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Post by bookworm »

By chance, did anyone here watch the WB show Arrow that was on recently?
I checked it out because I happened to randomly catch a commercial for it and it looked interesting, and got hooked for the whole season. I really enjoyed it.
There will be a second one, so I thought if anyone else did happen to see it we could share a few thoughts in between.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

I've been watching it all season long. I thought it had some excellent twists and turns, plus the characters act more realistically than most other shows. Can't wait for season 2 :)
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Post by bookworm »

Wow, that’s great! :) I didn’t expect anyone else saw it.

Yeah, I thought it was extremely well done. There were so many angles to it. The island backstory was a mind trip, and watching him try to uncover the details of The Undertaking while we knew what was going on was exciting. And the characters were wonderful as well, I was especially impressed with Detective Lance. His motivations were so clear I could feel his internal struggle between duty to the letter of the law and doing what felt more important, and the conflict of hating Oliver for what happened but at the same time blaming himself, and how that caused the family he still had to crumble.

I didn’t know anything about Green Arrow going into this, so I don’t know if any or all of this is actual story or just created for the show, but regardless I loved it.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

bookworm wrote:I didn’t know anything about Green Arrow going into this, so I don’t know if any or all of this is actual story or just created for the show, but regardless I loved it.
I didn't know much either, but I've learned from some research and a podcast that I listen to about the show that the Island part is from the original story, but in the normal story Arrow lost all of his family in a some sort of plane crash or something. An interesting connection that I found out about half-way through the show is that Manu Bennet (Slade from the Island) plays the pale orc in the Hobbit movies.
Spoiler about the future:
I do know that in the comics he has apprentices named Speedy and Roy Harper, as well as a girlfriend named Dinah Lance (who is Black Canary, another superhero).
Spoiler about the end of this season:
I loved how they set everything up as though they would copy the story from Spiderman where Tommy would take over his Dad's place as the Dark Archer, then they turned the whole thing around and he ending up sacrificing himself to save Laurel. As far as Detective Lance, I think it will be interesting to see if he and Arrow develop a Batman/Commissioner Gordon type relationship in the next season.
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Post by bookworm »

Hmm, isn’t his sister’s nickname Speedy?

About Tommy:
I hated the ending! He was my second favorite character! :(

About Lance:
They better! He should be able to see by now that he’s not a loose cannon vigilante, he can really help.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

There was a panel at comic con this week for Arrow where they showed a preview of season two. Looks like some new heroes will be joining Arrow. I am looking forward to see Oliver continue to be trained on the island with Slade Wilson, plus how his company will handle the jailing of his mother. Looks like Roy and some version of Black Canary will have a fight scene in the first episode. They said all of this footage comes from the first four days of filming, so most of it must be in the first episode.
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Season two has started!
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

I completely forgot about this thread.

The opening episode was so good. I really like how everything that happened last season affects how the characters act. Interesting that Oliver returned to the island to deal with Tommy's death. Take special note of the boat that is broken and sunk in the bay.

So some guys without Oliver's "restraint" have taken over his job and kill the mayor and almost kill Laurel. She's been taking defense lessons... hmmm.

This hostile takeover lady... yeah don't like her very much. When Oliver's mom said we still have family. I was wracking my brain trying to think of who she meant. Were they going to introduce some rich uncle or something? Then it was Walter. It makes so much sense, but I didn't even think of him.

Roy get saved by this blond lady. Obviously she is Black Canary, but will she survive the season? Or will she inspire another lady *cough*Laurel*cough* to take up the name? Only time will tell.

I'm so glad they finally reference the body count and the effect it is having on Oliver. I think trying this "new way" will finally lead to him becoming the hero. And the ending with him saying I want to be called.........Just say Arrow already!
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Post by bookworm »

I wish I had started this thread sooner and been posting through season one because this was one of the most intriguing shows I've watched as far as emotional and thoughtful stimulus. I had so many various moments of revelation, speculation, and connection as things went on, especially while piecing together the island backstory. I would have really liked to have had a record of it all to see how my thoughts flowed and developed, especially with another season that's going to build off it. Oh well.

The premiere episode did a great job showing the human side of what Oliver does and the struggles it brings. How he felt that after everything he had done, he ultimately failed, because the list had been leading up to the Undertaking but he couldn't stop it. Even though he had done so much good as The Hood, you could definitely understand why he never wanted to put it on again.

