Justin Bieber’s new haircut

and other JB related news

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Post by Tea Ess »

Poor hamster. :(

Thank you for the make-up bulletins, bookworm. It's unfortunate that Justin Beiber is continuing to head in the wrong direction- at an exponential rate, too. It is amusing to see how contradictory (at least on the surface) his words and actions are right now, though.
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Post by bookworm »

Breaking Bieber Bulletin:

Justin Bieber has been arrested! When police pulled him over for street racing they smelled alcohol and he was uncooperative with the officer. The charges are drunken driving, resisting arrest, and driving without a valid license. The police chief said Justin “made some statements that he had consumed some alcohol, and that he had been smoking marijuana and consumed some prescription medication.” He has left jail on bond.
More information on this story will be posted as it develops.


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Post by Blitz »

Sheish he is major trouble this time.
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Post by Anna><> »

I heard about that this morning... I hope he eventually learns his lesson.
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Post by bookworm »

Continued Bieber Coverage:

No comment from Justin about the incident yet, but he posted a picture of himself outside the jail and a similar photo of Michael Jackson, apparently claiming there’s a parallel with his situation.
The police report has been released along with a video of the arrest and photos of him in custody. A survailance video caught part of the race.


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Post by ~JCGJ~ »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Post by Caitie »

Lol, I've seen that picture before. It always makes me laugh XD
This was found on Facebook. Guess which one is winning?
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Post by jelly »

bookworm wrote:No comment from Justin about the incident yet, but he posted a picture of himself outside the jail and a similar photo of Michael Jackson, apparently claiming there’s a parallel with his situation.
This is way too telling. The guy has a serious ego complex. :(
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Post by bookworm »

Makeup Bieber Bulletin:

And the roller coaster continues. Last we heard, Jelena was reportedly back together after a series of three breakups and subsequent reunions, but there was no official confirmation of this. Or that they broke up in the first place for that matter. (See the Year in Review for a full timeline.)
This seemed to be confirmed when it was found they spent the night together again. But then a report came that Selena had banned Justin’s music from the after party for her movie premiere. When someone requested Beauty and the Beat the DJ responded “No, I'm sorry I can't play it. I was told specifically from her people that any Justin Bieber songs were off limits tonight.” So then people thought they must not be together.
The first official and straight address of the rumors was finally put forth when Selena appeared on David Letterman and confirmed she was single, after which she jokingly said she made Justin cry. It was then reported that Selena was getting help from Taylor Swift to write a song about the breakup. Selena also appeared on Ellen and again indicated the relationship was over.
But then Selena flew to Norway to meet Justin’s tour. Around the same time some observant photographers noticed that Justin’s phone screensaver was a photo of Selena, and a recent photo at that, which they found interesting. And then Justin and Selena were seen hugging and kissing with someone remarking “They looked really in love, like no fights ever happened before. It definitely looked like they were back together.”
Further confusion ensued when Justin posted a photo of the two of them on Instagram but then deleted it, reportedly at Selena’s request, though a few days later he posted another which was more intimate.
Selena remained with Justin’s tour from Olso to Copenhagen and then Stockholm where they were seen at a hotel together.
So despite finally having what seemed like a real answer, questions remain.

Three tattoos in one month apparently wasn’t good enough for Justin; he then got three more in a matter of days!
He added a koi fish and then a tiger on his arm and an angel on his wrist. The angel bears an uncanny resemblance to Selena, causing speculators to wonder if this is another sign they are indeed back together. This brings his tattoo total to fifteen, I believe. It’s getting hard to keep track.

Apparently Justin isn’t only interesting in getting tattoos, but giving them as well. After getting one a while back he returned the favor and inked the artist. But because he doesn’t have a license, he may be fined.

Justin and Usher have been sued for $10 million for alleged copyright infringement on the song Somebody to Love.

Police searched Justin’s bus while he was in Sweden and found marijuana and a stun gun, but charges won’t be filed because police don’t know who the items belonged to.
Justin’s representative claims there was actually nothing found in the search, despite the police statement to the contrary.

It seems his concert wasn’t the only thing Justin was late to recently. He was reportedly six hours late to a photo shoot in Denmark and when he finally showed up it’s said he threw a tantrum over the outfit that was provided.

A fan rushed at Justin while he was on stage in Dubai, but she was immediately (and forcefully) tackled by security. The incident sent the piano Justin was playing tumbling over. Yet remarkably, like with the puking episode, if you watch the video the song isn’t interrupted at all. I’m telling you, The Biebs is magic. His performances continue even when he isn’t singing.

