Bespeak Bob

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Bespeak Bob

Post by Bob »

Some of you may be acquainted with me, my reviews, or my posts; if you have any questions for me or want to get to know me a little better, feel free to ask here, and you may or may not get an answer!

May be available for a limited time only, so be the first on your block to drop a message by.

Link to my other Bespeak thread on the SS to make it easier to go back and forth between the two.
Last edited by Bob on Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Moontide »

Why is your username Bob?
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Post by Bob »

Well, I've used "Bob" in some form or fashion for years, dating back to an old space game I used to play, in which the character would always be named "Captain Bob".

When I most recently started getting really active in the online world, I used "Captain Bob" as my name at several of those places. Eventually, I acquired the additional name of "Consul Bob", and from there, "C. Bob".

However, the Town of Odyssey isn't connected to the space games or any of those things, and plain "Bob" was untaken, so I figured that this version of the nickname would suit this community better.
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Post by snubs »

Cats or Dogs?

How did you find the ToO?

What's your favorite kind of pie?
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Post by Bob »

snubs wrote:Cats or Dogs?
Cats, of course.

It's not that I actually dislike dogs, in spite of the rhetoric I've used at times. My family's had at least one, and usually more, my entire life. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was to take our blond dog Buffy to the vet, at the end of her life. Two years and several months later, I still miss her.

That said, I like my cat even better.

It's hard to say exactly why it is, but I guess a big part of the equation is that I feel that a cat's love, especially mine, is harder to come by. So when I have it in such relative abundance, it seems all the more precious, whereas it's not really that big of a surprise if a dog loves its owners.

It also doesn't hurt that I see personality traits, good and bad, in my cat that seem to parallel me, in so many different ways.
snubs wrote:How did you find the ToO?
It's been over ten years now, so my memory's foggy.

That said, I remember lurking on the Town Hall back when it was the thing. I was a little disappointed when the Town there was voted out of existence. At some point afterwards, I found the Town, and I suppose lurked there off and on from that point on.
snubs wrote:What's your favorite kind of pie?
Pies aren't my favorite dessert, generally. The first one that comes to mind is apple, but I'm not sure that's really the case. I don't remember all the kinds I've had, though, so I can't say definitively.
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Post by GJ »

Who is your favourite character from Adventures in Odyssey, and why?
Who is your least favourite character, and why?
What do you think of when someone says desert?
What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
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Post by Bob »

GJFH wrote:Who is your favourite character from Adventures in Odyssey, and why?
I'm not sure this is exactly the same as my "favourite" character, but I think Whit was right when he said that Connie's the reason why [the customers] keep coming back. I hit close to (if not exactly on) this subject a few years back; there's an emotional depth and constant development to her character that makes her arguably the most lifelike, endearing and approachable.
GJFH wrote:Who is your least favourite character, and why?
Without giving it a lot of thought, I would say Vance King. I can't think of any other character I've ever wanted to "get his" so much, especially after so few episodes. He's amoral, narcissistic, an obvious liar, and unlikable.
I suppose what really bothers me about his brand of villainy is the mealy-mouthed politically-correct way he goes about doing it, and how close it is to the real world.
GJFH wrote:What do you think of when someone says desert?
A dry, desolate and generally lifeless place, like the Sahara Desert. If we strictly follow the dictionary definition, it doesn't necessarily have to be hot; Antarctica is also scientifically considered a desert.
GJFH wrote:What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
Vanilla chocolate chips & cookie dough.
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Post by Kaida »

What are some of your pet peeves?

What's the funniest prank you've pulled?

What's the oddest thing you like to eat?