I can't believe Laurel's turnaround. She was The Hood's biggest proponent, now she wants him apprehended? How does she even reach the conclusion that he's to blame for Tommy's death? He wasn't killed 'in crossfire' he was killed saving her from the collapsing building. And if the crossfire was meant to be a metaphor for the earthquake, The Hood still had nothing to do with it, that was all Merlyn. The Hood came in after the fact to try to stop it. It's going to be weird that now that Lance is opening up to working with him Laurel is now against it.

I'm with you on the body count thing, to an extent. Many of his kills were justified, but even so they're eventually going to take a toll. But then again, that's why he's a vigilante not a superhero. He's only human, he can be dark at times, do some questionable things, and he has to live with it. That was one of the things that most drew me in last season as I checked the show out. How he has to actually think about what he does and deal with the consequences.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:Take special note of the boat that is broken and sunk in the bay.
Did I miss something?
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It's the same boat that we see in the bay at the end of the episode
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Post by bookworm »

Ah, good observation. I wondered, but I didn’t notice for sure.

Episode two:

The Roy situation is tough. You totally get where he's coming from, and he's not all wrong. His encounter with The Hood inspired him to turn his life around, and now he wants to imitate him in fighting injustice. His motivation is completely right. But the best of intentions doesn't make it the best thing to do. He isn't capable of doing this, it's going to get him killed.

Laurel is getting on my nerves. Her dad's apprehension was understandable, he didn't know what The Hood was about, but she does. She had a connection with him, she knows better than this. 'Every time he shows up all heck breaks loose.' She knows it's actually 'All heck breaks lose and then he shows up. To fix it.' He's not the problem, why can't she see that anymore? The earthquake still would have happened if he had never been there, and it would have been even worse.
(A while later:)
Oh! Now it makes sense! She doesn't blame him for Tommy's death itself, but for leaving him to die. Got it. Still unfair of her though, what could he have really done?

This episode gave another great look into how hard it can be living Oliver's double life. How do you choose between going after the thieves or speaking at the benefit? Not doing either is disastrous. These moments of difficult decision are something the show portrays very well, going back to the first season when his duties as the vigilante strained key moments with Laurel or with his family. You can really feel his struggles. And that's not even accounting for the bitter irony that when he does choose The Hood over Oliver Queen it's out of an even greater care for the city, but of course no one can realize that and he can't make them.

I'm so glad he finally worked the Roy thing out. This is perfect, he can really help the city in a way that isn't over his head.

And that is how you do a cliffhanger! How is he going to get out of this? You know he's going to, because he can't be found out, but it sure looks impossible.
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

Well, I didn't expect Arrow to escape that way. Really cool that Black Canary got to use her sonic weapon though. (If you don't know the comic-book version actually has a superpower that lets her emit her own sonic cry). I am still trying to figure out if she is good or bad. Obviously she was part of Ras Al Ghul's League of Shadows, but she seems to be trying to distance herself from that now. When the hooded person appeared in her clock tower at the end, for a moment I thought it was Arrow, but actually that costume is the same one that Malcolm wore last season. Hmmm...

Let me just say that the Dollmaker is the creepiest and evilest bad guy so far. Looks like we may have more escaped criminals each week, since they mentioned that the earthquake allowed several prisoners to escape the prison. Interesting how Quentin and Laurel have completely switched roles in this episode, she is totally against Arrow and Quentin is the one willing to work outside the law. They had a great conversation about dealing with guilt. I loved how Quentin turned Laurel's argument right back at her over her guilt for Tommy's death.

I still find it kind of hard to believe that Quentin can work with Arrow so closely and not recognize Oliver with only a little paint over his eyes. Really? Oliver needs to take a hint from Black Canary and start wearing a real mask. He's still not quite comfortable with Arrow's methods all the way though, as we saw during the interrogation of the lawyer. Awesome that Quentin got to be the one to give Oliver his new nickname though :D

I kind of liked that Laurel has her revelation about her hatred of the Arrow in this episode. It might seem a little soon, but hopefully her character will continue to develop as she deals with this guilt in a better way. As long as she doesn't go back to hating him again next episode. But I have confidence in the writers to keep this change or at least build upon it.

As soon as Roy handed that box to his "contact," I knew he had stolen it from Thea. Oliver tells him not to pursue, and Roy starts chasing after the black-haired girl as soon as she runs. But I guess he figured that he could handle her. I'm still confused as to why Canary let him go. And who is the black-haired girl and why are she and Black Canary are working together?