Justin was fined for speeding in Dubai.

Lil Twist got into Bieber news once again. This time not for crashing his car, but for crashing his house. While Justin was in Europe Twist held a big pot party at JB’s mansion.
In response to criticism for the negative influence he seems to be having on Justin in these constant reports, Twist posted a strange message online. He goes on an expletive laced rant about how he doesn’t care what people think and the people judging him are the real villains, but uses sporadic interjections like ‘lol’ that don’t seem to fit with the attitude of the rest of the message. Then he abruptly changes his tone in the last sentence and says “U know what Im gonna clean up my act.” It’s very weird. (Note that the link contains language, mostly censored.)

Justin got a double gold grill for his teeth.

Justin has been banned from an Austrian night club due to alleged destructive and abusive behavior by his bodyguards.

Justin pulled another phone number prank on Twitter, but took a lesson from the previous debacle and didn’t involve innocent victims. For April Fool’s he tweeted “As promised taking all fan phone calls” and a phone number which went to the TMZ tip line.

A bizarre video surfaced on the web of Justin urinating into a mop bucket at a restaurant and swearing at a photo of Bill Clinton. When the video started getting attention, Justin phoned President Clinton to apologize.

Justin was booed while accepting the Milestone Award at the Billboard Music Awards.

Justin may not have passed Lady Gaga on Twitter after all. An investigation found that almost half of his followers are fake accounts. But then an investigation into the investigation reported that it’s much fewer than that. Apparently the first report’s criteria were too vague. Either way though, Gaga apparently still has more real followers.

Featured JB tweet:
@justinbieber wrote:Just went for a night hike. Love nature.
10:41 AM - 8 Dec 2013

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Post by Woody »

Is it true that the charges for DUI and drag racing have been dropped?
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Post by bookworm »

That is not true, several media sources jumped to conclusions after misinterpreting their information. At this time all charges still stand. Including a new one, because:

Breaking Bieber Bulletin:

Justin has been arrested again! This time he is charged with assault in relation to an incident that occurred last month.


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Post by Blitz »

Sheesh. All JB's news is bad.
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Blitz....do not flirt when you have a gf already!!!! Gahhhhhh..these tweens need to learn proper gentlemanly behaviour!!!
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Post by Shtakji »

~JCGJ~ wrote:
This picture is priceless.. xD
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Post by bookworm »

Makeup Bieber Bulletin:

What do you know, the news once more turns to JB’s hair. He debuted a new style that deeply divided his fans in reactions.

Now that the thread has been brought full circle to its origin, we move on to further coverage of two topics that have been running threads in news stories ever since that origin.

Jelena confusion continues to continue.
Justin posted a photo of the couple with only one word in the description: “#heartbreaker” Speculators wonder if this remark means they have split again or not. Or it could simply be a reference to his new song which is thus titled. Which people also speculate may be about Selena.
Justin then showed up at Selena’s 21st birthday party. Reportedly he brought a single rose and Selena cried when she saw him. The two spent a long time alone and then apparently left together.

We’ve seen Justin go nuts with the tattoos lately, and he didn’t slow down.
He went on a crazy tattoo blitz over a couple months getting a knight, a castle, a globe that apparently represents Jesus as it’s on a cross with a crown of thorns, an eyeball which represents his mom, and a rose. These are all on the same arm as the previous three, so he now has a full sleeve. If counting them individually, this makes twenty total.

In other news:

Justin found himself the target of another paternity claim. (If anyone somehow doesn’t remember the first one a rundown can be found in the 2012 Year in Review.)
This time a 25 year old claims her four year old, born in 2010, is Justin’s child. Like in the Yeater scandal, if this woman’s story is true it means she would have gotten pregnant while Justin was underage, making her open to charges of statutory rape.

Jimmy Kimmel decided to find out how blindly Beliebers would defend Justin. He said Justin did a bunch of made up things and then asked if they thought they were okay. The results should be funny, but I find them more disturbing than humorous. Apparently young girls think “everyone makes mistakes” like using tires made of baby seals, it’s just “being a teenager” to urinate on the U.S. flag, and “it depends on the circumstances” if it’s okay to hit your grandmother so hard she has to be hospitalized.

In another experiment with Belieber fanaticism, a radio show in Norway requested girls convert to Islam to get concert tickets.