Jam or Jelly? Grape or Strawberry?
I like chocolate milk. - Cheese
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Post by Bob »

Kaida wrote:What are some of your pet peeves?
In no special order: People speaking loudly and at the same time, overlapping each other. The word "homophobe" and its derivatives. Hypocrisy. People quoting easily disproven urban legends and presenting them as truth. Celebrity "news". Pictures of the same in various states of undress in prominent positions on the news. Any time someone uses profanity. Male chauvinism. Racism. Politicians. The existence of Muslim dictatorships and North Korea.
Kaida wrote:What's the funniest prank you've pulled?
I've had my moments. Probably the best, though, took place one time when we were on a youth trip. Besides me, there were a few seasoned youth vets in our room, as well as a new addition to the ranks. I was sitting in a desk chair in the hotel room. If I remember right, I faked something like a coughing fit and toppled over onto my mattress, chair and all, and pretended to be unconscious (or maybe dead). The older guys weren't bothered, but the new kid got closer to investigate... when he was in range I jumped up at him and made a sound. I didn't get to see it as clearly as I'd have liked, but he nearly jumped out of his skin! ;)
Kaida wrote:What's the oddest thing you like to eat?
I'm mostly a pretty conventional person when it comes to my eating habits. The main thing that I've gained some notoriety for is my proclivity for hot salsa. Back when we used to regularly buy jars (rather than making it at home), I bounced between regular hot Pace (cheap and gets the job done) and more expensive brands. One that I liked to get when I could was Mrs. Renfro's, which comes in both Habanero and Ghost Pepper blends.
Kaida wrote:Jam or Jelly? Grape or Strawberry?
I suppose I don't care much about the difference between jam and jelly. I've historically preferred grape jelly to strawberry jelly, but I'm willing to accept either.
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Post by GJ »

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
What are your favourite words?
What are your favourite expressions?
Do you speak any other languages?
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Post by Kaida »

What music do you listen to?
What kind of movies do you like?
Do you keep up with any shows?
What do you do for your birthday?
Would you rather teleport or fly? Why?
I like chocolate milk. - Cheese
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Post by Tea Ess »

How do you pronounce your username?
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Post by Bob »

GJFH wrote:What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Snuggling up with my cats, listening to music, playing and making mods for video games (especially old ones), playing volleyball, writing, spending time at the Loamhedge forum, staring at my crushes, watching Sesame Street videos, and eating salsa and drinking sweet tea.
GJFH wrote:What are your favourite words?
I hadn't really thought about it, but here's a few that come to mind.
GJFH wrote:What are your favourite expressions?
Wouldn't be caught dead.
Once in a blue moon.
Make a long story short.
Drop the gloves.
Cross that bridge when you come to it.
GJFH wrote:Do you speak any other languages?
Unfortunately, no. I wouldn't mind learning Spanish, though (which is becoming a very important language in Texas our Texas), or French (which is a great hockey language).
Kaida wrote:What music do you listen to?
I actually have a spreadsheet showing most of my playlist on Google Drive. I updated it today, for the sake of answering this question. Take a peek!
Kaida wrote:What kind of movies do you like?
It's a Wonderful Life, the Dallas Stars Stanley Cup Rewind, and I think Ratatouille and Inside Out.
Kaida wrote:Do you keep up with any shows?
Besides Odyssey, no, not really.
Kaida wrote:What do you do for your birthday?
Honestly, not much. Normally, I just get some money and buy a few things, and it's a day like any other day. It'd be nice to do something more elaborate, but I've never had a big party or anything.
Kaida wrote:Would you rather teleport or fly? Why?
Teleportation. There are already ways to fly, but if you want to teleport places, you're stuck. It's faster and more useful.
Tea Ess wrote:How do you pronounce your username?
j AI m z, g r IH f ih n .
Last edited by Bob on Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kathy0 »

Do you think children should be sheltered from pain and hurt?
Do you enjoy reading? If so what books are your favorite?
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Post by Bob »

Kathy0 wrote:Do you think children should be sheltered from pain and hurt?
As far as playgrounds and things? I think we should put safeguards where it's reasonable to do so, but for the most part, I think society has overreacted to a few fringe cases, and that we're doing children a disservice by not letting them explore their world and physical abilities. Helicopter parenting has become the norm, not an outlier. Back in the day, kids were expected to be tough and independent, and would go out and ride their bikes and do things outside all day without their parents being involved. I'm not saying that's 100% right, but I think there's a big and reasonable middle ground in between these two extremes.
Kathy0 wrote:Do you enjoy reading? If so what books are your favorite?
I'd say so, though I don't read as many books as I used to; the internet thing's taken over a lot of my time.

