school or something like that.”

“But if you’re a good roleplayer, you should be thinking about those who are reading your post. If it’s short, at least make it understandable. If it’s long, separate the paragraphs double spaced. If you have a lot of talking, start a new line each time someone else speaks.” Sarai said.


“For example. If someone walked up to you and said, ‘Walked down to the river’, would you understand what they were saying?” Elf asked.

“Uh… no.”

“Or if you got a letter from a friend and it said, ‘well i wennt tto teh stoar 2day’, would that be easy to know what he or she was saying?” Sarai’s fingers closed around the remote seconds before Elf grabbed for it, keeping her prized possession safe …for now.

“Uh… not really.” The Newcomer was doing his best at ignoring the conflict of interest.

“There you have it, then. We want people to be able to understand what we write, because it’s rather difficult to like something if we don’t understand it.” Xiao replied.


“One last rule.” Sarai said, relenting her grasp on the remote to press on a button. “Your flexibility.”

“Flexibility?” Newcomer’s eyebrows lifted. “Like, stretchiness?”

“Uhh… no.” Elf said, inching towards the remote again. “It means that if you aren’t the GM –”

“—Game Master, usually the person who starts the RPG and scripts it—” Sarai interrupted, oblivious to the remote-seeker only inches away.

“—you must learn to adapt to twists in the storyline or plot.” Triumphantly Elf snatched it away, erringly pushing a few buttons.


“Uh….” The Newcomer alternated glances from the screen to Elf. “…eh?”

“Oh.” Elf pressed it again hastily.


“Of course, you shouldn't go and spam each RPG to give people an idea of what a plot twist is.” Xiao put in.

“But what if someone else powergames? Does it give me the right to powergame right back?” The Newcomer slipped a discreet glance at the many new roleplayers in other parts of the field.

“No.” The chorus of NO’S surprised Elf enough that she didn’t notice Xiao slip the remote from her fingers.

“But if they did it, why can’t I?”

“If it’s minor, such as someone made you say something you obviously wouldn’t have, or the plot advances in a way you’d really rather it not… then you need to learn to take a hit and give a hit.” Xiao said, “Powergaming is a big no-no in roleplaying. If it’s major, such as you get thrown against the wall and you die, talk to the GM. They should talk to the powergamer and, if all else fails, have their post deleted.”


“A good sign of a talented roleplayer is that you can take a hit as well as give a hit. It's all about the balance - balance your 'uber-l33t' character with some humanity.” Sarai said.

“I see.” Newcomer gave a somewhat confused, somewhat learned look at the screen.

Elf smiled sympathetically. “I know it’s rather confusing at first… which is why roleplaying comes easily to some, and harder to others.”


“We’re not asking for you to use long words, spell them correctly, and never make mistakes at all.” Xiao said, “That would be rather impossible, and it wouldn’t be fair to you for us to do so.” He didn’t see Elf grab the remote away. “But all we ask is that you do your best to follow these rules. It makes role playing much easier for others, and that’s really the mark of a good roleplayer.”

“Making everyone else’s experience enjoyable.” Sarai and Elf said together.

“So.” Newcomer nodded. “The three basic aspects of my responsibility in roleplaying are… 1, my character, 2, my writing, and 3, my ability to be flexible.”

“Right.” Xiao affirmed.

“And the basic rules for each are… for my character, I need believability and originality; for my writing I need unity and coherence; and for my overall roleplaying, I need to be flexible and adapt to what the RPG’s throw at me.”

“Correct.” Sarai smiled. “Excellent. You’re on your way to being a good roleplayer if you follow these three guidelines.”

“Thanks –” The Newcomer plucked the remote from the hands of a surprised Elf and pressed a button on it. “And I think I’ll keep this.”


Role Playing Terms:

Roleplayer [RP'er] - One who roleplays.

Character - The fictional person whose entire persona you create, and whose role you take on when you roleplay.

Roleplaying [RP'ing] - 'playing a role', in an RPG. Consists of writing from the viewpoint of a character.

Role Playing Game [RPG] - a setting in which you role play. For example, in the future, in the present, etc. Most people who begin RPG's have a basic plot for others to follow (for more on scripted RPG's, see GM or RPG Scripting)

Game Master [GM] - The user who starts an RPG. The GM usually steps in when he or she has scripted the RPG. The GM has the ability to ask a user to not enter an RPG (but within reasonability, of course), ask a user to delete their post, and reinforce their plotlines. They can also ask a GF moderator to lock an RPG of their own creation.

Scripted Role Playing Games [Scripted RPG's] - RPG's in which the GM (and, occasionally, others who have conferred with the GM and received the go-ahead) has a plotline for RP'ers to follow. For example, if it was scripted that Arwen left Rivendell, you wouldn't state that Arwen stayed, because it's already been previously decided she was going.

Non-Player Character [NPC] - A character created or previously existing, that is not explicitly controlled by any certain user. For example, Edwin Blackgaard or Walter Shakespeare - there is not precisely one user who controls them completely. However, NPC's have some autonomy of their own, as Regis Blackgaard or Mr. Whittakker do. They have their own personality, so those who seek to control NPC's, please try to be as NPC-like as possible.

Player Versus Player [PVP] - When two user-controlled characters combat each other in an RPG. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to utilize violence against another user-controlled character to get past scenes of great social importance, PVP becomes a problem. This is because of the tendency to powergame in one-on-one situations. However, if you simply put to use the third rule of adaptation, I'm sure whoever is faced with a potentially powergaming situation will handle it in the best way possible.