When Justin was in Norway, five schools rescheduled midterm exams so students could go to his concert.

Déjà vu all over again and again and again. Lil Twist was pulled over once more for speeding in Justin’s car.

Justin posted a photo of himself and Lil Za drinking beers in South Africa where he is of legal drinking age.

The stadium Justin performed at in South Africa was robbed.

Justin stopped his concert in Istanbul so Islamic attendees could honor their prayers.

A billboard against raising the minimum wage suggested that the idea made Justin sad.

You may recall that a while back it was reported that Justin claims ownership of any photos taken at his parties. It has now surfaced that it’s apparently even more than that.
Reportedly, Justin requires guests at his home to sign a nondisclosure agreement that threatens a $5 million lawsuit if anyone gives any details on pretty much anything that happens, and also releases him from any liability if someone gets hurt or dies. You can read the full thing here.

On the subject of photos, Justin apparently doesn’t only consider ones taken at his parties as his property, but actually any taken of him anywhere. He got into two separate incidents on the same day with photographers taking pictures of him while he was out skateboarding. In one he ordered his bodyguard to confiscate the camera and refused to give the memory card back, even when the photographer said he would delete the photos. In the other a bodyguard allegedly choked a photographer to get his camera.
The lawyer of the first photographer is demanding the return of the card and threatening a lawsuit, while the other photographer has already sued for punitive damages claiming the bodyguard not only physically accosted him, but also threatened him with a gun.

Former NFL player Keyshawn Johnson is the latest to complain about Justin’s reckless driving. After witnessing Justin fly through the neighborhood, Johnson tried to confront him but Justin wouldn’t listen so he went to the police who are investigating the incident.
After the story broke Tyler the Creator tweeted in defense of Justin claiming he was the one driving, despite eyewitness identification to the contrary.
Security video later confirmed this. Tyler was the one that had been driving, but Justin was in the car when Johnson arrived because he was paring it, so that’s what caused the confusion.

Featured JB tweet:
@justinbieber wrote:#pray4philippines most touching trip of my life. #givebackphilippines
1:57 AM - 10 Dec 2013

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Post by Woody »

More Jelena madness, tattoos, and Lil Twist driving JB's car. Coulda predicted it :p
Last edited by Woody on Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bookworm »

Makeup Bieber Bulletin:

Jelena, Jelena, always Jelena.
Remember when Selena banned Justin’s music? Now it’s his turn. Selena’s music is reportedly off limits during his photo shoots.
Selena’s new song Love Will Remember is clearly about the couple, even featuring an apparent voicemail from Justin.
In an interview Selena again repeated that she was “definitely single” but this time added that she and Justin still enjoy each others company. That could explain the confusing on-again appearance that’s been coming and going. The split was thought to be hard on each of them, so seeing them together indicated reconciliation. But if it was an amiable separation, then of course they can continue to hang out as friends.
While performing Love Will Remember on stage Selena became very emotional, leading some people to believe the breakup hurts more than she lets on, but others to believe she was just faking.

It looks like this guy got his wish. Justin has booked a flight to space for $250,000 and wants to shoot a music video while he’s up there.

Justin was investigated for a possible hit-and-run after sideswiping a photographer, but was cleared.

Justin is no longer the most viewed YouTube artist, he was passed by Rhianna.

Lil Twist and Lil Za in the news again. They were caught on video speeding and being hostile to a neighbor.
A few weeks later Twist was pulled over for, wait for it, speeding in Justin’s car. Bet you never could have guessed. New to the story this time though is he was also arrested for DUI.

Justin forgot his lyrics during a concert.

A paparazzi is attempting to file a lawsuit against Justin for an alleged assault that happened over a year ago. Why he waited so long I don’t know.

Justin went to an indoor skydiving place and arranged a deal where his crew could get in for free if he posted a photo and positive comment on Instagram. The establishment agreed and waived the $1,600 fee, but say not only were Justin and his friends rude to the staff, he also never posted the promised photo. They said he is banned for life.

Justin tweeted that he was going to Omaha Mall so of course hundreds of Beliebers packed the place to see him, causing a near riot. He never showed. It’s unclear if it was a prank, or if plans just changed.

Justin donated 200 concert tickets to victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes.