A few (not all) of my favorites: The Chronicles of Narnia, the Redwall series, and the Hank the Cowdog series. For books I haven't read in a long time, I remember liking Journeys to Fayrah and that series about the Seven Sleepers.
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Post by GJ »

Would you like to be asked serious questions or does it not matter?
What was your favourite subject in high school?
Are you generally more comfortable starting a conversation or would you prefer someone else speak first?
What would you say is one of your best character traits?
Do you think you are more sarcastic or goofy?
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Post by Kaida »

Is there something you wish you could do if you weren't scared of doing it?
Are you an outdoors-y person?
What are random things that make happy?
If you could have any animal as a pet, which would it be?
I like chocolate milk. - Cheese
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Post by Bob »

GJFH wrote:Would you like to be asked serious questions or does it not matter?
I can deal with both types; I think more unconventional questions can reveal something about somebody too, and they can be fun to answer. That said, I'd prefer not to have too many of either category.
GJFH wrote:What was your favourite subject in high school?
I don't remember that part of that time in my life clearly, but I think high school's around the time that I dropped out of pre-college school. That said, the stuff I enjoyed reading about most around that time would've likely been history.
GJFH wrote:Are you generally more comfortable starting a conversation or would you prefer someone else speak first?
It depends somewhat on what the occasion is. In college classwork, I have taken the initiative before. That said, usually I wait for someone to come to me (which can be depressing, since they usually don't). I have been more 'aggressive' lately, though.
GJFH wrote:What would you say is one of your best character traits?
Well, naturally I'm not exactly the best judge of that. Two of the traits I generally like to try to emphasize in my development, though, are loyalty and generosity (there's a third one I usually group with those two, but I can't think of it just now; clearly it isn't having a good memory).
GJFH wrote:Do you think you are more sarcastic or goofy?
Most people outside of my immediate family would say that I'm more sarcastic, although I like doing eccentric things that disrupt people's expectations. The latter surfaces more at home and online.
Kaida wrote:WHY DO YOU DODGE MY JUMP? ;)
I don't think it's good for girls to touch guys (this obviously goes the other way around too, for any nitpickers who're reading). I'm also not naturally inclined to have people brush up or make physical contact with me anyway; if my mother, for example, tries to do it out of the blue, more often than not I'll "reflexively" catch her arm before it gets all the way there.
Kaida wrote:Is there something you wish you could do if you weren't scared of doing it?
Kaida wrote:Are you an outdoors-y person?
No, not at all.
Kaida wrote:What are random things that make happy?
A made bed. When my cat comes to sleep with me. Seeing that my top drawer is full. Having my good coat. Coming home and seeing chips and salsa/sweet tea made.
Kaida wrote:If you could have any animal as a pet, which would it be?
By "if you could have", I'm assuming you mean that the animal isn't going to eat you/tear up your furniture/impoverish you by its upkeep/get you thrown in prison? In other words, that all of the normal problems one could associate with the animal would be taken care of?

It's hard to say. I think it'd be cool to have an animal that's normally a large predator, like a cougar, lion or bear. Cougars are the largest purring cats and members of the same subfamily as housecats, Felinae. Lions are, well, lions. Bears are huge and seem potentially cuddly. I'd probably go for the cougar, though, for the giant purr.
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Post by GJ »

What do you think the world could do with less of?
Which two Adventures in Odyssey characters do you most like seeing interact?
Who do you wish the world saw more of? As a role model.
Do you have any weird quirks? :o
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Post by Countess »

You don't like your mother touching you? o_0

How conservative are you?
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