Powergaming [sometimes Powerplay, Character Piloting] - when someone does something that A) either steps out of the bounds of their own character’s humanness, or B) controls someone else’s character to a large extent and outside the limits of reasonability. This is quite disliked in roleplaying.

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Post by xiao »

Wow, this is awesome. Excellent job sarai.
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Post by Oba-rai »

Xiao wrote:Wow, this is awesome. Excellent job sarai.
Elf helped me immensely with it. *hugs Elf*

And thanks, I hope everyone enjoys it! :)
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Post by Sonuna »

It's the return of Zeldagorn and Sonudude! o_O
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She is a citizen of The United States of America. She is a member of The State of Minnesota. She is a member of The Town of Odyssey.
"Sonuna" Taranimak likes Bauxite, Copper, Green jade, the color navy, cloaks, ballistas, cats for their aloofness and hydras for their seven heads. When possible, she prefers to consume Dr Pepper and ramen.
She lives at a relaxed pace. She tends to avoid crowds. She has a fertile imagination. She is completely disorganized. She is very distant and reserved. She tends not to openly express emotions. She needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Post by Catspaw »

Wow, you're incredible, Sarai! That was great! \:D/ I feel a bit sorry for that poor Newcomer fellow, but it was really good! Thanks for doing that! :D
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Post by Elf of Rivendell »

You did get it up! *hugs Sarai* Sorry I had to ditch you mid-project, though... :( Anyways, great job. I loves it.
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Post by xiao »

*Pulls out a cake* Everyone eat cake because Elf and Sarai are awesomeness! \:D/
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Post by Oba-rai »

Sonuna Hydris wrote:It's the return of Zeldagorn and Sonudude! o_O
They don't stay missing for long....
/me eats cake.jpg...
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Post by Aelwyn »

That's really cool!
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Post by xiao »

Sarai Binghamton wrote:/me eats cake.jpg...
Noooo! My love!
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Post by Oba-rai »

Xiao wrote:
Sarai Binghamton wrote:/me eats cake.jpg...
Noooo! My love!
If I was uninformed I'd probably roundhouse kick you to the face.
...but I'm informed.
/me nods.
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Post by xiao »

Sarai Binghamton wrote:
Xiao wrote:
Sarai Binghamton wrote:/me eats cake.jpg...
Noooo! My love!
If I was uninformed I'd probably roundhouse kick you to the face.
...but I'm informed.
/me nods.
How could you eat my love?? Cake.jpg... I will always remember you... :pray:
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Post by Oba-rai »

Xiao wrote:
Sarai Binghamton wrote:
Xiao wrote:
Sarai Binghamton wrote:/me eats cake.jpg...
Noooo! My love!
If I was uninformed I'd probably roundhouse kick you to the face.
...but I'm informed.
/me nods.
How could you eat my love?? Cake.jpg... I will always remember you... :pray:
I didn't ...eat it... per se. I left... half of it. But I didn't eat it all...
they may be copper,
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Post by uz »

T_T i don't get to.... be in newboe guide xD

but excellent job!
**crez go to sonuna
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Post by Oba-rai »

UltimaZero wrote:T_T i don't get to.... be in newboe guide xD

but excellent job!
You might be the Newcomer, you know. ;)

*glares at the n00b girl across the way at the library computer who keeps giving she and her brother dirty looks*
they may be copper,
annoying little coins! but,
they might be giants.
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Post by uz »

Sarai Binghamton wrote:
UltimaZero wrote:T_T i don't get to.... be in newboe guide xD

but excellent job!
You might be the Newcomer, you know. ;)

*glares at the n00b girl across the way at the library computer who keeps giving she and her brother dirty looks*
o rite, the grammar, ok :D :p
**crez go to sonuna
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Post by Ruthie »

Go for bumping old threads- but somehow I missed all this....but, anyway-this is awesome guys!!

I'm a pretty pathetic RP-er...so, this helped me. :anxious:
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Post by uz »

btw noebow guide is an inside joke .... I'm not misspelling >:O

....though that is where the origin of the world came from. ;D
Last edited by uz on Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
**crez go to sonuna
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Post by Ruthie »

Fenrir Lunaedge wrote:btw noebow guide is an inside joke .... I'm not misspelling >:O

....though that is where the origin of the world came from. ;D
Heh- okay. That's what I guessed. :D
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Post by Sonuna »

Actually it was 'newboe guide', so you're technically misspelling a misspelling.
Huzzah for random pedantry.
"Sonuna" Taranimak ("Sonuna" Sharkquill) has been content lately. She admired own very fine Bed recently. She talked with a parent recently. She talked with a friend recently. She had a good meal recently. She admired a fine tastefully-arranged Desk recently.
She is a citizen of The United States of America. She is a member of The State of Minnesota. She is a member of The Town of Odyssey.
"Sonuna" Taranimak likes Bauxite, Copper, Green jade, the color navy, cloaks, ballistas, cats for their aloofness and hydras for their seven heads. When possible, she prefers to consume Dr Pepper and ramen.
She lives at a relaxed pace. She tends to avoid crowds. She has a fertile imagination. She is completely disorganized. She is very distant and reserved. She tends not to openly express emotions. She needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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