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Post by bookworm »

Someone please explain the NBC Green Zone to me. This is literally the most pointless thing in the history of sports broadcasting right?
"We need to show where they need to get the ball to."... You already are that's what the yellow line is!? Image

First the Skycam games and now this - hey NBC here's an idea, stop forcing gimmicks that people don't want or need and just show the game?
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

It seems to be conflicting departments and no one brave enough to overrule and say it's stupid.
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Post by Catspaw »

Crazy stuff! Seattle has been on the list of cities hoping to make something work for a while, and obviously they found enough people willing to put up the crazy cash necessary to buy your way into the league currently. (In a fee way, not a bribery way.) ;) It will take some getting used to, but we have until 2021 to do that.
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Post by bookworm »

Why Alabama-Clemson is so good for college football

Dumb article. Flawed arguments. Their point is these are the teams that should be in the final so we should be happy they are. That doesn't have anything to do with why people are complaining. No one is denying these are the two deserving teams, but that doesn't mean we have to like seeing it every single year. The reason people don't like it isn't because they think someone else should be playing, it's purely due to the repetition itself. Even if the same teams winning is the 'right' thing to happen intellectually, predictability reduces enjoyment, in any sport, as a viewer.
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Post by Catspaw »

Then you should watch more NHL action, where parity is applauded and there are lots of teams that potentially could (and have) meet up in the finals! \:D/

On the topic of hockey, is anyone else watching any World Juniors games? I don't always get totally into it, and games like Canada's 14-0 win over Denmark aren't too exciting (I turned it off at 11-0 myself) ;) but the other day it was Canada vs. Switzerland and the end was super exciting! It was 3-1 Canada late in the third period, then the Swiss got a powerplay and scored to make it 3-2, and there were more penalties and yelling and great chances, and it was lots of fun, which made me a little more interested in following along.
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Post by bookworm »

Saw this picture posted on Twitter after the disastrous sequence in the Chargers/Ravens game yesterday:


It was ridiculous. Chargers had a red zone catch on the last play of the third quarter, receiver went to the ground but wasn't touched yet so he started rolling toward the end zone. A defender finally touches him, looks like it was too late, but refs say he was downed at the one. They spot the ball and we take the commercial break. Come back to start the fourth and the play is being reviewed. The player did in fact roll across the goal line before being touched, clear touchdown. This will trigger an unusual circumstance where there actually has to be a few seconds added back to the clock, meaning we go back in time and are still in the third quarter, so they will have to go all the way to the other end of the field for the extra point because they had already moved them to the other end during the break. But inexplicably replay keeps the call on the field of no score, and even more inexplicably doesn't move the ball from the one yard line for the next play! This is a clear touchdown, another play shouldn't even be happening, but if one is it definitely shouldn't be from the one! If the ball was down before scoring, which is definitely wasn't, but if it was it was at minimum downed at the half yard line. If you're making them run another play you have to move that football! The Chargers were screwed over twice on the same play!

On the next play, a play that shouldn't even be being run, the Chargers fumble the ball just before crossing the goal line and the Ravens recover and run it all the way back for a touchdown for them. Unbelievable. Not only did the botched replay take six points from the Chargers, it's now given six to the Ravens. Absolute game changer. And it never should have happened! The play shouldn't have been run in the first place because the Chargers had already scored, and the wrong spot that added insult to injury was now highlighted even more because if the play was a half yard closer the fumble wouldn't have happened. But hold on now they are going to replay this play because maybe the runner had broken the goal line before fumbling. And it turns out he did. Thank goodness, everything will turn out right in the end somehow after all this. But no, they rule he was down just short, so no fumble, but no touchdown. Screwed again! The third time in two plays! What is even happening?!

This brings up fourth down, could have completely changed the drive and the rest of the game. But they go for it, running a second play that should never have had to happen, and finally score on a play that finally stands. What an absolute fiasco!
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Post by Catspaw »

Anybody watching the NHl Stadium Series game tonight? Philadelphia Flyers vs. Pittsburgh Penguins in an outdoor matchup! I enjoyed the pregame stuff, with Gritty (The Flyers' crazy new mascot) "dropping in" from the top of the stadium and running up some steps to the Rocky theme, where they had all the players walk in and stand on the steps for the anthem. Quite fun! It's raining a little. Outdoor hockey can make for extra fun and extra trouble!
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Post by bookworm »

I always like checking out the outdoor games, even if I don't care about who is playing. It's just a neat thing.
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Post by Catspaw »

Yeah, it's a fun concept, and they definitely up the marketing and fun when they can! It helps that they had a great match-up too. I couldn't believe it when Philly won in OT! I was sure the Penguins would hang on for the 3-2 win when the Flyers scored with 20 seconds left in the 3rd period to send the game to OT.
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Post by bookworm »

Some crazy trades happening in the NFL.
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

Browns fans have to be pretty happy right now.
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Post by E II »

If they can actually gel on offense they might be good. Or they might just revert to being the Browns
I am confused
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Post by Catspaw »

I spent an hour either trying not to cry or crying last night as I watched the Sedin jersey retirement ceremony. I love Henrik Sedin so much, and Daniel isn't too bad either. ;) I bawled my eyes out through their last couple of games two years ago, watching them play and watching the interviews and fan tributes with so many beautiful stories of nice things they had done without expecting credit. I couldn't help getting emotional watching the Vancouver Canucks pay tribute to two incredible franchise players by raising their jerseys to the rafters. I kept tearing up but holding it together :sniff: ...until Henrik thanked his wife for being his best friend. That started the waterworks. :mecry: Beautiful!
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Post by bookworm »

I just bought this shirt:


It will arrive just in time for spring training! \:D/

I'm pretty excited, this is my first anything Giants. I've wanted something for a long time, but I'm hesitant to buy sports branded clothes because they're too expensive in my opinion just because they put a logo on them. But I recently got a $25 Fanatics gift card through a survey program and had a 20% off promo code so the grand total came to just $3.98! :D
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Post by Catspaw »

Nice! Enjoy your shirt. It sounds like you got a great deal. :D Some sports branded stuff is overpriced, but when you're a big fan, it's worth it. I bought myself a NHL jersey with my favourite team's logo on it a couple of years ago (a nice one that was way too much money) in time for the playoffs. I wore it almost every game day, and it felt worth every penny when they were winning! Plus the jersey ended up being way more comfortable than I expected and I wanted to wear it all the time. (But alas, work standards don't quite stretch that far on random days that aren't playoff game days.) ;)
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Post by EK »

Can we talk about how Giannis is completely terrible at drafting an all star team?
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Post by bookworm »

We could, or we could talk about how dumb it is that the All Star teams are formed by draft in the first place.
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Post by Catspaw »

Alexander Ovechkin has officially scored 700 goals! Very impressive! Wayne Gretzky tweeted a congratulatory message that include "see you at 800," so apparently some people think he has a few more good years in him. ;) Ovi has grown on me over the years. Even if he hadn't, the accomplishment is undeniable.
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