Justin caused a major uproar when he posted photos of his visit to the Chicago Blackhawks locker room. He was apparently unaware that it’s a huge no-no to stand on the team logo, which he did while taking a picture of the Stanley Cup. Fans and players quickly expressed their anger. As a response, when Justin went to Boston the Bruins roped off their logo in case he tried the same thing. As payback, some fans brought a giant picture of Justin’s face to a Blackhawks convention for people to step on.

A nightclub has been cited for giving Justin alcohol.

Justin seems to have a thing for spitting on people. Remember he allegedly spat in the face of a neighbor confronting him about his driving. Now he allegedly spat in the face of someone he thought was taking pictures of him, after confiscating his device which is something else he’s been doing a lot.
Then a week later yet another spitting incident. Photos appear to show Justin spitting on a group of fans gathered below his hotel balcony in Canada. Justin’s representative insists the photo is fake, but the source stands by the story.

Déjà vu. A few months after marijuana was found on Justin’s bus in Sweden, it happened again. This time the bus was stopped at the Canada U.S. border and officers again found pot. Like the first time though, they were unable to determine who it belonged to.

Justin released his third perfume which is called The Key.

More tattos. Justin got an angel wing on his arm, a Bible verse (Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.") on his back, an eagle on his shoulder, and a star on his arm sleeve.

Justin wore a Guy Fawkes mask which angered the hacker group Anonymous who use it as their identifier.

Justin’s crew is under investigation for reported involvement in a nightclub brawl.

Justin reportedly had driving privileges revoked after police discovered he doesn’t have a valid California license.

Featured JB tweet:
@justinbieber wrote:Always get up when u get knocked down instagram.com/p/h2VlmXgvqa/
11:13 PM - 12 Dec 2013

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Post by Woody »

Yikes, how predictable can this guy get?

I must say, I love the idea of standing on his face. xD
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Post by bookworm »

Makeup Bieber Bulletin:

Similar to the disastrous overseas tour, Justin had a terrible time in South America with one negative story emerging after another.

It started when a story broke claiming Justin had paid for one or more prostitutes while in Panama.

He was then allegedly caught leaving a brothel in Brazil with two women, presumably prostitutes. The person in the photos is not positively identifiable, but the stories point to a tattoo as identification.

He was reportedly kicked out of his hotel for excessive partying.

He was hit by a water bottle during a concert in Brazil and walked offstage, never to return. This angered fans who didn’t think it fair the actions of one person prematurely ended the show for the rest of them.

He showed up late to both a concert and a fan meet and greet.

He also came under fire for disrespecting the flag of Argentina by kicking it aside onstage. He issued an apology saying he didn’t realize it was a flag.

During another Brazil concert he was rushed and hugged by a shirtless male fan.

He was then fined for vandalism after spray painting a wall. He was apparently given permission to pain another wall, but thought the area was too dangerous so he did a different one instead.

A short video clip showing a mysterious young woman standing over Justin while he was sleeping went viral. She was identified as a guest at one of Justin’s after parties. She says she didn’t want the video to go public, it was supposed to just be for a friend to prove she was with Justin. She then went on to claim she had slept with Justin that night. (That part of the story is not linked to because it is explicitly detailed.)

Justin may have been kicked out of another hotel because his fans were being too crazy, or this may just be new details on the first one, it isn’t clear.

He then ended a concert in Argentina early, apparently because he had food poisoning.

Quite a crazy trip.

Another ridiculous tattoo blitz - four in four days! Justin got a jester mask, a compass, and the word "love" on alternating arms, and then a treble clef behind his ear. A while later he also got a cross on his chest and the word "forgive" on his hip.

Someone threw their phone onstage during a concert so Justin put it in his pants.

Miley Cyrus teamed up with Justin and Lil Twist for a song about twerking.

Justin was apparently involved in another nightclub scuffle, but this time it was someone else instigating.

Justin posted a photo of himself with a script for Batman vs. Superman leading people to wonder if he’s being considered for a part.

Justin was apparently had people carry him up the Great Wall of China.

Justin sprayed graffiti on the wall of an Australian hotel, drawing criticism. In response the hotel made it clear that he had asked permission and they had granted it. Nonetheless, the city ordered it to be removed. This is Justin’s second graffiti incident; I wonder if this is his new thing, going around spray painting places he visits.

Justin was late to two, maybe three, of his concerts in Australia.

Justin’s time atop Twitter didn’t last very long, he has been passed by Katy Perry.

It seems Justin has finally had enough of Lil Twist and Lil Za drama, he supposedly kicked both of them out of his home. It’s about time. Reportedly the last straw was finding some of his jewelry missing.