Oh, I didn't even mention the island storyline yet. So Slade and Oliver decide to separate from Shado, which even Oliver knows is a bad idea. Then the ship bombs the plane and Oliver goes rushing in and Slade follows. They both almost get blown up. Then Oliver wakes up in the bottom of the boat in a cage. We saw a bit of Slade with his hands on fire. I didn't see him in the other cages, so did he die? Maybe the cap that we see hanging on a stick when Oliver is rescued is a memorial of sorts. Supposedly Slade Wilson in the comics is actually a villain of sorts, so maybe he was injured and will be angry at Oliver for causing it. I'm still slightly suspicious that Shado knew the people on the boat and was working with them.
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Post by bookworm »

Cheap cliffhanger resolution. He didn't get out of that after all, someone had to randomly jump in at the perfect moment to get him out and then disappeared. Almost a deus ex machina, except that Black Canary is going to fit into things eventually, so she wasn't really dropped in just to help there.

Nice connection, seeing the origin of the hosen.

Lance's turnaround was a long time coming, but it's really satisfying now that it finally has. He's not only going to The Hood because he know he can help, he's actually admitting they need his help.

I hope the mom gets out of this mess somehow. I know why people want to hold her responsible, but it really wasn't her fault. She was involved, she wasn't responsible. There's a difference. She wanted out. And she came out, eventually. She was hurt by Merlyn just as much as anyone else, she lost her husband, almost her son, and almost her second husband.

Wow, so Lance is the one that coins The Arrow. Love it.

-- 30 Oct 2013 09:27 am --

I loved Laurel’s realization moment about Tommy and her guilt as well.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:hopefully her character will continue to develop as she deals with this guilt in a better way. As long as she doesn't go back to hating him again next episode
I’m sure she will and she won’t, respectively. The epiphany was perfectly placed to be believable and sincere. I’m sure it really shook her eyes open. And I won’t lie, the scene actually made me shed a tear. It was a really powerful moment. Very well done.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:actually that costume is the same one that Malcolm wore last season
I noticed that. I thought it was him, because I read he’ll be in a couple episodes as the Dark Archer, and I’m assuming this group being referenced is the League of Assassins, of which he is a member, so I thought that must be him, but apparently not. Very strange similarity then though.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:As soon as Roy handed that box to his "contact," I knew he had stolen it from Thea.
Woah, great observation! I never made that connection!
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:Supposedly Slade Wilson in the comics is actually a villain of sorts
I know, I’ve only known him as a bad guy from the only thing I’ve known him in, the Teen Titans cartoon, so it was very weird for me last season realizing who he was, and then realizing he’s a good guy here. It will be interesting to see what causes the turn, if that’s going to be a part of this show.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:Maybe the cap that we see hanging on a stick ... is a memorial of sorts.
I always thought it was the mask of the other soldier, the one that tortured him. Because it’s not just hung up, like a memorial, the arrow through the eye makes it look more like a warning/trophy.
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Post by Astronomer »

I just finished Season 1 on Netflix. Very well put together show. I'm looking forward to catching up on the second season. What a way to end the first season, though.
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Post by bookworm »

You have got to be kidding me! That's who Black Canary is going to be? That is ridiculous. This is so much of a shock that I'm not even amazed, I'm disappointed. It's too extreme, it feels like a cheap twist instead of a story advancement.
(A minute later:)
And Oliver knew all this time? That doesn't make this any easier to accept.
(A minute later:)
Okay, so apparently he thought she died - for real this time - and decided people didn't need the details so he just went with the first 'death' story since it ends the same either way. I guess that's plausible. But still there better be a really good reason to drop this twist in.

What is so special about these graves? And is this new chapter in the island story separate from the first one now? I don't know if they're all supposed to fit together, or if Fyers was one thing and now the graves are another.

Woah, she was with the kidnappers? I don't get what's going on.

And Blood is making a group of manufactured superpeople? I wonder if he's going to turn out to be a surprise bad guy, or if he really meant his 'save the city' thing but his 'other way' is trying to have an underground patrol. Which of course won't work out, he'll be corrupted eventually, but I'm wondering if he's starting out wanting control, or if right now he actually thinks he's doing good.
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Post by Astronomer »

I've now watched episode one.
Wow. What a way to start a season. Great character development on Oliver. Felicity and Diggle have good chemistry. Oliver changing his ways was awesome.
I totally did not comprehend the sunken boat at the beginning of the episode until reading BC's post. That makes sense. (Much more sense than what I originally thought, that it was the Queen's Gambit, because that was salvaged.) And, unlike later last season, I might actually enjoy the island flashbacks. Now that it's more of Oliver's backstory than them constantly trying to escape (because obviously he doesn't... unless I've completely missed something).
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Post by BlessedCheesemaker »

Honestly I wasn't that surprised by Black Canary turning out to be who it did. I've been kind of expecting it to be her.

