Your Sunday sermon

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Your Sunday sermon

Post by Laura Ingalls »

The last couple of weeks I've been meaning to start this topic, and I'm finally getting around to it.

What was the sermon/teaching about at your church this past Sunday? We visited a home church this past week, and the host father talked about common grace - the grace God gives to every man. He sends rain, gives life, blesses with wealth, etc. on the just and the unjust. Also brought up was how people say natural disasters are so unfair of God, but really if He was totally fair, we'd all be in heck. He is all-wise when He sends things into our lives.

What about you? What did you glean from your message?
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Post by Taq »

At my home church, the Sunday sermon was about miracles. They should be commonplace, and we should expect them. They shouldn't be so out of the ordinary.

...And I've also been meaning to begin a new notebook for note taking on Sundays-- not so much for the record, though it is nice to go back and look, but the process on note taking just helps me remember better.
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Post by MDB17 »

we talked about politics and the importance of voting
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Post by Mandy Straussberg »

The sermon in the youth on Sunday was on Mark 2:1-12, when Jesus heals the paralytic....

I should know.

I taught it.

Music is my life. God's given me gifts, and I like to use them.
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Laura Ingalls
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

This past Sunday the sermon was on Psalm 103. The pastor talked about why we should praise God and how we should praise God.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. ~Psalm 103:1
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

We were in revealation, dealing with the antichrist.
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Post by AIOfan11 »

I can't remember exactly what it was called, or what it was about! (Thats horrible!) We are starting a 40 day period where we are seeking the face of God. (That is what it is called). We got this little devotional book to use for the 40 days. It starts tomorrow.
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Post by MDB17 »

IS it the purpase driven life?

Post by Chandler »

I don't know. I stayed home. :oops: :anxious:
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Post by Evil Chick »

We had two truely awesome sermons yesterday! The morning service my big brother preached on waiting for God. It was about how we sometimes decide what is right for our lives, and just do it, instead of waiting on God and what He wants. Then, last night, another guy preached on that verse in Judges that says "And everyone did what was right in his own eyes". Was also a very good sermon.
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Post by Chandler »

The church I was visiting had a sermon on pleasing God.
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Laura Ingalls
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Our sermon was about the old man and new man, how we put off the old man when we were saved and were made totally new in Christ. There was a visiting pastor and I thought he did a great job!
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
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Post by Trent DeWhite »

Yesterday's message was certainly one of inspiration and reflection.

Our speaker (Chris) continued his discussion on Lessons from the Garden. He opened his sermon with Matthew 26:41.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

He followed the above verse with Romans 7:15. "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

As humans, we are driven by three aspects: spirit, soul, and body. Through the spirit man can worship and contact God. The soul includes the conscious and subconscious minds, the realm of emotions and the will. The body is our physical nature by which a person relates to this world and to other people in the world.

Chris made an illustration by taking three members of our small congregation. Placing them in a line, led by the person representing spirit, Chris explained how God created us to be led first by our spirit, followed by soul and body. However, what mankind has chosen to do is appease his body and soul, to the point where his spirit is neglected. Unfortunately, I can certainly identify with that. However, in the end, God desires to rectify this situation by placing our spirit first so that we might commune with Him.

Another thing Chris pointed out was the well-known diagram which shows how God has bridged the gap between us and Him by sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. "One common misconception," eplained Chris, "is that believers think we are supposed to walk across."


"But it's the exact opposite," he continues. "In fact, it is God one who walks across and carries us across."


Our responsibility, therefore, is to allow God to bring us across the great divide, regardless of whatever hardships or persecution we may experience along the way.

Thank the Lord for His sovereign grace!
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Post by Mandy Straussberg »

My youth group's sermon was really cool...

But it wasn't really a sermon.

It was testimonies from summer camp.

That's what we do. We leave on a Wednesday, and get back on Sunday morning just in time for church.

It's fun!

Music is my life. God's given me gifts, and I like to use them.
Spirit now lead me, take me where You will
I long to adore You, reveal Yourself to me
My cry is to please You, so have Your way in me
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Post by Chandler »

Our pastor's sermon on Sunday was from Ephesians 5. :) Good sermon... he said some things that aren't always popular to hear. :-$
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Post by gimp80995 »

I actually remember the sermon from this weekend :shock: :shock: :shock: :D

The title was "How to be safe people", but he was talking more emotionally rather than physically.....I mostly remember it because me and a few other people have made a commitment with each other to be TOTALLY honest with our feelings and such.

The pastor had made the comment "when's the last time you were greeting people at church asking how they were doing and had someone tell you things were going badly?" (I remember this mostly cuz just a week or two earlier we had discussed this in my class). I know I'm often guilty of it.....I don't want to be honest about my struggles and difficluties, so when someone walks up and asks how I'm doing, I smile and say everything's "going great" After all, in many churches that is the "right answer"......sad, but true.

I wasn't taking notes (bad gimp :shame: ) but here are some points I DO remember from the sermon:


*Are honest about things they are struggling with. They don't hide behind an "everything's great" mask.

*Admit when they've made a mistake, and work to rectify the behavior.

*Accept people regardless of hardships. Don't make people feel like they're not "welcome" if they're having problems

there were more, and I'll ask my pastor for his sermon notes so I can add the others later


*Do not admit when they're having problems in their personal life.

*Might apologize for wronging someone else, but they do nothing to change the behavior.

*Cause other people to feel unwelcome if they are having problems in their personal lifes.

Again, there were others, but I need to get the sermon notes to be able to post them.

His point was that we need to be a "safe" church where people can be "real" and don't feel like they have to hide anything in their lives for fear that they won't be "good enough".

He also talked about how "unsafe" people hold forgiveness as a "weapon" they "might" forgive you because they have the power to choose. The pastor talked about how many think that serving God is a one-deminsional long as you're right with God, it doesn't matter how you treat those around you.....the pastor spoke against this saying that Christianity is a TWO demntional have a relationship with God, and you strive to have that same relationship with everyone around you.

I noted some friends and I have made a commitment that:

1) We won't lie to each other. If we're asked how things are going, and things are going rotten, we say so. (This is going to be REALLY hard for me :yes: :yes: :yes:)

2) We won't make each other feel like they are lesser of a person if things are going badly for them (This will be much easier than number 1)

3) We will stay in regular contact with each other and regularly pray for each other's needs. (again, much easier than number 1).

*remembered even more of the sermon than she thought she remembered when starting this post*

Peace Out

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God, Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealings so that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep May we inflict no pain, bring no shame, and seek no profit by another's loss.
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Post by gimp80995 »

This weeks sermon was about God using the bad things and trials in our lives to prepare us for whatever it is in life that He is calling us to do.

Peace Out

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

God, Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealings so that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep May we inflict no pain, bring no shame, and seek no profit by another's loss.
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