The police were called three times with complaints of excessive noise from a party Justin threw.

Justin gave a private concert to a fan who wasn’t able to make a meet and greet session after being injured in a car crash.

On Christmas Eve Justin tweeted that he was retiring, but was apparently joking.

A neighbor accused Justin of egging his house causing $20,000 in damage. Police searched his house for evidence. It’s unclear if they found anything related to the egging, but they did find marijuana, ingredients for sizzurp, and what was first believed to be cocaine but may have been ecstasy. Lil Za was present (it’s unclear if he was just visiting, or if he was staying there meaning Justin didn’t kick him out after all) and police determined the drugs were his. Za was booked for possession and taken to jail. Just as he was about to leave on bail he reportedly destroyed a phone for some reason and so was immediately arrested again, this time for vandalism.

Justin’s manager wants him to take a break for a year.

Justin invited a graffiti artist to the premiere of his Believe movie and did some painting with him. It seems he does indeed have a thing for graffiti these days.

Justin went to a strip club for a friend’s birthday party and ‘made it rain’ $75,000 in $1 bills.

Justin had another bizarre urination incident. He apparently had his vehicle pull over while driving through a neighborhood in Colorado so he could pee his initials in the show.

Justin got an unapproved police escort causing the officers involved to be suspended.

A petition was started on the White House site We The People to deport Justin because he’s a bad influence on youth. In under a week it received 100,000 signatures, the level that requires an official response from the Obama administration. Another petition was started, this one requesting Justin not be deported, but it failed to get much traction.

Justin was reportedly denied entrance to four Super Bowl parties because the establishments didn’t want to be associated with him due to his recent negative behavior.

Justin posted a photo of himself smoking a cigar in Cuba.


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Post by Marvin D. »

Yeah, this is slightly disturbing.
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Post by bookworm »

Three years ago today every corner of the internet was focused on Justin Bieber’s hair, except this site. I took it upon myself to fill that gap as it was apparently the most important thing to ever happen and I didn’t want us to be left out. I never imagined that the result would become what it has. A fleeting topic developed into an examination of the life of celebrity and the effects it has on a person, and the people around them. It’s become something that has been at times humorous, at times disturbing, but always interesting to observe. Now here we are, three full years of Bieber news coverage and counting. As I said last year, this was originally a retaliation against the unsolicited imposition of Bieber into my life, but developed into something that necessitated constant Bieber in my life. Who would have thought?

As always, to celebrate this milestone I will compile what I consider the most memorable stories of the past year. That’s calendar year, not posting year, because of course I took an extended break due to life and have just now finally caught things back up just in time for this. Under the circumstances a review post may seem unnecessary because the stories are still fresh in our minds, but I’m putting it together anyway because being a memory aid is only part of the purpose.
This isn’t just a way to recall the highlight stories, it’s a way to see their relation to each other. The news bulletins don’t always present the stories chronologically, but this timeline does. In the bulletins you get the information of what’s happened, but this is where you can follow the progression of what’s happened. In these twelve months in particular, that’s something interesting to see.

And also of note by the way, this happens to be the 1,000th post in this thread! I can’t believe it worked out like that, it was completely unplanned.
The timeline will be edited in here later because organization on it is not quite finished, but my retrospective is:

We watched last year as Justin appeared to begin spiraling downward, and we watched this year as that appearance was confirmed. His behavior became increasingly questionable, whether it was his apparently uncontrollable addiction to tattoos, being disrespectful and rude, or multiple instances of being outright belligerent. Repeated run-ins with the law, be it concerning speeding, marijuana, violence, or otherwise, finally culminated in not one, but two arrests. I’m not a Bieber fan, but I’m not a hater either. I don’t want to see him get to the point of no return. I really hope that in the next twelve months we don’t have to read about more of the same, but we see him wake up, get some good supporters behind him, and clean up his act.

I don’t know what causes young celebrities to get off track like this. In Justin’s case I’m certain hanging around people like Lil Za and Lil Twist didn’t help. The incessant appearances of their negative news reports was approaching ridiculous, it’s clear they were bad influences. Whatever has been pulling Justin the wrong way I sincerely hope it can be identified and countered before it’s too late. As we prepare to enter another year of Bieber, I get a feeling that we’re about at the tipping point. Justin has to make a decision about what direction he wants his life to go. I hope he makes the right one. Only time will tell, and we’ll be here to follow it.


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