The writers have said that they had to create two characters to replace Malcolm Merlyn. I'm guessing that Isabel Rochev will be taking his place as Oliver's nemesis, while Blood will become the enemy of Arrow. Blood is actually from the comics somehow, but I haven't read much on the comic back story. From what I understand, Oliver may wish he hadn't decided to work so closely with either of them.

The whole part with Laurel was kind of strange, her dad thinking that she is becoming an alcoholic like he did when Sara died. Laurel is convinced she is fine though. I assume this is leading to something eventually, but I'm not sure what.

Diggle has a covert meeting with his military friend to find out how the "Mayor" is getting military weapons into the Glades. Are they trying to set up a new girlfriend for him?

I still don't really understand the graves bit at all. They found some dead Japanese soldiers there... so what? Maybe I need to rewatch the episode where they find the cave again.
bookworm wrote:I don't know if they're all supposed to fit together, or if Fyers was one thing and now the graves are another.
I think we are basically getting two seasons in one with Arrow. We have the main story in the present time and the island story. Just like there are new plots and bad guys this season in the present time, there are story lines and bad guys (and girls ;) ) on the island.
Astronomer wrote:(Much more sense than what I originally thought, that it was the Queen's Gambit, because that was salvaged.)
That really doesn't make sense at all, because Oliver floated on the life raft for a while before arrive at the island. This boat is in the bay. We don't know when the Gambit was salvaged though... I doubt it was salvaged immediately after the wreck.
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Post by bookworm »

BlessedCheesemaker wrote:I've been kind of expecting it to be her.
Really? For how long? I probably could have at least considered the possibility, if not actually seen it coming, if I thought the show was open to huge twists like this, but her being dead was one of the things that was always presented as definite, because it was a big part of what made Oliver into who he his.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:The writers have said that they had to create two characters to replace Malcolm Merlyn.
Story-wise (as Oliver’s character nemeses) or completely? Because I’m sure I read that Merlyn would be back this season, at least briefly.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:The whole part with Laurel was kind of strange
Define strange. If you mean it was strange for her dad to think that, I don’t think it was. He’s been there, he would know the temptations. And he was right, she is turning to drinking, and apparently now pills. But if you mean it was a strange direction for Laurel to go from here, I agree. After that heart wrenching realization moment I thought she would reexamine things and use her grief in a positive way, as Oliver did. He used it to reinvent himself in protecting the city, I thought she would use it to reinvent her relationship with The Arrow, becoming willing to work with him again, even more so than before now, to continue fighting crime in Tommy’s memory. But instead she went the other way, with the grief leading to blame instead of resolve.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:They found some dead Japanese soldiers there... so what?
There were multiple references to something strange with the bones, but I don’t know what, or why that’s important.
BlessedCheesemaker wrote:We have the main story in the present time and the island story.
No, I get that. All the island story is present Oliver backstory. I meant if the two parts of the island story were connected. Was Fyers looking for the graves too, or was he just there to do his rocket thing and he just happened to pick the same island that these kidnappers would come looking for later on.
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Post by Astronomer »

Okay, I'm caught up now. Interesting. I can't comment about whether I guessed about Black Canary or not (cause I got spoiled. :( ) But I was expecting her not to have died. Maybe that's just me, or it being a comic book show, but I'm very distrustful of people actually dying. Basically 'cause it's so fun to bring them back. :D
About the dead soldiers: did you notice the heads looked mushroomed? It was like the tops of the skulls were larger than normal. I'm expecting a fungus or bacterial warfare of some kind (perhaps that's why Oliver has such unusual strength, speed, etc...).
Nice cliffhanger. I'm wondering now if
Oliver is going to kill Sarah (or think he kills Sarah) or perhaps blow up the boat they're on and in that way think she went down with the ship.
Guess we'll have to wait until the next episode!
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Post by bookworm »

Astronomer wrote:perhaps that's why Oliver has such unusual strength, speed, etc...
I think that’s more from an unusual amount of conditioning he’s been through.
My current thought is also that he ends up killing Sarah. Perhaps not directly, but maybe he blows up the ship to escape or something. But somehow it’s his fault, and that’s why it affected him so much even though he knew she didn’t die the first time, because it was even worse that way.
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